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Dental Implants Explained

Luckily, dental implants Tampa FL can stop this process and prevent the need for bone grafting later in life. They are the most predictable and reliable tooth replacement method available, with a success rate of over 95%.u00a0https://www.giuntadentistry.com/smile-gallery/categories/crowns/6256

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Dental Implants Explained

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  1. If you have missing teeth, dental implants Tampa FL offer the best solution for replacing your natural teeth and improving your oral health. These titanium-based restorations are the closest thing to your natural teeth and look, feel and function just like them. Compared to traditional tooth replacement options, such as bridgework and removable dentures, dental implants can last a lifetime when properly placed and maintained. They also improve the appearance of your smile and lower face. The best way to determine if you’re a candidate for dental implants is to come in for a comprehensive exam, including x-rays and 3D images. We can then help you find the dental implant option that’s right for you. Missing teeth are not just an aesthetic issue – they can lead to a number of problems that affect your confidence and quality of life. Those issues can include difficulty eating certain foods, an altered bite and a reduced ability to speak clearly. Once you’re considered a candidate for dental implants, your dentist will place a small post in your jawbone underneath the gum line. This post will fuse with the surrounding bone, providing a strong foundation for the final implant restoration. A dental implant is a powerful replacement tooth that is made from biocompatible titanium, which integrates with the jawbone to form a secure and long-lasting connection. Although the implant cannot be rejected by the body, it can be damaged or infected if not cared for properly. If you are missing several teeth, your jawbone can begin to deteriorate in the empty space, causing a sunken appearance in the face and lower jaw area. This can add years to your appearance and decrease your self-confidence. Luckily, dental implants Tampa FL can stop this process and prevent the need for bone grafting later in life. They are the most predictable and reliable tooth replacement method available, with a success rate of over 95%.

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