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Performance optimization (induction field; gas)  end of Mar.

T2 Planning. Performance optimization (induction field; gas)  end of Mar. Integration and services connectivity studies  mockup end of Mar. Cooling system components production (360) and piping  end of Mar. Cables (hybrid-horse shoe) production and testing  end of Mar.

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Performance optimization (induction field; gas)  end of Mar.

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  1. T2 Planning Performance optimization (induction field; gas)  end of Mar. Integration and services connectivity studies  mockup end of Mar. Cooling system components production (360) and piping  end of Mar. Cables (hybrid-horse shoe) production and testing  end of Mar. HV board optimization (25)  end of Mar. 25 hors shoe cards production  Jan.-Feb. 11th card  Feb.-Mar. 50 VFATs both types  end of Jan. TTP hybrid testing system  end of Jan. 338 pad type VFAT+104 strip type VFAT hybrids  end of Feb. 450 VFAT hybrids components and bonding  end of Mar. !! Hybrids testing (1 detector/day) Detector with electronics testing (1/day) parallel with hybrids test Telescope assembly parallel with detectors Integration & services test (1 week) 28th of April !

  2. T2 Planning

  3. Issues from 16.01.2008 T2 meeting • T2 mechanical support improvement (Dmitri, Wolfgang, Miranda, Eric) • definition of services (cables !) for T2 electronics (Walter) • cooling power specification (Eric)  CMS cooling meetings • CMS gas meeting • Kapton cables (connecting horse shoe and 11th cards) production and testing status and procedures (Nicola, Eraldo) • 11th card design and production status, including geometry definition in connection with limited available space for telescope installation (Guido, Nicola) • - preparations for VFAT hybrids assembly in Helsinki (Kari)  Kari’s mail

  4. VFAT Hybrids assembly in Helsinki 1) hybrids in panels (how many in one panel?) 2) the proper smt components in a standard form of band suitable for those assembling machines 3) both white and black connectors in similar form 4) VFATs, if you want that they will be installed at the same time. The alignment precision should be 13 microns. 5) proper drawings of stencils (or even better, if you have the actual stencils themselves)

  5. Detector optimization (Eraldo) -Work on TTP: 1)understand how to control and use the TTP; 2)define the procedure to test the hybrids and test all the available ones; 3)test four hybrids plugged on the GEM with the TTP (this will require time, but We are really interested to see the results in terms of noise); -Work on Timing: 4)make a systematic analysis of the noise versus the number of clock cycles for the monostable pulse length; 5)define with you the measurements and the procedure to follow to finalize the timing study; 6)according to point 5, make the tests changing the induction field and/or the gas mixture. (I think that probably we will not have all the needed time to face off all this points. Regarding point 6, I think that we could make all the necessary in order to arrange the H8 system set-up (for example I think that we cannot sent the mixture with CF4 directly on the air as we are doing now with Ar/CO2 etc. etc.) to be ready to make this measurements during the next period at cern (we have time until the end of March for the results of these tests and I'm sure that we will be at CERN for other weeks before the end March!). Moreover we don't have at the moment in Siena the possibility to change the mixture and for this reason this test should be done at CERN, but we could eventually do the tests concerning the induction field.

  6. Issues from 23.01.2008 T2 meeting Status of  mechanical support and mock-up (service cables), Status of 11th card (production and testing - status of DAQ), Hybrids production in Helsinki, Ambient temperature, pressure and humidity sensors locations, Reports from the CMS meetings (gas, cooling and grounding), https://edms.cern.ch/file/463581/2/Totem_Gas_System_2-1.doc T2 planning overview

  7. 11th card status Tous les composants sont places. Je commence a regarder comment faire le routage de la carte le plus efficacement possible. Voir si je peux faire des parties répétitives que je puisse recopier après ( copy paste ). J'ai vérifier tous le connecteurs pour les mettre dans le bon sens . Maintenant c'est OK. Une fois que tout est bien en place on vas essayer de travailler a 2 sur le même job pour aller plus vite . Lundi Guido devrait venir au CERN  pour vérifier quelques points . J'ai demander a Eric de me donner les dimension maximale du Circuit en longueur , car si je pouvais avoir quelques mm de plus cela m'arrangerais . On va essayer de la terminer au plus vite .                          Manu

