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WMO RA VI TT Hydrometry

WMO RA VI TT Hydrometry. Progress report 2013. Core task of the TT Hydrometry. Network design and strategic planning Network optimization and organization Measurement technologies, promotion of standards. 2012: Exploitation of survey 2011. Coordination and support

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WMO RA VI TT Hydrometry

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  1. WMO RA VITT Hydrometry Progress report 2013

  2. Core task of the TT Hydrometry • Network design and strategic planning • Network optimization and organization • Measurement technologies, promotion of standards • 2012: Exploitation of survey 2011 • Coordination and support • Information and experience exchange • Mutual support for durable hydrometric networks • 2012: 1st Forum of Hydrology

  3. survey on hydrometric practices, main results • Sent questionnaires: 46 • Answers received: 28 • 61%

  4. Roles of the networks

  5. Number of measured parameters

  6. Trend of network density

  7. Trend of network ressources Personal Finances

  8. 1st Forum meeting • May 8th to 10th 2012 in Koblenz (D) • Participants: ca 60 representing 30 countries (out of 50) • Participation of stakeholders: WMO, EEA, EFAS, GRDC, basin commissions (Rhine, Sava), UNECE Water

  9. 1st Forum meeting, main results • Strenghts, needs and problems have been identified/confirmed • Role of the Forum has been clarified • Joint activities have been decided

  10. TOR of the Forum • Common strategy in RA VI for the sustainability, design and harmonization of hydrological networks and services. • Platform for capacity building, exchanging good practices and promote approaches that will improve hydrological services. • Networking amongst RA VI NHSs. • To promote and facilitate cross-border exchange of hydrological information and practices. • Coordinated positions on improving hydrological services in support of social, economic and environmental needs. • Advice to the WG-CH in identifying possible contributions of RA VI NMHSs to WMO programs and commissions (HWRP, CHY). • Proposals on hydrological contributions to global, regional and national water and climate activities (WIGOS, WIS, GFCS, RCCs, RCOFs, …). • Discussions on issues and challenges related to the implementation of EU directives and their implications for non EU members.

  11. Forum, joint activities • identifying national focal points (Tommaso Abrate, WMO Secretariat) • positioning of the RA VI hydrological community in respect to decision makers and other expert and science communities (Markku Puupponen, Finland) • joint resource mobilization for enhancing cooperation in the region (Johannes Cullmann, Germany) • providing an overview on how actual challenges are addressed (Ann Calver, UK) • data needs analysis - synthesis of national and regional requirements (medium term) (Mary-Jeanne Adler, Romania) • case studies on network design practices (Elise Trondsen, Norway) • operational maintenance procedures of networks, synthesis of security regulations (coordinator: Vasko Stojov, Macedonia) • inventory of monitoring needs; network optimization and strategic planning (Dominique Bérod, Switzerland) • harmonization of methodologies, quality control and access to data (Harry Dixon, UK) • improving formalized data sharing procedures with regard to data centres; simplify data exchange for day to day operational requirements of NHSs (Ulrich Looser, Germany)

  12. TT Hydrometry 2013 ff • Role of the forum as task team • Action plan according to the forum • Coordination with other actions within WMO (RA VI, CHY, GFCS)

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