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DD Business Analyst

At DD Business Analyst and Tech, we act with integrity in all we do. We hold honesty and integrity as our guiding principles. We are proud of the integrity, sincerity and transparency our employees demonstrate every day.u201d Integrity is the basic building block of our business.

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DD Business Analyst

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Presentation Transcript

  1. B E S T F I N A N C I A L C O N S U L T A N C Y S E R V I C E S DDBusiness Analyst

  2. Aboutus! DDBusinessAnalystisaUS-basedLimited LiabilityCompanythatoffersfinancialand innovativetechsolutionstoalltypeof organisationswithamajorfocuson Churchesandschools, NGOs, non-profits organizationsandveteransownedbusiness withtheaimofprovidingfinancialadvisory servicesandconsultancytothese organizations. Itwasbirthedfromthedesire toprovideexceptionalandimpeccable servicetonon-profitsorganizationsto addresstoday’schallenges.

  3. Our Core Values Humility Responsibility / Resourceful Integrity Stewardship Excellence

  4. OurServices ACCOUNTING & FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY TECHNOLOGYCONSULTANCY WebsiteDesignandDevelopment OnlineBookkeepingwithQBO Softwaredevelopment DashboardandKPI's APIDevelopment FinancialAccounting SoftwareMaintenance FinancialAnalysisandreporting DataExtraction & Mining TaxPlanningandadvisory DatabaseDesign FinancialforfundRaising WebAutomation AssistwithExternalAuditor WebApplicationTesting AndManymore PythonProgramming JavaScriptProgramming

  5. ContactUs WEBSITE www.ddbusinessanalyst.com PHONENUMBER 714-408-7888 E-MAILADDRESS support@ddbusinessanalyst.com

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