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DISEASES in Islamic Movement

DISEASES in Islamic Movement. What is Islamic Movement. Islamic Movement is an organization, or party of Muslims, gathered on Islamic principles of organization, striving within Islamic guidelines to establish al Islam in its totality as the only guiding light over all spheres of human life.

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DISEASES in Islamic Movement

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  1. DISEASES in Islamic Movement

  2. What is Islamic Movement • Islamic Movement is an organization, or party of Muslims, gathered on Islamic principles of organization, striving within Islamic guidelines to establish al Islam in its totality as the only guiding light over all spheres of human life.

  3. Four aspects of this definition • It is an organization of Muslims who have voluntarily and consciously submitted themselves to the discipline of the jamaah. • The I.M (Islamic Movement) is established according to the principles of organization shown in the Quran and by the model of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.).

  4. Four aspects of this definition • The methodology of a I.M is also derived from the models of prophets, especially the example of the last prophet, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). • All areas of activity and struggle of this I.M are directed towards one goal, which is to establish al Islam as the guiding light in all areas of life and thus seek the pleasure of almighty Allah and success in the life hereafter.

  5. Classification of Diseases in IM • I-ORGANIZATION’s,METHODOLOGY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES II- Leadership III-Workers

  6. Loss of focus on true goal “He has appointed for you the same way of life which he had ordained for Noah and which (O Muhammad) we have now revealed to you, and which we had already enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus, stressing this” establish this way and be not divided in it.” Shura, 42:13

  7. Displaced focus • Too much emphasis on the organization and its inner issues like constitution and bylaws, elections • Focus on some methodologies like Social service Political action Mega projects ,e.g., economic or business projects Building some institutions Conventions

  8. Defective Methodology • A. Way to Establish an I.M O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam. And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves; Ale Imran 3:102,103 Al- Quran has made it clear that the only uniting force in an Islamic Jama’ah is the Deen of Allah (s.w.t). There should be no other bond of union like nationality, race, color, language, or material interests, etc

  9. Amarah or Leadership. O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). Hujurat; 49:13

  10. Sama and Ta’ah. Listening and obeying the Ameer O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination. Nisa, 4:59

  11. Mutual consultation (Shura). Those that hearken to their Lord and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance. Shura 42:38

  12. Ways this concept may be neglected or disregarded, • A person may not limit the expression of his opinion in a specific forum • A worker may present his opinion in the Jama’ah’s defined forum, but insist that it is the best and must be adopted. • Workers may be preoccupied with side issues and get accustomed to criticizing the Jama’ah and Ghiba (backbiting) of the leadership. • Divisions and dissentions may be rampant, leading to eventual destruction of the Jama’ah.

  13. Accountability (Muhasibah O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every soul look to what (provision) he has sent forth for the morrow. Yea fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do. Hashar 59:18 How is this principle violated: There may not be any Muhasaba in the Jama’ah Principles of Muhasaba may not be followed. Muhasabah is done only for name sake.

  14. Akhu’wah or Mutual love and brotherhood The believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers: And fear Allah that ye may receive Mercy. Hujurat 49:10

  15. Characteristics of the Struggle of an IM • Ideological. • Ethical. • Missionary. • Program designed on Ijtehad and not tajaddud ( compromise and innovation)

  16. Ijtehad vs Tajaddud • Ijtehad: 1- An analysis of the situation as it prevails in the society. 2-In the light of this diagnosis, a plan of action is made. 3--For the preparation of a realistic strategy, an evaluation of the resources available to the Islamic Movement will have to be made

  17. Tajaddud or compromise and innovation • To draw towards a system primarily interested in material comforts and worldly conquests to the neglect of the moral aspects of Islam. • To destroy the balance that Islam established between the spiritual and material dimensions of life. • To compromise with the form of dominant system of the age and produce a new mixture of Islam and Jahiliyyah. • To adopt the substance of non-Islamic system, but express them under the label of Islam by misusing the Islamic terminology.

  18. II-Diseases affecting leadership • 1-Desire and efforts to seek leadership As for the abode of the Hereafter, We assign it unto those who seek not position of authority (or leadership) in earth and nor disruption. The sequel is for those who are fearful of Allah. (Al-Qasas: 83)

  19. Ahadith on this subject • "The most dishonest among you is one who seeks it (leadership)." (Abu-Dawood) • "Don't seek rule. If you are given (leadership) for asking, you will be entrusted to it. If it is given to you, without, asking, you will be aided therein." (Bukhari) • “I swear by Allah! We do not give this leadership to anyone who seeks it or is greedy for it." (Bukhari)

  20. 2-Pride and Arrogance • How does arrogance develop in individuals? - When someone is working in an Islamic Jama’ah, his moral status is usually better than others. He develops some good qualities and capabilities and he performs some good deeds. Others in and outside the Jama’ah give him some recognition. At that moment Satan starts putting these ideas in his mind that he is someone great and better than others. Self praise and highlighting individual achievements become a habit for such person.

