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Rene Brun 30 March 2005

Rene Brun 30 March 2005. ROOT Project Program of work. ROOT Project: People. ROOT SEAL merge. LCG. FNAL & RHIC go ROOT. PAW. BaBar go ROOT. Olivier. LHC++. MOOSE. Philippe. Masa. ZOO RD44 RD45. Blueprint RTAG. Fons. Rene. ROOT Project: Progress. Automatic I/O

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Rene Brun 30 March 2005

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  1. Rene Brun 30 March 2005 ROOT ProjectProgram of work

  2. ROOT Project: People ROOT SEAL merge LCG FNAL & RHIC go ROOT PAW BaBar go ROOT Olivier LHC++ MOOSE Philippe Masa ZOO RD44 RD45 Blueprint RTAG Fons Rene

  3. ROOT Project: Progress Automatic I/O from dictionary Automatic Schema evolution Trees Auto Streamers Foreign classes STL CINT Basic I/O Merge with SEAL Histograms Basic graphics

  4. SEAL + ROOT Migration • Adiabatic changes towards experiments • Experiments need to see libraries they use currently will evolve from current usage today towards a unique set • Details be planned in the Programme of Work • Will be extra tasks in order to complete migration SEAL Libraries SEAL Libraries ROOT Libraries ROOT Libraries ROOT Libraries 1 deliverable and no duplication 1 deliverable but some duplication still 2 deliverables ~January 2006 time now ~August 2005

  5. Team structure Ilka Antcheva (LCG) Maarten Ballinjtin MIT/Phobos/CMS 80% Bertrand Bellenot ALCAN 50% Bruno Belbute ALICE 100% Marek Biskup (TS leaves August) Rene Brun Philippe Canal FNAL Olivier Couet Valeri Fine BNL/STAR 10% Markus Frank LHCb 50% Gerri Ganis (LCG) Andrei Gheata ALICE 80% Mihaela Gheata unpaid 50% Masa Goto JP ??% Ivana Hrivnocova ORSAY 10% Gunter Kickinger ALICE 100% Anna Kreshuk (PD 6 months) Wim Lavrijsen LBL /ATLAS 20% Jose Lo ALICE 75% Pere Mato Richard Maunder (PA) Lorenzo Moneta Axel Naumann FNAL Eddy Offermann RENTEC 20% Valeriy Onuchin (LCG, leaves in June) Timur Pocheptov JINR 80% Fons Rademakers Stefan Roiser (F) Andras Zsenei (F) • BASE: System & CVS & DOC & Releases & Test suite & newsgroups Fons, Philippe, Pere,Bertrand, Ilka, Axel, Jose, Rene • DICTINT: CINT, Dictionary, Interpreters Masa, Philippe, Stefan, Wim • IO: Basic I/O & Trees Markus, Philippe • PROOF: PROOF,xrootd,GRIDs interface Fons, Andreas(ARDA), Maarten, Derek(ARDA), Gerri, Marek , Guenter+ BaBar • MATH: Maths,Histograms,Functions, Linear Alg Lorenzo, Andras, Anna,Eddy • GUI Ilka, Valeriy, Bertrand, Valeri, Fons • GRAPHICS: 2-D & 3-D graphics & Geometry Olivier, Richard, Andrei, Timur, Bruno • GEOM: The detector geometry description Andrei, Mihaela • VMC: The Virtual Monte Carlo with interfaces to G3, G4 and Fluka Andreas Morsch, Andrei, Ivana, Rene +xrootd BaBar

  6. Original planning for ROOT(before SEAL + ROOT merge) • ROOT version 4.02 PRO release Dec04 • Current dev version 4.03 • Plan for PRO release 4.04 end of June • Plan for PRO release 4.06 in December

  7. New plan (after merge) • ROOT version PRO 4.04 end of April • Start integration in new dev version 5.0 • CINT/Reflex workshop in May (2->7) • Monthly DEV releases starting in June • ROOT workshop 28,29,30 September • First PRO release of version 5 in December See next presentations: base, cintint, io, proof, gui, graphics, mathlib

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