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IT education: challenge the limitations, don’t limit the challenges

IT education: challenge the limitations, don’t limit the challenges. Evgenia Sendova – IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Eliza Stefanova – FMI, Sofia University. Ideas in constructionist spirit we try to follow. Learning by doing IT as building material Hard fun Learning to learn

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IT education: challenge the limitations, don’t limit the challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IT education:challenge the limitations, don’t limit the challenges Evgenia Sendova – IMI, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Eliza Stefanova – FMI, Sofia University

  2. Ideas in constructionist spirit we try to follow • Learning by doing • IT as building material • Hard fun • Learning to learn • Debugging as an educational idea • Learning is a struggle (including for us, the teachers) • To study IT and acquire IT skills is important but the most important is to use them NOW in such a way that we could cope with complex problem situations in the FUTURE

  3. Vision for education Every citizen should enter the world with: • A proud vision of self as a powerful life-long learner • A vibrant vision of a worth-while life ahead • An optimistic vision of a society to be proud of • The skills and ethic needed to follow these visions

  4. Policy makers pay attention to IT education hoping that a young population well-educated in this modern technology will contribute to the future welth of the nation.

  5. Some limitations The limited time in a class setting Time needed for preparation Difficulties when working with many students Lack of appropriate materials Following a fixed curriculum

  6. Let us dream together… М Е Ч Т А

  7. Helping the archeologists

  8. How were these two vessels used?

  9. Decoding In Sea Wine Circling around Water Psikter Dolphin jump put Crater

  10. We found together:

  11. Computer models with Elica

  12. How much wine?

  13. A cup after one's likeness

  14. Coding: Transmitting information Why is should be hidden How the nature is coding its secrets …. Coding as the red thread

  15. Cezar’s code

  16. The beginning of criptography One of the first methods for secret transmition of information

  17. Frequency analysis of a text Графинята отвори библията и преброи гласните на една страница, за да види кои се срещат най-често... Из Черните диаманти на Мор Йокан

  18. Chilbolton radio telescope in Hampshire, UK

  19. Acting as midwives of teachers’ ideas

  20. The novelty is sometimes well forgotten old... The methods and the spirit of teaching are more important than the curriculum Bertrand Russel The biggest success of a teacher is to be able to say: My students work as if I don’t exist. Maria Montessori He who dares to be a teacher shouldn’t stop learning. John Dana If we pass to our students our love to learning they will learn to learn. Sir John Lubock Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. A Chinese proverb

  21. Innovative Teacher BG/05/B/P/PP-166 038 http://www.elica.net

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