  21. How to prevent this disease • Jama’ah and all its members must remain vigilant about this negative trait. There must be constant reminder that greatness and real pride belong to Allah (s.w.t.). Everyone must develop humility. Whenever some task is done, one must thank Allah (s.w.t.) for it and keep an eye upon shortcomings and weaknesses. One should always ask Allah’s (s.w.t.) forgiveness.

  22. 3-Show off and seeking recognition- (Riya) Consequences of Riya- • Riya negates the value of good deed in the sight of Allah (s.w.t.). • With Riya one is not able to perform any good deed appropriately since there is concern to get more praise and approval.

  23. Prevention- • At individual level, one must try to do some good deeds secretly, e.g., Tahajjud, charity etc. One must always keep an eye upon his intentions and make sure it is purely to seek the pleasure of Allah (s.w.t.). If there is any sign of Riya, one must ask Allah (s.w.t.) protection • Jama’ah must discourage any trends to show off performance. Reports of work should be published only as necessary.

  24. 4- Desire and Intention for Material Benefits- • There must not be any intention to achieve some material benefits like power, money, position or favors. • All endeavors must be purely to seek pleasure of Allah (s.w.t.) and the success in the Hereafter. • It requires lot of Tazkia and Mujahida (struggle). • Jama’ah and its leadership should keep an eye upon itself to make sure this disease does not affect its rank and files.

  25. 5-Considering oneself perfect and better than others- (Hubb-e- Nafs) • It starts with the feeling in a person that he is free of mistakes. • He ignores his personal weaknesses and provides an explanation for such weaknesses satisfying him. Then he expects others to believe the same about him. • He only likes to listen to praise and does not like criticism.

  26. Stages of deterioration in this disease • Person creates jealousy (Hasad) in his heart against those who are better than him • . Then he engages in undue prying (Tajussus) in other’s matters to find faults in them. • This leads him to back biting (Ghiba) • conspiring (Najwah). • One may go on to lying (Kizb) • and false allegation (Bhutan).

  27. Consequences- • If this disease afflicts one or few individuals, its devastating effects are limited. However, if there are many people affected with it, then it can result in disruption of the whole Jama’ah. • This disease can result in grouping within the Jama’ah. Each group may engage in backbiting, tattle tailing, conspiring with vengeance and hatred in their hearts for each other. • Mutual relations are damaged. Tension, hostility and animosity take roots in the hearts expressed by verbal attacks.

  28. Remedy • Istighfar or asking Allah’s forgiveness- Quran has stressed upon the believers to engage in Istighfar frequently. • Guard against Hasad-Jealousy and animosity • Avoid Tajussus, Namima, Ghiba • Avoid sinful Najwah(secret consultation) when it is done in secrecy from the Jama’ah in order to make a scheme against another individual or group. It may result in Jama’ah’s fragmentation and mutual disputes and conflicts.

  29. 6-Extremism and Imbalance in thoughts and actions O people of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: NISA 4:171 Prophet (s.a.w.) instructed us in the following Ahadith on this subject: 1-Beware! Do not go to extremism (Ghulu). People before you were destroyed due to this extremism. 2-Ibn Masood reports that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said three times, “Extremists are destroyed.” 3-“Give (permissible) concessions (in Islam) and do not cause hardship. Give glad tidings and do not provoke disliking. 4-“You have been sent (to the mankind) to provide ease and not to make it (religion) hard.” 5-It never happened that the Prophet (s.a.w.) was given choice between two matters and he did not select the easier one except when it was sinful. ( Bukhari and Muslim)

  30. 7- Narrow-mindedness-(Shuh-e- Nafs) And those saved from the covetousness of their own souls they are the ones that achieve prosperity. Hashar 59:9

  31. Symptoms • Minimizing one’s mistakes but magnifying others and not forgiving them. • Considers his difficulties very important but others difficulties are just excuses for him. • Enforcing one likes upon others, but do not give any importance to other’s likings. • Unnecessary criticism upon other’s opinion or stand. • When he is criticized he reacts violently and in rage. • No tolerance to others remarks which may be different from his position. • Bitterness in relations and in mutual arguments resulting in frequent in fights.

  32. Consequences- • Mutual disliking and hatred. • Repeated bickering and argumentations. • Grouping and in fights.

  33. REMEDY • Generosity in giving time and spending upon others. • Forgiveness to others and overlooking their minor mistakes. • Being flexible and give concessions to others wherever possible in Jama’ah. • Develop tolerance to others criticism. • Be very kind and soft hearted towards others. • Keep an eye upon one’s mistakes and look at others virtues. • Prefer to absorb hurting remarks and never hurt others with theirs. • Support those who are falling back in their endeavors rather than pushing them out.

  34. 8- Weak- Determination and Inactivity: Symptoms: • He tries to avoid responsibilities. • He does not like to spend time, money or effort for the Jama’ah. • He prefers all other engagement in his life upon Jama’ah work. • He only maintains minimal contact with the Jama’ah.

