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FROM GAPS TO CAPS Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR

FROM GAPS TO CAPS Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR. Project Lead Partner: Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. OUTLINE. Project activities – where are we? Overview of the work done by the CO

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FROM GAPS TO CAPS Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR

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  1. FROM GAPS TO CAPS Risk Management Capability Based on Gaps Identification in the BSR Project Lead Partner: Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

  2. OUTLINE FROM GAPS TO CAPS Project activities – where are we? Overview of the work done by the CO Project challenges and prospects (from CO point of view)


  4. FROM GAPS TO CAPS OVERVIEW OF THE WORK DONE BY THE CO Administrative work: intermediating while preparing for the Seminars, dissemination of the project related information, consulting partners concerning report preparation and other related questions. Mobilization of the Core Group to ask opinion and suggestions on the project implementation process and quality of the project tasks. Preparation of the First Progress Report.

  5. PROJECT CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FROM GAPS TO CAPS What is the end result of the project? How to achieve the end result? Do we maintain a common understanding about the main project concepts (e. g. capability, methodology)? How Task C and Task D are (will be) interrelated? Do we need additional Task C Seminar?

  6. PROJECT OBJECTIVE AND CONCRETE OBJECTIVES The general objective is to facilitate future national assessments of risk management capability in accordance with the EU Decision on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism among the participating countries. To disseminate findings on actual disaster risk management capability and ways forward in assessing and improving such capability from a macro-regional and European perspective among key decision-makers of civil protection in the Baltic Sea countries. To produce a publication on ideas for future national assessments of risk management capability in the BSR. To involve experts and key actors in the field of capability assessment representing different sectors and levels of the civil protection systems of the participating countries.

  7. PROJECT CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS Enhanced capabilities of participating states for preparing and reviewing national capability assessments as well as national risk assessments for prevention Increased comparability between future national capability assessments around the BSR through the development of common frameworks and terminology for prevention Enhanced awareness of cross-border hazards among agencies responsible for national risk assessments and capability assessments in the BSR Enhanced awareness and understanding among the BSR states for the cross-border needs in case of complex emergencies Enhanced preparedness among participating states for responding to complex emergencies Task D serves to compare evaluations of previous incidents/emergencies and exercises and draw conclusions on differences and similarities of best practices and main gaps while planning and assessing capabilities in the BSR Task C serves to formulate methodology for risk management capability assessment for the BRS at the national level focusing on the risks identified in the EUSBSR 14.3 project using all-hazards approach and/or to contribute to the ongoing process of methodology for risk management capability assessment at the EU level HOW? Concept paper on capability and risk assessments Survey of capability assessments in the BSR Publication on how civil protection systems of the BSR assess capabilities, main challenges andopportunities for improvement with a special focus on cross-border dimensions Criteria for the evaluation form will be compiled Comparison of evaluations of emergencies and exercises Input to Task C document in the form of conclusions FROM GAPS TO CAPS


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