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TE 801, Our Last Class…

TE 801, Our Last Class…. Week 10. play money. David, Vanessa, Elise. place value blocks. Sam. implications of pre-assessment and impact on teaching. Danielle E, Kristen. Formative Assessment. Clare. urban ed cohort. Sheree , Chelsey , Nicole. video tapes analysis  .

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TE 801, Our Last Class…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TE 801, Our Last Class… Week 10

  2. play money David, Vanessa, Elise

  3. place value blocks Sam

  4. implications of pre-assessment and impact on teaching Danielle E, Kristen

  5. Formative Assessment Clare

  6. urban ed cohort Sheree, Chelsey, Nicole

  7. video tapes analysis   Chelsey and Clare

  8. This was the first day of my Guided Lead teaching and was the first section of a new unit on measurement and data analysis. The lesson was “Time to the Half Hour and Quarter Hour.” Students were to be able to tell time to the nearest half hour and quarter hour using analog and digital clocks and to use the correct terminology involved with these times. I began the lesson by discussing the words “half” and “quarter” and their meanings and then illustrating these fractions on a rectangle like the students have done in previous math lessons. The students had never used fractions on a circle so I asked the students to work through the task of making “half” and “quarter” on a clock face. The students were then asked to find out how many minutes would be in these fractions on a clock.

  9. setting up classroom expectations Alexa

  10. adding with a number line Nicole--

  11. Lisa Delpit The Silenced Dialogue

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