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Chapter 2 BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR. Section 1: The Nervous System Section 2: The Brain: Our Control Center Section 3: The Endocrine System Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background. Waterboy. Central Nervous System (CNS). Two parts to the CNS Brain & Spinal Cord.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 2BIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Section 1: The Nervous System Section 2: The Brain: Our Control Center Section 3: The Endocrine System Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background

  2. Chapter 3 Waterboy

  3. Chapter 3 Central Nervous System (CNS) • Two parts to the CNS • Brain & Spinal Cord

  4. Chapter 3 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) • The glands, organs, muscles • Basically everything other than the brain and spinal cord

  5. Chapter 3 Section 1: The Nervous System Question: How are messages transmitted by neurons, and what are the functions of the peripheral nervous system? FUNCTIONS OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM • Responsible for transmitting messages between the central nervous system and all part of the body and is made up of the somatic and autonomic nervous system • The somatic nervous systemtransmits sensory messages to the central nervous system • The autonomic nervous systemregulates the body’s vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing

  6. Chapter 3 Section 1: The Nervous System Question: How are messages transmitted by neurons, and what are the functions of the peripheral nervous system? MESSAGE TRANSMISSION VIA NEURONS • Dendrite – receive neurotransmitters • Soma – cell body • Axon – carries signal • Myelin Sheath – protects the axon • Terminal Button – sends neurotransmitters

  7. Chapter 3 Section 2: The Brain: Our Control Center Question: What are the major structures of the brain, and what is the function of each structure? MAJOR STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN • Hindbrain: • Medulla – breathing/heart-rate (medussa) • Cerebellum – balance (Sarah was awesome on the beam) • Pons – eye movement/sleep/facial expressions/body coordination

  8. Chapter 3 Brain • Midbrain: • Reticular formation – arousal/alert

  9. Chapter 3 Brain • Thalamus – relays almost all sensations (Thelma) • Does not relay smell

  10. Chapter 3 Limbic System • Hypothalamus – hunger/thirst/drives (Hypothermia) • Amygdala – emotional center (Amy) • Hippocampus –new memory ( I will always remember that hippo on campus)

  11. Chapter 3 Brain • Corpus Callosum – connects the two hemispheres – moves info from left to right • Broca’s Area – motor speech • Broca’s Aphasia – “broken speech” • Wernicke’s Area – language comprehension • Wernicke’s Aphasia – speak but not comprehend

  12. Chapter 3 Brain • Cerebral Cortex – “bark” of the brain • The wrinkled gray matter

  13. Chapter 3 Section 3: The Endocrine System Question: How do hormones secreted by the major glands of the endocrine system affect the body? HORMONES AND EFFECT ON THE BODY • Pituitary Gland – responsible for the secretion of many different hormones that affect various aspects of behavior such as the growth hormone • Adrenal Gland – secretes cortical steroids which increase resistance to stress and promote muscle development –(Adrenaline or Epinephrine)

  14. Chapter 3 Section 3: The Endocrine System Question: How do hormones secreted by the major glands of the endocrine system affect the body? • Testes and Ovaries – produce the hormones testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone that play an important role in development, development of primary and secondary sex characteristics and have psychological as well as biological effects HORMONES AND EFFECT ON THE BODY (continued)

  15. Chapter 3 Section 4: Heredity: Our Genetic Background Question: What is the role of chromosomes and genes in heredity, and how do psychologists study the role of heredity in determining traits? THE STUDY OF THE ROLE OF HEREDITY Role of heredity in studies through various types of kinship research such as: A. Twin Studies – a useful way to learn about nature and nurture B. Adoptee Studies – provide ways of sorting out the effects of nature and nurture C. Twins Reared Apart – a way of finding out that twins reared apart share many of the same mannerisms despite their separation

  16. Chapter 3 Nature v Nurture

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