  35. More Symptoms • He presents different excuses to cover his lack of activity. • He may start telling lies to cover his inactivity. • When he sees that he is going to be exposed regarding his inactivity, then he starts criticizing the Jama’ah and its leadership.

  36. Remedy • Jama’ah should assess whether the reason for inactivity is weak determination or there are some genuine reasons to be addressed. • Whenever such attitude is brought to notice, Jama’ah should try to correct it with advice and reminder. • Such person should be put through Muhasibah so that others may not follow his example. • Jama’ah must not allow such persons to hide this weakness behind lies and deception. These must be exposed and corrective action be taken.

  37. III- Diseases amongst the workers • 1-Causing verbal insults and calling names Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (Indeed) doing wrong. Hujurat 49:11

  38. Following Ahadith of the Prophet (s.a.w.) explain this further: • Ibn Masood (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” To call names to a Muslim is sinful and to fight with him is Kufr.” Mishkat. • Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “A believer never sends taunts or curses upon others. He never uses foul language or insulting language.”

  39. 2-Ghiba or Backbiting • Ghiba means to mentions someone’s shortcomings to others in his absence. This is a deplorable sin since the person is not present to defend himself. Quran has condemned this sin in the following words:

  40. 3-Namima or Gossiping • It means reporting any hearsay to others and spreading rumors. Quran has called this to be an evil habit Neither obey you each feeble oath monger, Detractor, spreader abroad of slanders, Hinderer of the good, transgressor, malefactor Greedy therewithal, intrusive. Qalam 68:10-13

  41. 4-Reminding our brother of his mistakes on his face or in front of others to humiliate him • This habit sows the seeds of hatred in the hearts and leads to disruption of mutual relations. Neither defame one another. Hujurat.49: 11

  42. 5-Tajussus or prying in other’s private matters • Do not pry. Hujurat 49:12 • Abdullah Ibn Omar (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” Do not look into their (Muslim’s) private matters. Whoever attempts to look into his brother’s private matters, Allah (s.w.t.) then is determined to publicize his private matters. When Allah (s.w.t.) is determined to do that, He humiliates that person even if he is hiding in his home.” Tirmizi, Mishkat.

  43. 6-Tamaskhar or ridiculing O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former) Hujurat 49: 11

  44. 7-Looking down upon our brother (Ijab) • Abu Hurairah (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” To consider a person undesirable, this reason is enough that he looks down at his brother.” Mishkat • In another Hadith, he enumerated the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim and he included these, “He must not humiliate him and he must not look down upon him.” • Abu Hurairah (r.a.a.) reported that once the Prophet (s.a.w.) was telling him about three things which bring salvation and three things which bring disaster. Then the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “One worst thing which destroys a person is his ‘Ijab’ (or thinking that he is better than others).”

  45. 8-Sinful Suspicion • O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin. Hujurat 49:12 • Abu Hurairah (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” You must avoid sinful suspicion since this is the worst lie.” Bukhari, Muslim

  46. 9Buhtan or False Allegation - But if anyone earns a fault or a sin and throws it on to one that is innocent He carries (on himself) (both) a falsehood and a flagrant sin. Nisa 4:112 And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly bear (on themselves) a calumny and a glaring sin. Ahzab 33:58

  47. 10-Causing harm • This harm could cause mental anguish or physical harm to the body or his property. • Abu Bakr Siddiq (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” Cursed is that person who hurts a Muslim or deceives him.” Mishkat. • Prophet (s.a.w.) also said, “Whoever hurts a Muslim, Allah (s.w.t.) shall hurt him and whoever causes suffering to a Muslim, Allah (s.w.t.) shall bring suffering to him.” Ibn Maja and Tirmizi

  48. 11-Causing sadness and grief • Anas Ibn Malik (r.a.a. reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “Whoever caused grief to a Muslim, he caused grief to Allah (s.w.t.).” Tibrani. • Anas Ibn Malik reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, “If someone fulfils someone’s need to please him, he indeed pleased me. Whoever pleased me, he pleased Allah (s.w.t.). Whoever pleased Allah (s.w.t.), he shall enter him in Jannah.” Baihiqi, Mishkat

  49. 12-Hasad or Jealousy • Hasad is an evil ailment of the heart.It includes disliking of something good in another person, desire that good is removed from him and given to the jealous person. • Reasons for Hasad include personal sense of superiority, pride, vendetta, desire to dominate others, personal failures or just desire for power and status.

  50. Ahadith of the Prophet(s.a.w.) concerning Hasad • “Protect yourself against Hasad. It eats up your good deeds just like fire eats up the wood.” Abu Dawood • Abu Hurairah (r.a.a.) reported that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said,” Do not pry, do not interfere in someone’s business matter, do not be jealous, do not have vendetta, do not be indifferent to each other and do not be greedy. Be like true servants of Allah (s.w.t.) and be brothers.” Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat • “Diseases of the previous nations have affected you. These are Hasad and animosity. They are like shavers. They do not shave hairs, they shave your Deen.” Ahmad, Tirmizi, Mishkat

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