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Overview of Academic Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees

Overview of Academic Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees. What / Whom to consult?. Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs Members of the Graduate (Ph.D.) Committee: BIO – Uğur Sezerman EECS – Mehmet Keskinöz , Berrin Yanıkoğlu , Mustafa Ünel , Cem Öztürk IE – Kerem Bülbül

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Overview of Academic Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees

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  1. Overview of Academic Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees

  2. What / Whom to consult? Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs Members of the Graduate (Ph.D.) Committee: • BIO – Uğur Sezerman • EECS – Mehmet Keskinöz, Berrin Yanıkoğlu, Mustafa Ünel, Cem Öztürk • IE –Kerem Bülbül • MAT – Alpay Taralp • MATH – Cem Güneri Administrative Staff: Çağla Gürsu / Işıl Önal Academic Advisor, Academic Calendar

  3. Registration Highlights You must be registered every semester during your study at S.U. Courses offered during each semester is posted on the Web for Faculty/Studentsbefore the beginning of the registration period. Advisors – An academic advisor is assigned to monitor your personal and academic development and provide guidance in the registration, add-drop, etc. processes of courses. Thesis advisor, once chosen, becomes your academic advisor. Semester registration – • Must beduring the specified dates. • Make-up period during add-drop dates(during the 2nd week of semester)– approval of the advisor is needed. • If you have a good reason, which is found acceptable and approved by Grad. School and the President, then you may be granted a right to register within 2 weeks following the add-drop period.

  4. Instruction Highlights (1) Academic Assessment and Grades –Success in the courses are evaluated through home works, mid-terms, final exam,projects, etc. A make-up for an exam may be granted by the faculty member, if your excuse is found valid. There are no compensation (bütünleme) exams. The lowest passing grades are “C” and “S” for credit and non-credit courses respectively. I = Incomplete P = Progressing S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory T = Transfer NA = Non attendance

  5. Instruction Highlights (2) Exemption from Courses – Students who had taken courses earlier at another graduate program, recognized by YÖK, can make a request to be exempted from these courses. • Apply to the Grad. School within 15 days following the registration. • If the equivalence of the course is accepted, “T” grade will be given. • Depending on the number of exempted courses, amount of time to be reduced off the maximum period of education will be determined. Repeating Courses – • Students who get an F, U, NA, D, D+, C- grade for a course must take the subject course again. • If the course is elective or has been dropped from the curriculum, then a substitute course must be taken upon approval of the advisor. • If the grade is B or better the course cannot be repeated. Substituting Courses – Only elective courses and courses taken out of a program can be substituted.  Required courses cannot be substituted. See the Instruction Letterfor further details.

  6. Instruction Highlights (3) Dismissal – • If CGPA is below 2.00 in any semester, • If CGPA is below 2.50 in two consecutive terms, • If the thesis study grade (in M.S. with thesis) is “U” in two consecutive terms, • If the course load cannot be completed within specified semester limits (see below for the limits) and/or if the CGPA is below 3.00 at the end of the period of the related program, • If the program cannot be completed within the prescribed period, • If the thesis is rejected by theJury, • If not successful in the Doctoral Qualifying Examtwice, • If the Ph.D. thesis proposal is rejected for the second time, • (After completing the Doctoral Qualifying Exam)if the requested extra courses cannot be completed by the end of the 6th semester.

  7. Highlights for M.S. with Thesis (1) Requirements and Periods – Following are general rules. Each program may have additional requirements regarding courses to be taken and so on. • Thesis advisor is chosen in the 2nd semester. • 7 courses (min. 21 total credits), a non-credit course (grad. seminar), a thesis. • Must be registered to M.S. thesis course every term starting with the 3rd semester. • Completion of courses in at most 4 semesters; max. of 2 semesters may be granted by the Grad. School for thesis completion. • A minimum CGPA of 3.00 at the end of the program. • Can take up to two courses from the undergraduate program upon approval of Grad. School. • Can take graduate courses from other higher education institutes upon approval of Grad. School.

