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The Big Picture

The Big Picture. Why are we doing what we’re doing the way we are doing it?. DECD Strategic Plan 2012-2016. Strategic directions Every child achieves their potential Excellence in education and care Connect with communities A successful and sustainable organisation.

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The Big Picture

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  1. The Big Picture • Why are we doing • what we’re doing • the way we are doing it?

  2. DECD Strategic Plan 2012-2016 Strategic directions • Every child achieves their potential • Excellence in education and care • Connect with communities • A successful and sustainable organisation

  3. Central to realising improved student outcomes within DECD are: • Improving attendance – students do not learn if they are not at school and as a consequence our teaching is not as effective.  I ask everyone to work to build a culture of attendance and time on task in every class.  This will include staff working together with families, scrutinising levels of student engagement and creating community awareness of the importance and quality of what we offer. • A relentless focus on numeracy and literacy – without numeracy and literacy skills our children and young people will struggle to lead rich lives, to plan, think critically and creatively, and to solve problems. • Continuing to build the capacity of our workforce and improving the quality of our work through performance development with a focus on pedagogy– stretching and engaging our learners to achieve (TfEL), student learning outcomes and building our own and others’ capacity.  Assessment for learning, learning design, planning collaboratively and feedback from colleagues and students are also essential to improving professional practice. We know how important the quality of the work you do in classrooms every day is to the life chances of our children and young people.

  4. Northern Adelaide Regional Improvement Plan 2010-2013 • The 2012 - 2013 update continues to take a strategic approach to achieving improved outcomes for all learners in Northern Adelaide with a greater focus on what makes a difference in classrooms. Sites will continue to cater for all learners and provide a broad and balanced range of curriculum offerings.

  5. Our school’s Performance Improvement Plan

  6. http://www.newsroom.aitsl.edu.au/videos/framework-animation-0http://www.newsroom.aitsl.edu.au/videos/framework-animation-0

  7. Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership Australian Professional Standards for Teachers“reflect and build on national and international evidence that a teacher’s effectiveness has a powerful impact on students with broad consensus that teacher quality is the single most important in-school factor influencing student achievement”

  8. Our performance and development plan • Identify 4-6 work priorities (what will you focus on to improve your practice?) • Write your objectives/goals for each of these (how will you go about it) • Write your performance indicators for each - how will you and your line-manager measure your objectives and know that you are working towards them or have achieved them? (so what - impact on student learning outcomes)

  9. The role of Leadership with your P&D • You will be supported with the HOW • You will also be supported to collect the evidence to reflect on and evaluate your performance indicators - the SO WHAT • Line managers will provide formal and informal feedback • Leadership would like to develop more formal and informal processes for peer feedback

  10. Support for developing / updating your PDP – SWOT process

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