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Impact of ISC, Service Backup and NDFD Products on Message Timeliness

Impact of ISC, Service Backup and NDFD Products on Message Timeliness. Mhs logs show that messages sent immediately following large Service Backup files are delayed due to processing regardless of priority . Service Backup message arrives at ANCF from GGW

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Impact of ISC, Service Backup and NDFD Products on Message Timeliness

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  1. Impact of ISC, Service Backup and NDFD Products on Message Timeliness

  2. Mhs logs show that messages sent immediately following large Service Backup files are delayed due to processing regardless of priority. Service Backup message arrives at ANCF from GGW Sat Mar 19 14:31:25 2005 <msgrcv_svr1:19376> Receipt OK GGW-56068: Routine to=ANCF, from=GGW, pri=0 code=20 enc=1 len=2385920 dly=(0+665+0)s GGW-56068: SVCBKPIFP (/awips/adapt/ifps/svcbu/tmp/GGW-56068.doc) GGW-56068 - Message ID for tracking in logs. pri=0 - Mhs priority (queue). 2 – highest, 0 – lowest. dly=(0+665+0)s- (delay at send site+network delay+delay at recv site)

  3. 52 products sent by GGW to ANCF over following 27 seconds are significantly delayed by server processing... Sat Mar 19 14:30:13 2005 <msgrcv_svr1: 4877> Default OK GGW-56069: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=GGW, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=1602 dly=(477+33+0)s GGW-56069: SDUS65 KGGW 191412 NLLGGW (/data1/x400/rx400/output/x3013815.doc) Sat Mar 19 14:31:52 2005 <msgrcv_svr1:18575> Default OK GGW-56112: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=GGW, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=11512 dly=(3+110+0)s GGW-56112: SDUS65 KGGW 191421 N3VGGW (/data1/x400/rx400/output/x3152119.doc)

  4. Service Backup file sent from GGW. GGW-51757: Routine to=ANCF, from=GGW, pri=0 code=20 enc=1 len=2304000 dly=(0+333+0)s GGW-51757: SVCBKPIFP (/awips/adapt/ifps/svcbu/tmp/GGW-51757.doc) 49297: Fri Mar 18 17:21:15 2005 <msgrcv_svr1: 7829> Receipt OK Test warning sent from GGW to ANCF is delayed. 48274: Fri Mar 18 17:20:25 2005 <msgrcv_svr1: 3086> Default OK >48275: GGW-51766: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=GGW, pri=2 code=134 enc=1 len=683 dly=(54+61+0)s 48276: GGW-51766: WWUS65 KGGW 181718 WCNGGW (/data1/x400/rx400/output/x2025729.doc)

  5. The larger the database, the more significant the delays are: 6049: Sun Mar 20 10:49:23 2005 <msgrcv_svr:27670> Receipt OK > 6050: RLX-339814: Routine to=ANCF, from=RLX, pri=0 code=20 enc=1 len=6707200dly=(0+846+0)s 6051: RLX-339814: SVCBKPIFP (/awips/adapt/ifps/svcbu/tmp/RLX-339814.doc) Sun Mar 20 10:46:46 2005 <msgrcv_svr:27670> Default OK RLX-339815: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=9204 dly=(614+61+0)s RLX-339815: SDUS51 KRLX 201033 N0RRLX (/data/x400/rx400/output/x4646792.doc)

  6. This is often compounded by sending of NDFD grids immediately after the Service Backup file. RLX sends a SVCBKPIFP of 7mb at 02:19:39 Mon Mar 28 02:19:39 2005 <msgreq_svr:18272> OK request RLX-60400: Routine to=ANCF, from=RLX, pri=0 code=20 enc=1 len=7393280 RLX-60400: SVCBKPIFP (/data/x400/msgtbl/RLX-60400.msg)

