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Emergent Inference, or How can a program become a self-programming AGI system? Sergio Pissanetzky

Emergent Inference, or How can a program become a self-programming AGI system? Sergio Pissanetzky Self-programming Workshop AGI-11. Overview of Emergent Inference. ► 1850 ● Helmholtz discovered Unconscious Inference. ► 2005 ● M otivation: Interest in refactoring.

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Emergent Inference, or How can a program become a self-programming AGI system? Sergio Pissanetzky

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  1. Emergent Inference, or How can a program become a self-programming AGI system? Sergio Pissanetzky Self-programming Workshop AGI-11

  2. Overview of Emergent Inference ► 1850 ● Helmholtz discovered Unconscious Inference. ► 2005 ● Motivation: Interest in refactoring. ● Scope: Refactoring is universal. ● Approach: Computational experiments. ► Discoveries: ● Partially ordered sets. ● Emergent inference. ● Emergence in complex dynamical systems. ● EI happens in the brain.

  3. Brain experiments senses and afferent nerves partially ordered set natural structures predicted structures emergent inference brain knowledge feedback compare feedback

  4. The first experiment PROGRAM (SCRAMBLED) CANONICAL MATRIX a = α * χ b = δ* μ c = α * ψ d = δ * ω e = β * φ f = β * χ g = β * ψ h = α* φ i = δ* ν j = ν+ e k = h + i l = a + b m = μ+ f n = c + d p = θ+ n q = ω+ g r = π+ l s = ρ+ k

  5. The result from the first experiment REFACTORED PROGRAM CANONICAL MATRIX (STRUCTURED) d = δ * ω c = α * ψ n = c + d p = θ+ n f = β * χ m = μ+ f b = δ* μ a = α * χ l = a + b r = π+ l e = β * φ j = ν+ e i = δ* ν h = α* φ k = h + i s = ρ+ k g = β * ψ q = ω+ g This process is emergent inference

  6. The importance of this discovery: ● it is a rigorous mathematical solution obtained from first principles, not a phenomenological guess or an engineering compromise. ● it is universal ● it is a side effect of an unrelated process ● it requires no domain-specific knowledge ● it is not man-made ● it is ready for use in computers

  7. Claim Any system has a natural hierarchical structure that can be found by emergent inference. Conjectures Emergent Inference explains emergence and self-organization in complex dynamical systems. Emergent inference in the brain gives rise to intelligence.

  8. Representing systems as partially ordered sets Any system of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, CS,... • Model, theory, equations. • z = f(x, y) Set = {x, y, z} Partial order = {x < z, y < z} A computer program. • Parser. CFS Brain model = neural network + reduce energy consumption. • C = interconnections  memory • F = fire  behavior • S = shrink  intelligence, emotions, creativity. • Clustering takes place. Iteration forms clusters of clusters. • Clusters are neural cliques, cortical columns, cortical modules.

  9. Traditional software development cycle emergent inference emergent inference emergent inference BRAIN (human analyst) • • • structure structure structure knowledge stream of experience data • • • PROGRAM

  10. Software Categorization

  11. Traditional AI and AGI car position sensors car driving program car controls stage sensors, actors stage control program stage controls chess sensors chess playing program chess controls There is no integration, and no refactoring

  12. The brain car drive car human brain stage senses manage stage chess play chess The brain integrates and refactors naturally

  13. Emergent inference problem of Physics law of Physics raw image image recognition emergent inference token ring (in C) OO program classes, objects interdependent tasks parallel program EI integrates and refactors naturally

  14. We need a principle for intelligence • Aeronautical Engineering. • - 1800: lift force identified as the principle of flight. • Software engineering. • 1980’s: the automation of objects. • 1990’s: the automation of refactoring. • Artificial intelligence. • 2000’s: the automation of integration. • 2010’s: the automation of self-programming. • Neuroscience. • - “the exact way in which the brain enables thought is one of the great mysteries of science.” (Russell-Norvig). • - “we are still a long way from understanding how cognitive processes actually work.” (Russell-Norvig) . Emergent inference is the principle for intelligence

  15. Conclusions ● Self-programming can not be achieved without AGI. ● AGI can not be achieved by writing programs. ● EI is the principle for intelligence, AGI and self- programming.

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