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Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids

Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids. Grass P assionflover Carnation Herba Passiflorae incarnatae P assionflover Carnation – Passiflorae incarnatae Family – Passifloraceae.

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Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids

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  1. Medicinal plant and medicinal plant materials that contain indoles and purines alkaloids

  2. GrassPassionflover Carnation Herba Passiflorae incarnataePassionflover Carnation– Passiflorae incarnataeFamily– Passifloraceae BAS:garmine, garmane, garmol, pectine, flavonoids, ascorbic acid Medications: liquid extract, pasyt, novopasyt Pharmacological activity: sedative means to neurastenia, insomnia, alcoholism

  3. Roots Rauwolfia– Radices RauwolfiaeRauwolfiaserpentina–RauwolfiaserpentinaFamilyКутрові– Apocynaceae BAS:reserpine, rescinamine, aymaline, serpentine Medications:raunatinum, rauvasinum, reserpine (of the adelphane). Rescinamin, каnescin, rекаnescin, ajmalinum Pharmacological activity : hypotensive effect; antiarrhythmic activity

  4. Grass periwinkle– Herba Vincae minoris Periwinkle – Vinca minorFamily Кутрові –Apocynaceae BAS:minorine, vincamine, isovincamine, derivativeeburnane, flavonoide – robinine, leucoantocianes Medications:devincan, vincapan, vincaton Pharmacological activity: hypertension and cerebrovascular spasms

  5. Leaf pink Katarantus – Folia Catharanthi roseiPink Katarantus – Catharanthus roseumFamily Кутрові -Apocynaceae BAS:aymalicine, serpentine, vindoline Medications:rosevinum, vinblastin, vincristin Pharmacological activity: cancer effects;therapy used in leukemia and malignant tumors

  6. Seeds Strychnine – Semina Strychni Strychnine– Strychnos nux-vomicaFamily Логанієві –Loganiaceae BAS:strychnine, brucine, starch, proteins, loganine and chlorogene acid Medications:tinctures and dry extracts Pharmacological activity : Tonic as tools for reflex excitation of CNS

  7. Спориння ерготамінового штамуCornua Stcalis cornuts stam erdotaminiErgot purpurea Claviceps purpureaFamily – Clavicepitaceae БАР:ergoline, ergometrine, Alkaloides Clavine group Medications:Ergotonin, solid and liquid extracts ergot, Ergotal, Ergometrine Maleate, Ergotamine Hydrotartras. Pharmacological activity: adrenolityc mean in neurology; with breast cancer

  8. Coffee seeds – Sеmina CoffeaeArabian coffee tree --Coffea arabicaFam.–Rubiaceae BAS:coffeine, theobromine, theophilline, glucose, dextrin,proteins, fat oil Pharmacological Action: tonic with mental fatigue affects the central nervous system (coffeine), first aid in poisoning

  9. Tea Leaves – Folia TheaeChinese Tea – TheasinensisFamilyTeas – Theaceae BAS:caffeine, a small amount of theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, hipoxanthine, tannins, vitamins C, PP Pharmacological activity: tonic, immunostimulatory

  10. Rhizomes Potbelly yellow – Rhizomata Nupharis luteiPotbelly yellow – Nyphar luteumFamily Лататтєві – Nymphaeaceae BAS:nufaridin: alpha- and beta-nufalerine, nuflein, tannins, carotene, starch Medications: lutenurinum Pharmacological activity: contraceptives means, treat trichomonas and urogenital diseases

  11. Rhizome with the roots hellebore Rhizomata cum radicibusVeratriHellebore Lobel- VeratrumlobelianumFamilyМелантієві - Melantiaceae BAS:tanning compounds, resins Medications: tincture and Aqua Verati Pharmacological activity: as an external anti-inflammatory agent

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