  8. Bonjour a tous, voici un premier rapport concernant le test d'insertion et la prise de mesures du détecteur TOTEM T2. Ces mesures ont été prises sur place dans CMS. les premières mesures montrent que la situation est moins catastrophique que l'on pensait. L'enveloppe extérieure du détecteur est simulée par un cylindre de diamètre 480 mm et de longueur 500mm. Aucuns problèmes pour l'insertion: le détecteur se monte facilement. Positionnement: des mesures entre le détecteur et la paroi interne du HF (Hadron forward) ont été relevées sur les deux parties.   - la cote minimum est de 7.80 mm et la cote maxi est de 14.3 au rayon   - le HF est décentre de 1.95 mm en position horizontale et de 2.15 en position verticale.   - le HF a un jeu de 4.5 a 5 mm entre chaque demi-coquille.   - le point le plus critique se situe au niveau de la 11 eme carte avec un jeu de 8.6 mm minimum Nous ne connaissons pas la position exacte du tube a vide par rapport au HF. Cependant les jeux relèves permettront un centrage du T2. La tolérance d'ajustement sera suffisante pour le centrage des trois éléments. les mesures ont été prises avec Miranda, Wolfgang, Dimitri et moi-même. Pour plus de détails,un dessin et un relevé de cotes est a disposition ainsi que quelques photos. Conclusion: l'insertion du détecteur TOTEM T2 ne posera aucuns problèmes si nous respectons notre enveloppe de d=480mm. Salutations Eric DAVID  le 31.01.2008

  9. Agenda for 13.02.2008 T2 meeting Detector performance optimization (detectors shielding) Status of  mechanical support and mock-up, services routing Cooling of the HV board (manifold status) Status of the 11th card layout (incl. cooling) Status of the hybrids and horse shoe card production Hybrids assembly in Helsinki, T2 planning overview

  10. T2 Planning modified 13.02.2008

  11. Agenda for 20.02.2008 T2 meeting Status of  mechanical support, mock-up and services routing Electronics production schedule Components for electronics assembly specs (hybrids) Detectors shielding T2 planning overview

  12. T2 electronics planning

  13. Components for T2 electronics assembly

  14. Agenda for 27.02.2008 T2 meeting Mechanical support, mock-up and services routing Cooling DCS sensors Components for electronics assembly Electronics production schedule Detectors shielding T2 planning overview

  15. DCS sensors integration in T2 1) In each quarter the following sensors will be used: a) 1 RadMon (6 wires) b) 1 Humidity (4 wires) c) 1 Pressure (4 wires) d) 7 pt100 for temperatures  - e.g.: T(pipe_in), T(pipe_out), T(air), T(humidity_sensor), T(electronics_test_point_1, T(electronics_test_point_2), T(electronics_test_point_3), e) 2 pt100 for temperatures for DSS  - T(DSS_1) and T(DSS_2), location to be defined 2) In view of the detector integration the following allocation and readout are suggested for the sensors above mentioned: a) RadMon: the card will be inserted into an ERNI 12-pin connector housed on the 11th card (two connectors on the two sides of the power connectors will be placed since the card will have to stand on the opposite side with respect to directions of the cables) b) Pressure, Humidity and pt100 for T(humidity sensor): these three sensors will be housed on a small card (similar to the RadMon one) that will be inserted into an ERNI 12-pin connector housed on the 11th card  (two connectors on the two sides of the power connectors will be placed since the cards will have to stand on the opposite side with respect to directions of the cables) c) 8 pt100 for T(pipe_in), T(pipe_out), T(air), T(electronics_test_point_1, T(electronics_test_point_2), T(electronics_test_point_3), T(DSS_1) and T(DSS_2): located in the test points and connected through 4 wire  connections to eight 4-pin connectors (to be identified) housed on the 11th card d) one additional 100-pin HIROSE connector will bring out the 68 wires [2x6+2x(4+4+4)+8x4] through a cable similar to the ones used to connect the 11th card to the Opto-Board e) signals - if required - could be conditioned in the "patch panel" board in the rack to fan-out to the 4 36-wire cables pre-viewed for each quarter of the detector

  16. T2 cables (one quarter)

  17. Agenda for 5.03.2008 T2 meeting Mechanical support, mock-up and services routing  Dmitri presentation Cooling Helsinki T2 status (VFAT hybrids (radhard capacitors specs, chips gluing), HV board (resistors), shielding) Components for electronics assembly Electronics production schedule

  18. T2 integration

  19. Cooling

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