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Grouper Training Developers and Architects Web Services - Part 5

Grouper Training Developers and Architects Web Services - Part 5. Chris Hyzer Internet2 University of Pennsylvania. This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Contents. Introduction Operations (Part 4) Add/delete member Get members

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Grouper Training Developers and Architects Web Services - Part 5

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  1. Grouper TrainingDevelopers and Architects Web Services - Part 5 Chris Hyzer Internet2 University of Pennsylvania This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

  2. Contents Introduction Operations (Part 4) Add/delete member Get members Has member Get memberships Group save/delete Find groups Stem save/delete Find stems Operations (Part 5) Get subjects Get/assign privileges Get/assign attributes Get/assign permissions Member change subject Attribute name save/delete Find attributes Attribute inheritance

  3. Introduction to WS for developers 3

  4. Get subjects Get subjects from searching by id or identifier or search string • wsSubjectLookups are subjects to look for • searchString free form string query • sourceIds are sources to look in for memberships, or null if all • wsGroupLookup specify a group if the subjects must be in the group • fieldName is if the memberships should be retrieved from a certain field membership of the group (certain list) • wsMemberFilter: All, Effective, Immediate, Composite, NonImmediate 4

  5. Get Grouper privileges get grouper privileges for a group or folder (Lite only) subjectLookup is the subject to filter privileges by groupLookup points to the group if group privileges are being queried stemLookup points to the folder if folder privielges are being queried privilegeType (e.g. "access" for groups and "naming" for stems) privilegeName (e.g. for groups: read, view, update, admin, optin, optout. e.g. for stems: stem, create) 5

  6. Assign Grouper privileges (un)assign a privilege wsSubjectLookups: subjects to assign privileges wsGroupLookup: owner of privilege if for groups wsStemLookup if stem privilege, this is the stem replaceAllExisting T or F if replacing all who have the privilege privilegeType access=groups, naming=stems privilegeNames read, view, update, admin, etc allowed is T to allow privilege, F to deny 6

  7. Attribute assign type Assign lookups (ids) Attribute def lookups Attr def name lookups Actions Include metadata Enabled? Value type Value Various owner lookups: Group Folder Member Membership Attr assignment Get attribute assignments Find attribute assignments based on criteria 7

  8. Attribute assign type Assign lookups (ids) Attr def name lookups Actions (Un)enabled dates Value type Value Assign / add / replace / remove Various owner lookups: Group Folder Member Membership Attr assignment Assign attributes Assign or unassign attributes and values 8

  9. Assign attributes batch • Pass in attribute assignments (similar to operation "assign attributes") • Pass in multiple assignment operations in one operations • Can back-reference assignments in same batch (to assignment metadata on assignments) • Can set transaction type 9

  10. Can calculate limits Attribute def lookups Attr def name lookups Actions Include limits? Enabled? Role lookups Subject lookups Include detail? Point in time query Immediate only? Permission type Get permissions assignments Find permissions/limits based on criteria 10

  11. Assign to users or roles Perm name lookup Assign/replace/remove Assignment notes (Un)enabled time User/role lookups Role lookups Actions Delegatable? Allowed? Assign permissions Assign or unassign permissions 11

  12. Member change subject • Change the subject that a member points to • Pass in the old subject and new subject • Can delete unused member record if applicable 12

  13. Attribute name save Create or edit attributeDefName / permissionName • Attribute Def lookup • Parent folder lookup • Display name • System name • Description • Can batch, can use transaction 13

  14. Attribute name delete Delete attributeDefName / permissionName • Attribute definition name lookup • Can batch • Transaction type 14

  15. Find attribute definition name Search for attribute definition names / permission names • Scope • Split scope • Attribute def lookup • Assign type • Attribute def type • Attribute definition name lookups • Paging • Sorting • Permission inheritance type 15

  16. Attribute def name inheritance (Un)assign attribute def name (permission name) inheritance • Owner attribute def name lookup • Related attribute def name lookups • Assign? • Replace? • Transaction type 16

  17. Quiz Click on the quiz link in the video description to reinforce your knowledge of this topic 17

  18. Thanks! • Further information: • Infosheets, mailing lists, wiki, downloads, etc.:www.internet2.edu/grouper • Grouper demo server:grouperdemo.internet2.edu/ • Grouper Online Training Home:spaces.internet2.edu/x/IIGfAQ This work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

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