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Modern art in Europe: Surrealism

Modern art in Europe: Surrealism. Comenius 2009-2011, 3rd meeting Austria, Art. What is surrealism ?. Attitude of life Provocation of the middle-class Represents unconscious, dreams and imagination Inspiration by Sigmund Freud

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Modern art in Europe: Surrealism

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  1. Modern art in Europe: Surrealism Comenius 2009-2011, 3rd meeting Austria, Art

  2. Whatissurrealism? • Attitude of life • Provocation of the middle-class • Represents unconscious, dreams and imagination • Inspiration by Sigmund Freud • Important founders: Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon, Luis Bunuel, Jean Cocteau, Salvator Dali…

  3. The firstsurrealists • Hieronymus Bosch, 1450-1516 • His workisknownforitsuseoffantasticimagerytoillustratemoralandreligiousconceptsand narratives  Heaven, Hell, etc • Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1527-1593 • Best knownforcreating imaginative portraitheadsmadeentirelyof such objectsasfruits

  4. Hieronymus Bosch – The Garden ofEarthlyDelights

  5. Giuseppe Arcimboldo - Spring

  6. Modern surrealism in our countries • Italy: • Spain: • Austria: • Romania: • Turkey: • Netherlands:

  7. Italy

  8. Art as a reactionto war Pablo Picasso (1881 – 1973)

  9. Pablo Picasso was stronglyagainst war and he representedhisattitude in hispainting: „Guernica“ (1937). The subjectofthepaintingisthat Picasso sawthedestructionofthevillageGuernica. In fact, Franco askedthe German airfighters (Legion Condor) todestroythisvillageand break theresistanceoftheSpanishRepublicanArmy. The picture was paintedwithoil on canvasandshowslegs, army, faces, horses, bullsdepicted in an abstractway. SurrealismandCubismismixedtogetheranditrepresentsthe war in Spain. G u e r n i c a, 1 9 3 7

  10. „Art is a liethatmakesusrealizethetruth“ (-Pablo Picasso)

  11. Spain

  12. Austria • After Second World War a group of young painters from Vienna founded a special group: The Vienna School of Fantastic Realism. • All these young men studied at the academy of fine arts in Vienna. Their professor was Albert Paris Gütersloh.

  13. Turkey

  14. Netherlands

  15. M.C. Escher • Dutch artist who lived in the 20th century • He played with mathematical problems • Drew with black pencil • Featuring impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture and tessellations (mosaic).

  16. Salvadore Dali: The Persistance of Memory

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