  7. Immediately following, they send 26 NDFD grid messages over 1 minute and 7 seconds. These messages range in size from 15K to 100K and totals roughly 12mb on top of the 7mb they just sent. There is a very significant delay of products immediately following. RLX-60401: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=53729 dly=(635+60+0)s RLX-60403: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=15937 dly=(635+72+0)s RLX-60402: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=16309 dly=(635+72+0)s RLX-60404: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=25580 dly=(635+78+0)s RLX-60405: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=43573 dly=(636+90+0)s RLX-60406: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=108392 dly=(636+102+0)s RLX-60407: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=24181 dly=(636+108+1)s RLX-60408: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=110547 dly=(636+114+0)s RLX-60409: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=93257 dly=(637+120+0)s RLX-60410: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=100253 dly=(637+121+0)s RLX-60411: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=41069 dly=(638+126+0)s RLX-60413: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=56094 dly=(638+133+0)s RLX-60412: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=92833 dly=(638+133+0)s RLX-60415: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=16309 dly=(575+137+0)s RLX-60414: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=53729 dly=(574+139+0)s RLX-60416: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=15937 dly=(575+139+0)s RLX-60417: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=25580 dly=(575+139+0)s RLX-60418: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=43573 dly=(575+143+0)s RLX-60419: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=108392 dly=(575+149+0)s RLX-60420: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=24181 dly=(575+161+0)s RLX-60421: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=110547 dly=(576+168+0)s RLX-60422: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=93257 dly=(576+177+0)s RLX-60423: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=100253 dly=(577+177+0)s RLX-60424: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=41069 dly=(577+182+0)s RLX-60426: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=56094 dly=(578+187+0)s RLX-60425: Routine to=NDFD, from=RLX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=92833 dly=(577+188+0)s At times the NDFD grids on their own cause delays at the sending site.

  8. Large ISC grids shared with many offices also result in similar problems. In this case, EAX sends a relatively small ISC message, but they send it to 11 sites. That equates to 222612 bytes x 11 or 2.4 megabytes. 5517: Sun Mar 20 09:45:41 2005 <msgreq_svr:27002> OK request > 5518: EAX-335907: Routine to=OAX,TOP,ICT,SGF,BCQ,DVN,DMX,LSX,GID,ARX,PAH, from=EAX, pri=0 code=11 enc=1 len=222612 5519: EAX-335907: TTAA00 KEAX 200945 (/data/x400/msgtbl/EAX-335907.msg)

  9. Immediately following we see two products sent by EAX to ANCF somewhat delayed by processing time. 45025: Sun Mar 20 09:48:00 2005 <msgrcv_svr:18635> Default OK >45026: EAX-335919: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=EAX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=75259 dly=(12+111+0)s 45027: EAX-335919: YMXM00 KEAX 200945 (/data/x400/rx400/output/x4800950.doc) 45787: Sun Mar 20 09:48:30 2005 <msgrcv_svr:27670> Default OK >45788: EAX-335920: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=EAX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=57655 dly=(13+140+0)s 45789: EAX-335920: YLXM00 KEAX 200945 (/data/x400/rx400/output/x4830059.doc) Sun Mar 20 09:48:36 2005 <msgrcv_svr:10742> Default OK EAX-335921: Routine to=DEFAULTNCF, from=EAX, pri=1 code=0 enc=1 len=23268 dly=(7+146+0)s EAX-335921: SDUS53 KEAX 200944 N0REAX (/data/x400/rx400/output/x4836066.doc)

  10. Note that despite the fact that EAX sends their Service Backup file hourly, the message is normally less than 1mb. As a result, sending of Service Backup data does not appear to be an impact on message processing at EAX. There may also be cases where Service Backup files are sent at the same time as ISC grids. This combination may also contribute to delays on the server.

  11. The following sites seem to be impacted more than others: RLX, HFO, STO, BOU, MAF, SLC, LOX, BYZ, PDT, AFG, AJK, RNK, OTX, MTR, GGW

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