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Information Science and Technology Institute & CRISEL “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino

eLearning and Minerva meeting Workshop 2.1 Learning Communities How Does the Virtual Community Impact the Learning Process? Alessandro Bogliolo. Information Science and Technology Institute & CRISEL “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino 61029 Urbino, Italy alessandro.bogliolo@uniurb.it.

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Information Science and Technology Institute & CRISEL “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino

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  1. eLearning and Minerva meetingWorkshop 2.1 Learning CommunitiesHow Does the Virtual CommunityImpact the Learning Process?Alessandro Bogliolo Information Science and Technology Institute & CRISEL “Carlo Bo” University of Urbino 61029 Urbino, Italy alessandro.bogliolo@uniurb.it

  2. Introduction The dimensions of virtuality The community The learning process Methodology Preliminary results and discussion Student population E-learning platform Psychological sense of community Outcomes Ongoing activities E-Urbs Cross-border accessibility Agenda

  3. To what extent are students not physically present on campus? To what extent are staff used in non-conventional modes and contracts? (part-timers, consultants, teleworkers, …) To what extent is computer and network support outsourced? To what extent has physical infrastructure begun to be reduced? To what extent has the legal and institutional strength been reduced? To what extent has the degree structure begun to dissolve into ever-smaller modules (down to learning objects) studied in an ever more flexible pattern? The Dimensions of Virtuality[Bacsich, 2004]

  4. Spirit Friendship, Cohesion, Bonding among learners Trust Credibility, Benevolence, Confidence among learners Trust granted and receibed Interaction Honesty in feedback Commonality of expectations Sharing of the same goals The Psychological Sense of Community (PSoC)[Rovai, 2002]

  5. The Learning Process Support services Teaching method Persistence Interest Performance Personal conditions (hours worked per day) Satisfactions Effort (hours studied per day) PSoC

  6. Introduction The dimensions of virtuality The community The learning process Methodology Preliminary results and discussion Student population E-learning platform Psychological sense of community Outcomes Ongoing activities E-Urbs Cross-border accessibility Agenda

  7. Comparative analysis conducted on equivalent on-line and face-to-face degree programs in Applied computer science Sociology On-line degree programs implement only the first dimension of virtuality (i.e., delocalization) Face-to-face degree programs used as control Methodology (1)

  8. To what extend does PSoC affect learning outcomes? To what extent does distance learning affect PSoC? Data collected by means of questionnaires Partial correlation analysis conducted to isolate the effect of each independent variable on the parameters under study Methodology (2)

  9. Introduction The dimensions of virtuality The community The learning process Methodology Preliminary results and discussion Student population E-learning platform Psychological sense of community Outcomes Ongoing activities E-Urbs Cross-border accessibility Agenda

  10. Student population

  11. MEC Informatica’s Land of Learning (LoL) www.landoflearning.it Main functionalities: Classroom synchronous textual chat with permanent logs Forums Libraries Showcases Shared blackboard E-learing platform (1)

  12. E-learing platform (2)

  13. Outcomes: Satisfaction To what extend does PSoC affect satisfaction?

  14. Outcomes: Passed exams To what extend does PSoC affect performance?

  15. Outcomes: Average marks To what extend does PSoC affect performance?

  16. Outcomes: Persistence To what extend does PSoC affect persistence?

  17. PSoC To what extend does distance learning affect PSoC?

  18. Introduction The dimensions of virtuality The community The learning process Methodology Preliminary results and discussion Student population E-learning platform Psychological sense of community Outcomes Ongoing activities E-Urbs Cross-border accessibility Agenda

  19. International curricula development based on the Bologna process Reciprocal recognition fo 60 ECTS among 9 partner universities: Urbino (IT), Copenhagen (DK), Barcelona (ES), Berlin Humboldt (DE), Leuven Catholic (BE), Milan Bicocca (IT), Birmingham (UK), Amsterdam (NL), Polish Academy of Sciences (PL) Dual-mode learning integrating virtual and physical mobility Summer school in Urbino, On-line classes, Project work within the partner universities Advanced multi-language e-learning tools Customized version of Land of Learning E-UrbsEuropean Master in Comparative Urban Studieswww.e-urbs.net

  20. Integrated feedback management tool Self-evaluation Learning curve monitoring PSoC, Learning styles, satisfaction Examinations Learn with fun Massive multi-player on-line games Visual lab Searchable data base of classified pictures Search by example Automatic clustering Classify by example E-portfolio Personal portfolio Personal development plan E-Urbs (innovative tools)European Master in Comparative Urban Studieswww.e-urbs.net

  21. World-wide campus model Lightweight examination centers Digital divide Using e-learning to promote eLeteracy Uni-lingual vs Multi-lingual approach Duplication of information Communication delay Equity CLIL Content and language integrated learning Cross-border accessibilityInternational learning communities

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