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Stock issues

Stock issues. I LL B LAME C URE C OSTS B ENEFITS. Stock issues. ILL: What is the current problem? Significant (quantitative) Harmful (qualitative). Stock issues. BLAME: Who/what is responsible for the ill? Structural Attitudinal Inherency. Stock issues.

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Stock issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stock issues • ILL • BLAME • CURE • COSTS • BENEFITS

  2. Stock issues ILL: What is the current problem? • Significant (quantitative) • Harmful (qualitative)

  3. Stock issues BLAME: Who/what is responsible for the ill? • Structural • Attitudinal • Inherency

  4. Stock issues CURE: What can we do to correct for the ill? • Plan of action (policy) • Agent- who should act • Mandate- what they should do • Effect (will the cure solve the ill?) • Topicality- does it address the root issue? • Solvency- is it realistic?

  5. Stock issues COSTS/BENEFITS: Now that we’ve solved for the ill, what other considerations must we account for? • What costs are associated with the cure (and are they acceptable?) • What additional benefits will accrue (in addition to solving for the ill)?

  6. Constructing Cases Needs case I. Problem A. Ill-there is a significant problem B. Blame-the current policy is to blame II. Solution/Cure A. Plan of action- We need a new policy • Agent- who should act • Mandate- what should they do B. Effect-this policy will cure the ill realistically C. Potential costs are acceptable III. Benefits

  7. Constructing Cases Comparative-advantages I. Plan of Action • Agent • Mandate II. Benefits • Ill- a significant problem persists • Blame- current efforts are insufficient • Cure- the plan solves the ill better than the current policy • Potential costs are acceptable III. Additional benefits

  8. Constructing Cases Goal I. We share a common goal (statement of value) II. Ill/Blame-current policy is a violation of the goal/value III. Cure A. Plan of action • Agent • Mandate B. Effect IV. BenefitsA. we achieve our goal B. We achieve additional benefits

  9. Refutation Direct refutation • simply follow the constructive case and refute one or more stock issues

  10. Refutation Defense with minor repairs • with minor changes the present policy can correct for the ills • the present system is protected from blame

  11. Refutation Counter-proposals • there are significant ills • blame is established • the opposition’s cure is incorrect or insufficient • a counter-proposal better addressed ill

  12. Refutation Defense of the existing policy • the present policy is not as bad as the affirmative argues • the ills are not as bad as suggested • the blame is not due to the present policy • the benefits of the current policy outweigh any disadvantages

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