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INFO 631 Prof . Glenn Booker

INFO 631 Prof . Glenn Booker. Week 5 – Quality Assessment & Process Improvement. Time for a Sanity Check. We have defined many ways to measure a project, and establish various guides for quality Now, as a project is happening, we want to determine if we are reaching our goals.

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INFO 631 Prof . Glenn Booker

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  1. INFO 631Prof. Glenn Booker Week 5 – Quality Assessment & Process Improvement INFO631 Week 5

  2. Time for a Sanity Check • We have defined many ways to measure a project, and establish various guides for quality • Now, as a project is happening, we want to determine if we are reaching our goals INFO631 Week 5

  3. Assessment versus Audit • Here, per Kan, distinguish between a quality assessment and a quality audit • A quality assessment is an evaluation of the project to see if desired goals are being met, and identify problem areas • A quality audit is used to refer to formal external activities, such as an ISO 9000 audit or CMMI audit INFO631 Week 5

  4. Quality Assessment • A quality assessment could be done by an independent team, or by people within the project’s QA organization • Assessments can be done at various points in a project • A typical project might schedule 4-6 major quality reviews (Kan, p. 398), evenly spaced during the project INFO631 Week 5

  5. Quality Assessment • Each quality assessment typically has three phases • Preparation phase • Evaluation phase • Summarization phase • Recommendations and Risk Mitigation • The scope of data and measures are key aspects of each phase INFO631 Week 5

  6. Preparation Phase • Given the development process used on a project, and the project schedule, determine where the project stands relative to them • Need to focus on both qualitative and quantitative data to determine development progress, find problems, and predict final product quality INFO631 Week 5

  7. Preparation Phase • Qualitative data can be obtained from interviews (one-on-one or small group) or questionnaires • May focus on identifying • Whose input is critical right now? • Are affected all areas represented? • Who needs to know what’s happening right now? INFO631 Week 5

  8. Preparation Phase • What are the key risks, and our mitigation strategy for each? • How does our status compare to similar previous projects? INFO631 Week 5

  9. Evaluation Phase • Now that you have the data on hand, the evaluation phase is the act of using various techniques to analyze the data, and extract the desired information • Data might be presented using the indicators discussed with GQ(I)M INFO631 Week 5

  10. Evaluation Phase • Part of the challenge is understanding when you have enough data, and how to put the data in perspective of the project as a whole • Here it’s critical to choose the right measures to evaluate the data, and pick good evaluation criteria to judge what’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ INFO631 Week 5

  11. Summarization phase • Now we want to blend the qualitative and quantitative results into an overall summary of the state of the project • Summary is typically broken into major sections, depending on the types of activities currently occurring • Design reviews, code inspections, system testing, regression testing, etc. INFO631 Week 5

  12. Summarization phase • Each section’s current status might be summarized with a basic stoplight scale (red/yellow/green) to indicate how severe problems are in that area • These could be tracked over time to show trends in quality INFO631 Week 5

  13. Recommendations and Risk Mitigation • Part of the summary is to give specific recommendations • Look at current risky areas, and describe what activities are needed to bring them under better control? • This often links to your project’s risk management strategy, where you identified significant risks, and defined a risk mitigation strategy for each INFO631 Week 5

  14. Risk Mitigation • Risk strategies can include • Contain the risk, using specific activities to reduce the chance of it happening (risk prevention) and reduce its impact if it does occur (risk mitigation) • Develop a contingency plan to manage the risk if it occurs INFO631 Week 5

  15. Risk Mitigation • Transfer to risk to another organization or part of the system (let a subcontractor develop a part you know poorly, for example) • Ignore the risk, if it has low impact • Avoid the risk, by using a different process or eliminate a risky feature from the product requirements INFO631 Week 5

  16. Conducting Assessments • In planning an assessment, the scope is a critical aspect • Often an assessment will be limited to part of a project, to address areas most likely to be critical • The emphasis is still on determining whether the project is meeting its goals for quality INFO631 Week 5

  17. Conducting Assessments • Audits are performed in a manner similar to assessments • The difference in focus is that audits focus on comparing processes to a process model (CMMI, ISO 9000), whereas assessments compare project outcomes to its own goals • An audit’s scope could cover several projects within one organization INFO631 Week 5

  18. Conducting Assessments • In addition to the usual models, audits could be based on other models • Bootstrap • Trillium • ISO 12207 • ISO 15504 • DOD-STD-2167a (obsolete) • MIL-STD-498 (obsolete) INFO631 Week 5

  19. Conducting Assessments • Likewise, the scope of an audit could differ based on the model selected • ISO 9000 is facility-based, since it was created for a manufacturing environment • CMMI is organization-based, regardless of where the organization is located INFO631 Week 5

