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Romeo & Juliet

Romeo & Juliet. Montagues vs. Capulets. Question # 1. In the balcony scene, Juliet says: “What’s Montague? It is nor hand or foot, Nor arm, nor face…. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet” What does Juliet mean by this quote?.

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Romeo & Juliet

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  1. Romeo & Juliet Montagues vs. Capulets

  2. Question # 1 In the balcony scene, Juliet says: “What’s Montague? It is nor hand or foot, Nor arm, nor face…. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet” What does Juliet mean by this quote?

  3. Romeo's name is an accident of birth, not an essential part of himself

  4. Question # 2 Who said the following: “Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man.”

  5. Mercutio

  6. Question # 3 True/False: Mercutio is killed because Tybalt is a better swordsman.

  7. FALSE

  8. Question # 4 Why doesn’t Romeo want to fight Tybalt?

  9. Romeo is now related to Tybalt by marriage.

  10. Question # 5 At the end of the play, both families plan to for Romeo & Juliet.

  11. Erect a memorial to the lovers

  12. Question # 6 The following is an example of what literary element: “O son, the night before thy wedding day/Hath death lain with thy wife. There she lies, Flower as she was, deflowered by him”

  13. Personification

  14. Question # 7 When Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, the dramatic irony lies in the fact that:

  15. The audience knows that Juliet is alive.

  16. Question # 8 What is the setting of the play?

  17. Verona, Italy

  18. Question # 9 How does the Nurse intensify Juliet’s suspense in Act II when she returns with Romeo’s news?

  19. Nurse goes on and on about her pains, thus leaving Juliet in suspense.

  20. Question # 10 Who said the following: “O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face”

  21. Juliet

  22. Question # 11 True/False Benvolio wishes to marry a woman he has not wooed.

  23. FALSE

  24. Question # 12 The following is an example of which literary element? These violent delights have violent ends/And in their triumps, die,….fire and powder,/Which as they kiss, consume.”

  25. Foreshadowing

  26. Question # 13 When Romeo arrives at the tomb, he discovers Paris and does what?

  27. Kills Paris in a duel

  28. Question # 14 Which of the following sentences best states a possible theme of the play? 1. Children, obey your parents 2. Arranged marriages are the most successful. 3. Hatred lead to violence, destruction and waste. 4. Love is blind.

  29. Hatred leads to violence, destruction and waste.

  30. Question # 15 The Capulets, the nurse, and Paris react to Juliet’s supposed death with .

  31. Cries of grief

  32. Question # 16 How long has Juliet been married when she hears of Tybalt’s death?

  33. 3 hours

  34. Question # 17 How old is Juliet?

  35. 13 years old

  36. Question # 18 Mercutio can be described as a foil to Romeo because

  37. Unlike Romeo, Mercutio takes love seriously.

  38. Question # 19 Why does Friar Laurence scold Romeo in Act II?

  39. Romeo is so changeable in love.

  40. Question # 20 True/False Lord Capulet scorns his only child and vows to disown her.

  41. True

  42. Question # 21 Why does Juliet admit her love to Romeo?

  43. She is sure his love is true.

  44. Question # 22 At the end of the play, who dies first, Romeo or Juliet?

  45. Romeo

  46. Question # 23 Romeo’s servant, not Friar John, tells Romeo what?

  47. Juliet is dead.

  48. Question # 24 The following is an example of what literary element: “Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books….”

  49. Simile

  50. Question # 25 True/False The turning point in the play occurs when Romeo goes to friar Laurence’s cell after Tybalt’s death.”

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