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Personal Learning Planning – What will it look like?

Personal Learning Planning – What will it look like?. By the end of this session participants will have: considered how personal learning planning can support the formative processes. developed ideas as to what may be recorded in personal learning planning.

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Personal Learning Planning – What will it look like?

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  1. Personal Learning Planning – What will it look like?

  2. By the end of this session participants will have: considered how personal learning planning can support the formative processes. developed ideas as to what may be recorded in personal learning planning. generated ideas as to how personal learning planning can be taken forward. Aims

  3. Are formative processes embedded? Do learners: use learning objectives and success criteria to monitor progress? engage in good quality dialogue to identify and assess their progress? receive good quality feedback and use it to improve their learning? Experience a class ethos that supports honest, helpful self / peer evaluation? Pre-requisites for PLPing:

  4. Essentially, personal learning planning should support the formative processes. The basic processes are: a learning target is set and criteria for success established activities designed to achieve the target are planned the activities are undertaken progress towards achieving the target is evaluated as the activities are carried out and afterwards the evaluation is used to inform the next cycle of target setting, planning, doing and reviewing. Getting started - Processes

  5. The processes involved are best introduced gradually and progressively. Start with activities through which students can learn how to reflect. Other processes involved can then be built around habits of evaluation and reflection. The emphasis should be on processes not recording. Recording is only useful if it supports learning. Developing Processes

  6. Children and young people can develop their confidence through thinking about and reflecting on their own learning. They should have regular time to talk about their work and to identify and reflect on the evidence of their progress and their next steps, including through personal learning planning. Through frequent and regular conversations with informed adults, they are able to identify and understand the progress they are making across all aspects of their learning and achievements. BtC 5

  7. The rest of this session will focus on what personal learning planning might look like in practice. Participants will: briefly consider the next eight slides and their implications for PLPing. work round each station and consider what might be included in PLPing. consider what your next steps might be in relation to PLPing. Session Structure:

  8. Station 1: Reflective Thinking What will be considered • When reflective thinking takes place in your classrooms • What would be the value of capturing this thinking and recording it? (Who would benefit and why?) • How could this be done in a manageable way? This will be recorded on the A3 sheet on the table 1 2 5 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  9. Station 1: Reflective Thinking Examples of reflective statements: • The best part about _________ was ________ because ____ • I was successful when ________because _________. • We learned about _______so _______. • What I found difficult was ________because _________. • What I could do to overcome this problem is __________. • I worked co-operatively when __________. • I think our group worked well/not so well because _______. • I didn’t really enjoy _______because _______. • Next week I will try to _______. • Over the next ______ you could help my learning by _____ • I would also like to let you know _________. Materials to support this station: • Reflective Thinking: Example Sheet 1 2 5 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  10. Station 2: Assessing what pupils already know, what and how they want to learn What will be considered How do you currently involve learners, parents and other partners in: • reviewing what pupils already know? • deciding what they want to learn next? • deciding how they would like to learn? Why would it be valuable to share and record such planning? How could this be done? This will be recorded on the A3 sheet on the table Reflective thinking 1 2 5 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  11. Have a look at our class enquiry plan on the table below. Your ideas are in bold and the things I would like you to learn / do / use are in italics. For homework this week I would like you to discuss this plan with your parents and add more ideas in the last three columns. What we think we know: What we would like to find out: How we could find out: How we could present our findings: Ideas could be colour coded depending on pupil certainty. Teachers ideas in italic Pupils ideas in bold Parents ideas added as homework then incorporated into the plan Teachers ideas in italic Pupils ideas in bold Parents ideas added as homework then incorporated into the plan Teachers ideas in italic Pupils ideas in bold Parents ideas added as homework then incorporated into the plan Station 2: Assessing what pupils already know, what and how they want to learn Materials to support this station: Reflective thinking 1 2 5 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  12. Station 3: Target setting / on-going assessment What will be considered ‘Children and young people should agree learning goals and should record them in ways that are meaningful and relevant, for example in diaries, learning logs and progress files.’ Building the Curriculum 5 Reflective thinking 1 What know,/ want to learn 2 5 • How do you currently involve learners in setting targets? • How might these targets be recorded and used as part of ongoing assessment by learners, teachers and parents? • This will be recorded on the A3 sheet on the table 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  13. Recording Targets - Example Symmetry : First Level Maths MTH 1-19a / HWB - HWB 1-19a, HWB 1-14a LEARNING TARGETS On-going self / peer / parental / teachers’ assessment NEXT STEPS I can explain what a line of symmetry is. I can mark lines of symmetry on shapes without using a mirror. I can work out how many lines of symmetry a shape has without using a mirror. I can draw the other half of a shape given one half and its line of symmetry. I can complete symmetry puzzles for shapes with two lines of stmmetry. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others work. I can work well as part of a group. Station 3: Target setting / on-going assessment Materials to support this station: Reflective thinking 1 What know,/ want to learn 2 5 3 4 Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  14. Station 4: Types of evidence What will be considered Reflective thinking • Different types of evidence that could be used to evaluate how well pupils have met their learning targets. • Record your ideas under the following headings: SAY, MAKE, WRITE and DO. • How evidence could be incorporated into PLPing and how this would benefit learners. • This will be recorded on the A3 sheet on the table 1 What know,/ want to learn 2 5 3 4 Target setting/ Ongoing assessment Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  15. Station 5: Reporting progress & achievement What will be considered Reporting will take account of learners’ achievements in different contextsand settings, including: • across curriculum areas (covered in previous slide), • the life and ethos of the school and • learning outwith the school • learning in the wider community. Building the Curriculum 5 Reflective thinking 1 What know,/ want to learn 2 5 • Consider how evidence of progress and achievement might be recorded and • reported on using PLPing. • How would this benefit, learners, parents, teachers and other partners? 3 4 Target setting/ Ongoing assessment Types of evidence This will be recorded on the A3 sheet on the table Sharing PracticeWhat’s Happening  What’s Available  Next Steps

  16. Go on a gallery walk and consider what has been recorded by your group. Talk with your group and consider what your next steps should be in relation to personal learning planning. Record your next steps using the ‘Next Steps’ format provided. Next Steps

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