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COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE ENERGY FROM THE BRAZILIAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Sergio G. Mathias LAS/ANS Symposium Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 13-16, 2005. Angra 1. Angra 2. Angra 3. Typical share of Angra 1 and Angra 2 in previous years : 4%

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  1. COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE ENERGY FROM THE BRAZILIAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Sergio G. Mathias LAS/ANS Symposium Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 13-16, 2005

  2. Angra 1 Angra 2 Angra 3

  3. Typical share of Angra 1 and Angra 2 in previous years : 4% Production was lower in 2004 mainly because of two forced outages of Angra 2: failure of a Containment Isolation Valve (26 days) and malfunction of Electric Generator (32 days)

  4. Typical share of Angra 1 and Angra 2 in previous years : 4% Production was lower in 2004 mainly because of two forced outages of Angra 2: failure of a Containment Isolation Valve (26 days) and malfunction of Electric Generator (32 days)

  5. Right decision ! Wet OK (Thermal plants can supply only 20% of load demand) Using the reservoirs Dry Risk of deficit (Waste of fossil fuel) Wet Water spilling Not using the reservoirs Right decision ! Dry OK SHAKESPEAREAN DILEMMA IN THE OPERATION OF THE BRAZILIAN ELECTRIC SYSTEM To dispatch or not to dispatch the thermal plants, that is the question! Future water inflows Operational consequences Decision

  6. Load Dispatcher BRAZILIAN ELECTRIC SYSTEM ................. GENERATORS Gn G1 G2 E N E Spot Market Financial contracts R G Y Accounting of ............. contracted / supplied DISTRIBUTORS differences Dn D1 D2 E N E $ R G Y CONSUMERS

  7. COMMERCIALIZATION OF THE ENERGY OF ANGRA 1 AND ANGRA 2 E L E T R O N U C L E A R F U R N A S + x spot price (limited to + x tariff) Contracted energy: 1,475 MWavg Tariff: 37 US$/MWh (Charged regardless of actual supply) - x spot price (limited to - x tariff) Estimated values for 2005:  = - 330 MWavg Spot price = 8 US$/MWh Composed average tariff = 45 US$/MWh

  8. Regulated contracts Freely negotiated contracts ELETRONUCLEAR Generators Generators Angra 1 Angra 2 Prices resulting from auctions Freely negotiated prices Regulated tariff Distributors “Free” consumers (consumption > 3 MW) FURNAS Regulated tariffs “Captive” consumers CONTRACTING OF ELECTRIC ENERGY

  9. AUCTIONS - FIRST PHASE -System specifies prices -Generators specify amounts of energy they want to sell “Reference” Offer Total Demand from the Distributors 2nd round 3rd round 4th round 1st round Amounts of energy offered by the Generators Prices

  10. AUCTIONS - SECOND PHASE Generators specify amounts of energy they want to sell and prices (limited to prices resulting from the first phase) Prices A PA= P1 B Amounts of energy offered by the Generators PB C PC C B A Total demand from the Distributors Contracted amounts P1 = Final price from the first phase

  11. THANK YOU !!! Sergio Mathias ELETRONUCLEAR Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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