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EE121 John Wakerly Lecture #9

EE121 John Wakerly Lecture #9. Sequential PLD timing ABEL sequential features Registers Counters Shift registers. Sequential PLD timing parameters. Registered outputs in ABEL. “ istype ’reg’; ” for registered outputs “ .CLK ” suffix to specify clock-input signal

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EE121 John Wakerly Lecture #9

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  1. EE121 John Wakerly Lecture #9 Sequential PLD timing ABEL sequential features Registers Counters Shift registers

  2. Sequential PLD timing parameters

  3. Registered outputs in ABEL • “istype ’reg’;” for registered outputs • “.CLK” suffix to specify clock-input signal • “.OE” suffix to specify output-enable signal • “:=” in assignment statements

  4. Inputs Combinationaloutputs Registeredoutputs Example • (We’ll discuss state machines next time.) • (We’ll discuss ABEL “state diagrams” later.

  5. Don’t forget!! (Foundation won’t tell you) Example (cont’d.)

  6. More complex registered outputs • Additional suffixes used for more features • Not needed in this class

  7. Multibit registers and latches • 74x175

  8. 8-bit (octal) register • 74x374 • 3-state output

  9. Other octal registers • 74x273 • asynchronous clear • 74x377 • clock enable

  10. Octal latch • 74x373 • Output enable • Latch-enable input “C” or “G” • Register vs. latch, what’s the difference? • Register: edge-triggered behavior • Latch: output follows input when G is asserted

  11. ABEL code for octal register module Eight_Bit_Reg title '8-bit Edge-Triggered Register' Z74X374 device 'P16V8R'; " Input pins CLK, OE_L pin 1, 11; D1..D8 pin 2..9; " Output pins Q1..Q8 pin 19..12; " Set definitions D = [D1..D8]; Q = [Q1..Q8]; equations Q.CLK = CLK; Q := D; end Eight_Bit_Reg

  12. Adding features is easy • Clock enable • + Synchronous clear • + Asynchronous clear • (only if PAL supports asynchronous reset) when CE then Q := D; else Q := Q; when SCLR then Q := 0; else when CE then Q := D; else Q := Q; Q.AR = ACLR;

  13. EN EN EN EN EN RESET EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN Counters • Any sequential circuit whose state diagram is a single cycle.

  14. LSB Serial enable logic MSB Synchronous counter

  15. LSB Parallel enable logic MSB Synchronous counter

  16. 74x163 MSI 4-bit counter

  17. 74x163 internal logic diagram • XOR gates embody the “T” function • Mux-like structure for loading

  18. Counter operation • Free-running 16 • Count if ENP andENT both asserted. • Load if LD is asserted(overrides counting). • Clear if CLR is asserted (overrides loading and counting). • All operations take place on rising CLK edge. • RCO is asserted if ENT is asserted andCount = 15.

  19. Free-running 4-bit ’163 counter • “divide-by-16” counter

  20. Modified counting sequence • Load 0101 (5) after Count = 15 • 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 5, 6, … • “divide-by-11” counter

  21. trick to save gate inputs Another way • Clear after Count = 1010 (10) • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 1, 2, 3, … • “modulo-11” or “divide-by-11” counter

  22. Counting from 3 to 12

  23. Cascading counters • RCO (ripple carry out) is asserted in state 15, if ENT is asserted.

  24. Decoding binary-counter states

  25. Decoder waveforms • Glitches may or may not be a concern.

  26. Glitch-free outputs • Registered outputs delayed by one clock tick. • We’ll show another way to get the same outputs later, using a shift register.

  27. note reg vs. com don’t forget clock! reg com Counters in ABEL module Z74X163 title '4-bit Binary Counter' " Input and output pins CLK, LD_L, CLR_L, ENP, ENT pin; A, B, C, D pin; QA, QB, QC, QD pin istype 'reg'; RCO pin istype 'com'; " Active-level conversions CLR = !CLR_L; LD = !LD_L; " Set definitions INPUT = [D, C, B, A]; COUNT = [QD, QC, QB, QA]; equations COUNT.CLK = CLK; COUNT := !CLR & ( LD & INPUT # !LD & (ENT & ENP) & (COUNT + 1) # !LD & !(ENT & ENP) & COUNT); RCO = (COUNT == [1,1,1,1]) & ENT; end Z74X163

  28. QA := (CLR_L & LD_L & ENT & ENP & !QA # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENP & QA # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENT & QA # CLR_L & !LD_L & A); QB := (CLR_L & LD_L & ENT & ENP & !QB & QA # CLR_L & LD_L & QB & !QA # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENP & QB # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENT & QB # CLR_L & !LD_L & B); QC := (CLR_L & LD_L & ENT & ENP & !QC & QB & QA # CLR_L & LD_L & QC & !QA # CLR_L & LD_L & QC & !QB # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENP & QC # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENT & QC # CLR_L & !LD_L & C); QD := (CLR_L & LD_L & ENT & ENP & !QD & QC & QB & QA # CLR_L & !LD_L & D # CLR_L & LD_L & QD & !QB # CLR_L & LD_L & QD & !QC # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENP & QD # CLR_L & LD_L & !ENT & QD # CLR_L & LD_L & QD & !QA); RCO = (ENT & QD & QC & QB & QA); Minimized sum-of-products equations

  29. Shift registers • For handling serial data, such as RS-232 and modem transmission and reception, Ethernet links, SONET, etc. • Serial-in, serial-out

  30. Serial-to-parallel conversion • Use a serial-in, parallel-out shift register

  31. mux Parallel-to-serial conversion • Use parallel-in, serial-out shift register

  32. Do both • Parallel-in, parallel-out shift register

  33. “Universal” shift register74x194 • Shift left • Shift right • Load • Hold

  34. One stage of ’194

  35. Serial data systems (e.g., TPC) • Read discussion and study circuits in text.

  36. Shift-register counters • Ring counter

  37. Johnson counter • “Twisted ring” counter

  38. LFSR counters • Pseudo-random number generator • 2n - 1 states before repeating • Same circuits used in CRC error checking in Ethernet networks, etc.

  39. Feedback equations for all values of n

  40. Next time • Read about shift registers in ABEL • Sequential-circuit analysis and synthesis

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