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Equalities and Diversity – Census 2011 (ONS)

Equalities and Diversity – Census 2011 (ONS). Gender ( sex) Age Marriage and civil partnership. Corporate Research. Race and ethnicity Religion and belief Disability. Note: Pregnancy / maternity and sexual orientation are not covered in 2011 Census. Gender.

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Equalities and Diversity – Census 2011 (ONS)

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  1. Equalities and Diversity – Census 2011 (ONS) Gender (sex) Age Marriage and civil partnership Corporate Research Race and ethnicity Religion and belief Disability Note: Pregnancy / maternity and sexual orientation are not covered in 2011 Census

  2. Gender At the time of the 2011 Census there were 159,339 females (50.3%) in the city and 157,621 males (49.7%). The proportion of residents in employment in the city had risen to 55.6% in 2011, with female employment rising to 52.7% and male employment falling to 58.4%. The proportion of people unemployed in the city rose across both male and female residents. Gender 2011 2001 Number (%) Number (%) Male 157,621 (49.7%) 149,115 (49.6%) Female 159,339 (50.3%) 151,733 (50.4%) Total 316,960 300,848 Economic activity (% of population) 2011 2001 Employed Male 58.4% 60.4% Female 52.7% 50.5% Total 55.6% 55.4% Unemployed Male 6.6% 5.3% Female 4.2% 2.6% Total 5.4% 4.0%

  3. Age Coventry has a relatively youthful population: 30,610 residents are between 20 and 24 years old, representing 9.7% of the population (only 6.8% for England and Wales). In 2011 there were 22,476 children under 5 in Coventry (7.1% compared to 6.2% for England and Wales). 43.0% of the population are over 40 years of age compared to 49.2% for England and Wales Age For more information look at (Census 2011 link) Unemployed 2011 2001 Aged 16 to 24 3,521 2,355 - rate* 6.9% 5.6% *Percentage of all usually resident 18 – 24 year olds who are unemployed

  4. Marriage and civil partnership 106,111 (41.8%) Coventry residents are married. 378 people in the city are in a registered same-sex civil partnership (0.1%). 21,582 (8.5%) are divorced or formerly in a same-sex civil partnership, 17,283 are widowed and 6,842 were separated in 2011. 14.3% of households comprise married couples or couples in a civil partnership with dependent children. Marital and partnership status 2011 2001 Single 40.1% 34.3% Married 41.8% 40.5% Civil partnership 0.1% - Separated 2.7% 2.3% Divorced (inc civil) 8.5% 8.3% Widowed 6.8% 8.7% Household composition 2011 2001 Married and civil partnership - No Children 9.4% 10.3% - Dependent Children 14.3% 16.5% - Non-dependent All Children 5.6% 5.8% Other Households* 70.7% 67.3% *households that do not include a couple who are married or in a civil partnership

  5. Race and ethnicity The proportion of Coventry's population that are White British has reduced from 78.3% in 2001 to 66.6% in 2011. The second highest ethnic group after White British is Indian, representing 27,751 (8.8%) residents. Residents from African backgrounds saw the highest increase between Censuses, rising to 4% of the population Ethnicity (Census 2011 link) 2011 2001 White English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 211,188 (66.6%) 78.3% Irish 7,305 (2.3%) 3.5% Gypsy or Irish Traveller 151(0.0%) - Other White 15,385 (4.9%) 2.2% Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black Caribbean 3,672 (1.2%) 0.8% White and Black African 943 (0.3%) 0.1% White and Asian 2,388 (0.8%) 0.5% Other Mixed 1,227 (0.4%) 0.3% Asian/Asian British Indian 27,751 (8.8%) 8.0% Pakistani 9,510 (3.0%) 2.1% Bangladeshi 2,951 (0.9%) 0.6% Chinese 3,728 (1.2%) 0.7% Other Asian 7,658 (2.4%) 0.6% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British African 12,836 (4.0%) 0.6% Caribbean 3,317 (1.0%) 1.1% Other Black 1,611 (0.5%) 0.1% Other ethnic group Arab 2,020 (0.6%) - Any other ethnic group 3,319 (1.0%) 0.5%

  6. Race and ethnicity 75.8% of Coventry residents were born in England, compared to 82.4% in 2001. 53,215 Coventry residents do not have a passport. 7.6% of Coventry residents had lived in the UK for less than 5 years, compared to 4% in England. 0.5% of the Coventry population (1,373) can not speak English, and an additional 2.6% can not speak English well (7,867). Country of Birth (Census 2011 link) 2011 2001 England 75.8% 82.4% Selected others India 4.2% Poland 2.0% Passport held (Census 2011 link) 2011 No passport 53,215 (16.8%) United Kingdom 223,190 (70.4%) Republic of Ireland 4,936 (1.6%) Other Europe: EU countries 15,305 (4.8%) Africa 6,164 (1.9%) Middle East and Asia 14,102 (4.4%) Other 2,286

  7. Religion and belief In 2011, 53.7% of persons in Coventry were of the Christian faith, a reduction of 11.6% from 2001. The only other change of a declared faith greater than 1% was Muslim which went up from 3.9% to 7.5%. The proportion of the population declaring they have no religion rose from 15.1% in 2001 to 23%. Religion (Census 2011 link) 2011 2001 Christian 53.7% 65.3% Buddhist 0.3% 0.3% Hindu 3.5% 2.6% Jewish 0.1% 0.1% Muslim 7.5% 3.9% Sikh 5.0% 4.6% Other religion 0.5% 0.2% No religion 23.0% 15.1% Religion not stated 6.4% 8.0%

  8. Disability 34,125 households in Coventry contain someone who describes themselves as having a disability or long-term health problem, over 1 in 4 households. 6,858 households contain someone who has a long-term health problem or disability and at least one dependent child. Long-term health problem or disability (Census 2011 link) One person in household with a long-term health problem or disability: 2011 With dependent children 6,858 (5.3%) No dependent children 27,267 (21.2%)

  9. Corporate Research For more information on Equalities, please visit Equality factsheets

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