  8. Highlights for M.S. with Thesis (2) Thesis – • The Thesis Jury consists of 3 or5 people (see the Instruction Letter for the formation of the Jury). • The thesis is written and defended in English. • An unbound copy is provided to each jury member; jury meets within one month and preparesa report; exam takes place within 3 days (preferably on the same day). • Thesis exam has two phases: (i) presentation; (ii) questions and answers.The exam is open to everyone. • Jury accepts, rejects or requests modification of the thesis. • If thesis is to be modified,it is defended against the same Jury within a max.of 3 months. • If the thesis is accepted, and other requirements are fulfilled, student submits min. 3 bound copies of the thesis to the Grad. School within one month of the date of the exam.

  9. M.S. and Double M.S. without Thesis See the Instruction Letterfor details.

  10. Highlights of Ph.D. Programs (1) Requirements and Periods – • With M.S.7 courses (min. 21 total credits); With B.S. 14 courses (min. 42 credits), qualifying exam, and a dissertation. • Completion of courses in at most 4 semesters (with M.S.); 6 semesters (with B.S.). • Completion of the program in 8 semesters (with M.S.); 10 semesters (with B.S.). Max. of 4 semesters may be granted by the Grad. School for dissertation completion. • A minimum CGPA of 3.00 at the end of the program. • Can take graduate courses from other higher education institutes upon approval of Grad. School. • Those accepted to Ph.D. Program with B.S. may take up to 2 undergrad. courses upon approval of Grad. School.

  11. Highlights of Ph.D. Programs (2) Courses Qualifying Exam – written Qualifying Exam – oral Thesis proposal Thesis Defense

  12. Highlights of Ph.D. Programs (3) Qualifying Exam – Coordinated by the Ph.D. Committee. • Must be completed within 5 semesters (with M.S.); 7 semesters (with B.S.). However, you are encouraged to take the exam as soon as possible. • Must have a valid and sufficient score in one of the following English language exams: 60 in KPDS; 60 in ÜDS; 213/550 in TOEFL; 6.0 in each section of IELTS. • The Doctoral Qualifying Exam is given in both written and oral form by a jury consisting of 3 faculty members. • Students who are not successful in the exammust take it again in the following semester (if, of course, the first attempt is not in the 5th or 7th semester). • Ph.D. committee may ask the student, who is successful in theQualifying Exam,to take additional courses even if the course load is completed.During this additional period, the student must get a CGPA of minimum 2.00 at the end of each semester and must complete all courses with a CGPA of minimum 3.00 having achieved a “C” grade on each course at the end of the 6th semester. http://fens.sabanciuniv.edu/doktora for further details (content, etc.).

  13. Highlights of Ph.D. Programs (3) Thesis Committee and Defense of Thesis Proposal– Upon completion of the Doctoral Qualifying Exam • A Thesis Committee,consisting of 3 faculty members, is formed by the Graduate School (see the Instruction Letter for the formation of the Thesis Committee). • The student defends his/her thesis proposal (including the purpose, method and study plan of the research) before the Thesis Committee within six months. A written report on this issue is to be given to the members of the Committee in maximum fifteen days before the verbal defense.The Committee accepts or rejects the thesis proposal. • If the proposal is rejected the student is entitled to select a new advisor and a new subject. Students who continue with the same advisor are asked for proposal defense within 3 months and students who change the thesis subject within 6 months. • The Thesis Committee meets twice a year (in periods during January-June and July-December) for students whose thesis proposal is accepted.

  14. Highlights of Ph.D. Programs (4) Thesis – • Defence at least one semester after the proposal stage. The thesis is written and defended in English. • Thesis Jury consists of 5 members (see the Instruction Letter for the formation of the Jury). • A copy is provided to each jury member and the exam takes place within one month. Defence location/date is announced at least one week in advance. • Thesis exam has two phases: (i) presentation; (ii) questions and answers - open to everyone. • Jury accepts, rejects or requests modification. If thesis is to be modified,it is defended before the same jury within 6 months. • If the thesis is accepted, and other requirements are fulfilled, student submits min. 3 bound copies of the thesis to the Grad. School within one month of the date of the exam.

  15. Other matters • You are strongly recommended to consult the Instruction Letter for Graduate Programs for further information. • For specific requirements of different programs, visit the link. • Handbook for the Preparation of Sabancı University Graduate Thesis and Dissertations – consult Writing Center if necessary. • S.U. Grad. Scholarship is granted at most for 4 semesters in MS and 8/10 semesters in PhD. • It is your responsibility to follow the deadlines, hand the thesis in on time, etc.

  16. Wish you success in your studies at Sabancı University.

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