  20. Process Assessment Cycle • The conduct of a process assessment or audit typically has six major steps • Preplanning – before the audit, get sponsorship for the audit and define its scope and purpose • Planning – Select who will conduct the audit, when, and provide training if needed INFO631 Week 5

  21. Process Assessment Cycle • Fact gathering – determine how data will be collected for the audit; interviews, documents, demonstrations, questionnaires, etc. • Fact analysis – analyze the data, and get additional data if needed to fill holes in understanding the subject • Reporting – prepare a presentation to give the results of the audit INFO631 Week 5

  22. Process Assessment Cycle • Finally, after the audit, determine how its results will impact the project’s process improvement activities • Assessments follow the same activities described above; and are typically conducted every few months • Audits have to be repeated every 6-18 months to remain valid INFO631 Week 5

  23. A Bigger Picture • Assessment or audit results can be tracked over many events to look for chronic problem areas, or help refine process improvement plans INFO631 Week 5

  24. More Details on Audits • Kan’s chapter 17 focuses on more details of how process audits are conducted • We’ll hit the highlights here • For more information, go to the SEI website, and look for information on SCAMPI INFO631 Week 5

  25. CMMI Structure • The CMMI is broken into five cumulative levels of maturity (#1-5), plus sometimes level 0 is possible • Level 0 means your project doesn’t do everything necessary for, e.g. software development • Level 1 means your project does stuff, but no one knows how (“ad hoc” processes) INFO631 Week 5

  26. CMMI Structure • Level 2 is the first level earned by an assessment; it means a project performs basic project and process management activities • Level 3 means that an organization (note the shift from project) has processes which are consistently tailored across several projects INFO631 Week 5

  27. CMMI Structure • Level 4 means the organization has measured and tracked key activities consistently for so long that statistical process control is in place • Level 5 means the organization actively prevents defects from occurring, and is experimenting with even better processes (continuous process improvement) INFO631 Week 5

  28. Staged versus Continuous • CMMI can be used in staged or continuous representation (form) • Staged is the approach just described – the organization must perform certain types of activities to earn an overall maturity rating • Continuous form means that each type of activity is rated separately, so there’s no overall rating INFO631 Week 5

  29. Staged versus Continuous • In practice, most organizations get audited using the staged approach • That CMMI Level 5 plaque on the wall is impressive! • But the work of preparing for audits often follows the continuous approach • Assess what kind of activities are most in need of help (process, project, technical, etc.), and work on them first INFO631 Week 5

  30. The Bottom Line • The overall goal for a CMMI-based assessment is to determine if the project or organization fulfills the goals of the model • Are the goals of each type of activity being met consistently across the organization? • Often called institutionalization of the activity – it’s a way of life for them INFO631 Week 5

  31. More Structure • CMMI is broken into about 23 Process Areas (PA) – each is a ‘type of activity’ mentioned earlier • Each PA has a few Specific Goals, which are the heart of that activity • Then there are more general activities defined for each PA – doing all of them constitutes ‘institutionalization’ INFO631 Week 5

  32. More Structure • The general process area structure includes • Commitment to Perform – means that program management defines a policy to do the stuff in this PA • Ability to Perform – means that program management provides the resources and training needed to do these activities, and plans to do them INFO631 Week 5

  33. More Structure • Directing Implementation – means that program management manages the processes involved in this activity, ensures quality, and coordinates with other stakeholders on the project • Verifying Implementation – covers review of activities with higher management, and conducting independent process audits INFO631 Week 5

  34. More Structure • Then the specific goals of each PA are defined in more detail by its Specific Practices • These describe the types of activities which, done together, will fulfill the goals of the process area • In addition, based on the desired maturity level, there are Generic Goals which apply to every PA Pretty simple, huh? INFO631 Week 5

  35. CMMI and Measurement • The measurement focus for CMMI is • 1) Define a plan of activities, • 2) Track actual progress, then • 3) Measure actual and planned performance, and make decisions based on it • At higher levels of maturity, analysis of data and prediction occur INFO631 Week 5

  36. CMMI and Measurement • For example, at Level 2, the Measurement and Analysis process area has specific goals of • Measurement objectives and activities are aligned with identified information needs and objectives. • Measurement results that address identified information needs and objectives are provided. From here INFO631 Week 5

  37. CMMI and Measurement • At level 4, the Quantitative Project Management process area has specific goals of • The project is quantitatively managed using quality and process-performance objectives. • The performance of selected subprocesses within the project's defined process is statistically managed. INFO631 Week 5

  38. CMMI in Brief • CMMI is mostly looking to see if you say what you’re going to do, make it possible to do so, do it, and measure what you did • Following a process improvement path takes lots of time and commitment from all levels of management INFO631 Week 5

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