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Thomas A. J. Kuhlbusch

Nanoparticle Exposure in the Workplace. Thomas A. J. Kuhlbusch. Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. Air Quality & Sustainable Nanotechnology. Türk Toraks Derneği Antalya, 13. – 17. June 2011. Royal Society (2004). Nanoparticle Life Cycle. Research Area. Environment

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Thomas A. J. Kuhlbusch

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  1. Nanoparticle Exposure in the Workplace Thomas A. J. Kuhlbusch Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology e.V. Air Quality & Sustainable Nanotechnology TürkToraksDerneği Antalya, 13. – 17. June 2011

  2. Royal Society (2004) Nanoparticle Life Cycle Research Area Environment Health Safety

  3. Powderhandling EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) Release Exposure Health / Effects Transport + Change Dose ? At what concentration?

  4. EHS (Environment, Health & Safety) Release Exposure Health / Effects Transport + Change Dose Life cycle Production Processing Product Recycling + Weathering Who Worker Consumer Population Environment Uptake via Skin Oral Inhalation Toxicology Epidemiology EcologicalEffects Risk Safety

  5. Particle deposition in healthy, adult subjects Mouth Breathing 1.0 0.8 total 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 extra- thoracic 0.6 0.4 0.2 deposition 0.4 bronchi 0.2 0.4 bronchioli 0.2 0.8 0.6 alveoli 0.4 0.2 0.01 10 1 0.1 particle density: 1 g cm-3 respiratory flow rate: 300 cm3 s-1 breathing at rest cycle period : 5 s particle diameter (µm) ICRP 66 (1994); MPPDep (2000)

  6. Royal Society (2004) Work placeexposure

  7. Nanoparticle detection For nanoparticle exposure and dose determination: Backgroundparticle Engineered nano- particles

  8. Nanoparticle detection Preseparatorremoves large particles: Backgroundparticle Engineered nano- particles

  9. Nanoparticle detection Elimination ofthebackground: Backgroundparticle Engineered nano particles

  10. Differentiation ofthenanoparticles Separation bymorphology:

  11. outer area (ambient, hall) Work area Process ? subtraction Nanoparticles versus background particles Ambient area Indoor area Work Environment Fork lift

  12. Emission size distribution Typical emission during bagging A leak in the production line

  13. Workplace measurements Particle number concentration < 100 nm • Mainly agglomerated particles are released (NP production and handling industry) • Accidental leaks and maintenance problems may lead to significant exposure • Agrees with results e.g. from NanoCare and review by Brouwer (2010) • Use in product has to be tested for release Carbon Black study, Kuhlbusch and Fissan, 2006

  14. Content Exposure Dose Material characterization Effect(s) Hazard potential

  15. Material characteristics • ’Relevant‘ material characteristics • State of agglomeration and ‘stability’ • Surface properties • Intrinsic ROS-activity potential • Morphology • …… •  Exposure metric? Measurement devices?

  16. Royal Society (2004) Needed measurement techniques

  17. Identification of engineered nanoparticles • Sampling for subsequent SEM-EDX analysis (see activated sludge): Devices for sampling of airborne particles are e.g. an electrostatic precipitator or a thermal precipitator Azong-Wara, J. Nanopart. Res. 2009 But: Information (e.g. for morphology) only offline

  18. Examples for short and long CNT So far no device for online detection of CNT-like nanoobjects exists!

  19. Tubes and fibres: Carbon nano tubes ?

  20. Particle classification within an electrical field Drag force FD of an airborne particle depends on its cross sectional area Air flow Aerosol Fibre-like particle: Drag force dependent on orientation spherical particle: Drag force independent of orientation Inner electrode el. field Case a) short fibres, no orientation according to E-Field Case b) long fibres, orientation according to E-Field outer electrode FD Outlet Kim et al.,J. Aerosol Sci. 2007

  21. Online detection of different morphologies • Be careful interpreting measurement results! • A second piece of information needed beside electrical mobility classification to determine morphology e.g. tube length, to correctly assess particle size • Research ongoing: e.g. EU FP7 NanoDevice, BMBF CarboSafe, BMBF CarboLifeCycle

  22. Summary and Conclusions • EHS is important to ascertain sustainable development of use of nanomaterial • Nanomaterials may be released leading to environmental and human exposure • Differentiating nanoscale particles (natural or byproducts from engineered nanoparticles) is difficult  R&D needed • Generally ENP exposure low, mainly agglomerates, but exceptions exist, (leaks, sprays, sanding?...) • Despite all knowledge gain during the last 10 years several specific research tasks remain, e.g. ● online detection of engineered nanoobjects in water and air● metaanalysis and modelling of hazard and exposure● sound risk assessment● safe nanomaterial design

  23. Teşekkür to you and my colleagues Silver NM 300

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