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<br><br>http://houseventilationsystem.com/<br>Get Rid Of A Sick Building Syndrome<br>

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  1. Get Rid Of A Sick Building Syndrome Most homes are sealed so that the outside temperature would not be felt inside. However, an adequate ventilation systems is often lacking. If there is no proper ventilation, we are breathing harmful to health dust. Asthma Looks Like Dirty indoor air is the reason for allergies, asthma and other illnesses. The air we breathe affects our health. Good quality air is enough for us to stay stronger and regain our well-being, while unsuitable air affects our well-being negatively. Fresh air contains the right amount of negative and positive ions. Indoors often lack negative ions for several reasons. Dizziness, Headaches And Stress Their deficiency affects our well-being, causes dizziness, headaches, stress and so on. It is often referred to as the “sick building syndrome”. Disturbance of air conditioning causes teary eyes, runny nose and chronic bronchitis. It is necessary to condition dry indoor air and air humidification devices are just right for this job.

  2. Runny Nose And Teary Eye According to the norms of hygiene, during the cold season indoor temperature should be around 18-22 degrees Celsius and relative humidity should be around 35-65%. During the heating season the percentage usually decreases by three times. So, air that is too dry at home can cause various health disorders. “Respiratory lining dries out and performs its protective function less effectively. For this reason a person more often suffers from the upper and lower respiratory tract inflammations and even the flu if his immunity is weak. The nasal lining becomes swollen, runny of stuffy nose appears too. It becomes difficult to breathe, tingling in the sinus area and headachesoccur, chronic bronchitis can become more active. One cubic meter of air usually contains about 500 different species of microorganisms. Their amount increases in dry air about three times – this creates good conditions an allergic cold. Sometimes a person with an allergic cold may have shortness of breath. „Dry indoor air usually causes allergic eye reactions too. Eyes become more sensitive, watery, dried out cornea becomes red and sensitive to light. Dry eyes are treated with artificial tears or other eye drops. They should be used frequently, even 4–5 times per day and if eye dryness is still not healed, at night too”. The skin around one’s eyes becomes dry too and sometimes swollen, eyelids can become itchy. Unfortunately, health problems do not stop here, because due to the dry air in heated rooms our skin dries, peels, becomes red, its metabolism slows down. It becomes sensitive to temperature and

  3. humidity changes. Skin that is highly exhausted of skin allergies becomes extremely sensitive to dry indoor air too. How to keep air fresh and clean? • • Hydrate the indoor at least 2–3 times per week and if the weather is very dry – every day. Remember: the more carpets, thick fabric curtains are in your house, the more air pollutant dust are in your home. • High Performance Dusting & Cleaning Microfiber Cloth Do not clean dust in a dry way. Better use microfiber cloths: moisten them with water for an easy removal suitable for a variety of surfaces. • • • Air Purifier is a device which removes unwanted constituent. Humidifier is a device that increases humidity. Dehumidifier is device reduces the level of humidity to eliminate musty odor. Maintain Optimal Humidity At Home Air pollution very heavily affects not only our respiratory system but also our heart, so it is important to at least maintain fresh air in our homes. Due to excessive moisture, houses can start getting dust mites or mold, which is extremely dangerous to human respiratory system and overall health. Climate parameters during the warm and cold seasons are different. During the cold season, relative humidity should be around 35–60%., while during the warm season – around 35–65%. Humidity is particularly important in bathrooms as this is where mold usually builds up. So, if you feel increased moisture at your home, your windows get foggy or your walls get moldy, and your children often suffer from respiratory diseases, try cleaning the ventilation system as often as possible or use devices to dry the air. • Suitable environment should not cause discomfort: „you should not feel headaches, have a dry cough or itchy eyes. The rooms or the walls should not contain black spots, and if they appear, you can suspect that something is wrong with the microclimate. • Moisture is most commonly seen, while dryness is usually felt. “Conditions which dry out our nose and throat.

  4. Unstoppable viruses and bacteria enter the airways easier and can even cause allergies. They can also cause rash, itchy skin, and if the person has a chronic disease such as asthma, dryness can cause its more frequent attacks”. Viruses and Bacteria can Cause Allergies Our blood vessels shrink in humid rooms, we lose our sense of comfort and try to find ways to warm up by putting warmer clothes, etc. The best microclimate should be in the bedroom because this is where people spend the majority of their time. “ It is recommended to maintain bedroom’s temperature lover than in other living areas”. Microclimate should be such that it would not disturb sleep, cause painful headaches and allow us to be energetic: „If the air is too dry or too humid, we will not be able to relax. Then the work that can be completed within an hour or two will take all day“. AIR PURIFIERS Air Purifier: (catches particulates at high efficiency) at 99%. effectiveness, the filter collects allergens such as bacteria, viruses, mold, spores, dust and pollen, which usually cause hay fever. Activated carbon filter removes unpleasant odors from the air, destroys unpleasant odors, cigarette smoke, sweat and pet odor. Washable rough cleaning filter collects large dust particles. The filter can be cleaned with a pump and (or) lukewarm water. Negative ion generator: negative ion generator spreads negative ions in order to maintain the most natural air balance; it makes dust and hair settle.

  5. DEHUMIDIFIERS Taking excess humidity from the air, the collector condenses it and collects in a tank and later the condensate is discarded. This helps to drop the relative humidity. Dehumidifiers come in different sizes. Under certain conditions they collect even up to 8 or 10 litres. It is best to choose a dehumidifier according to square perimeter of the room and the information about this can be found in the instructions. Most important technical parameter of the appliance is performance, in other words, how much water it can collect. “The most important aspect is to not choose a dehumidifier of the lowest capacity as it will reduce the moisture level but may not reach a comfortable level”. One device can be chosen for a 3–4 room apartment and it will solve the problem of moisture if it is transported. If the doors are open in the house, natural moisture exchange takes place: „Moisture cannot be only in one place, it spreads. In no way one room will be dry while the other is humid. Dehumidifiers perform a forced air circulation, so they may need to be carried to the most relevant places, for example, where clothes are hung and similar. HUMIDIFIERS Dry indoor air must be hydrated. This device eliminates dust, bacteria, plant pollen, fungus, pet dandruff and hair as well as tobacco smoke or other unpleasant odors. Air humidifiers increase the relative humidity of the air. “Air humidifiers are especially recommended in houses with people who are suffering from bronchial asthma, chronic spasmodic bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and other respiratory and skin diseases”– doctor stresses the importance of the mentioned devices. Humidifiers come in different types: hot, cold vapor or ultrasound. These devices have different operating principle, however, to use and maintain them is simple. Simple tap water is suitable for any type of humidifier. Hot steam humidifier works like a kettle: it boils water and releases hot steam to humidify the air. As the water is boiled, the likelihood that bacteria will enter the air is reduced. A variety of aromatic oils, inhalation means can be added to the humidifiers to treat a variety of respiratory diseases. It is not possible to regulate the desired humidity level in cold steam humidifiers, but they are able to maintain its optimal amount: when a sufficient humidity level is reached, the humidifier simply turns off and turns on again when needed. “Ultrasonic humidifiers can spread both cold and hot steam. The fan blows it into the room and the mist soon spreads into the air. These humidifiers work very quietly so they can be left on during the night since they use very little electricity”.

  6. If you would like to know more about house ventilation systems & clean and fresh air, PLEASE CLICK HERE. More About Air Purifiers CLICK HERE. More about Dehumidifiers CLICK HERE. More about Humidifiers CLICK HERE.

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