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Financial Aid – Investing In Your Future ______________

Financial Aid – Investing In Your Future ______________. Welcome to the HYPE! Summer Transition Program. Purpose of Presentation. To assist students transitioning from high school to university by explaining funding options for post-secondary education

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Financial Aid – Investing In Your Future ______________

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  1. Financial Aid – Investing In Your Future______________ Welcome to theHYPE! Summer Transition Program

  2. Purpose of Presentation • To assist students transitioning from high school to university by explaining funding options for post-secondary education • To outline funding programs specifically designed to assist students with disabilities • To stress the importance of effective budgeting Questions and answers will be addressed at the end of the presentation

  3. Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Presentation is designed to inform students of various student assistance programs offered by the government and through the university: • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP); including Bursaries for Students with Disabilities & Canada Access Grants for Student with Disabilities • McMaster University scholarships, bursaries and work programs & external sources of funding

  4. Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships Gilmour Hall, Room 120 (905) 525-9140 ext. 24319 QUESTIONS… web:http://sfas.mcmaster.ca

  5. Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships • Administers government and University financial aid programs including OSAP, bursaries, work programs & scholarships • Responds to student inquiries by phone, in person, and through email • Offers drop-in counselling regarding budgeting and financial aid…. Monday through Thursday 9:00am - 11:30am 1:00pm - 4:00pm

  6. OSAP & Students with a Permanent Disability Why is it important to self-identify as a student with a disability? • To be considered for disability grants & bursaries • To receive assistance with accommodations to help you succeed in your studies • To allow OSAP consideration if your disability prevents you from taking a full course load (eligible for OSAP consideration at 40% course load per term or greater)

  7. OSAP & Students with a Permanent Disability What documentation is required for OSAP to prove disability status? • Acceptable ‘proof of disability’ documentation includes: • medical documentation signed by a doctor or • a learning disability assessment signed by a qualified assessor or • a photocopy of your ODSP benefit statement if you receive ODSP support or • a ‘proof of disability’ form signed by your CSD coordinator, verifying that one of the above is on file in the CSD office

  8. OSAP How much might students expect to receive? • OSAP considers allowable program costs & basic living costs, parental income, and student assets and income • Some factors that affect eligibility… • Number of dependents in family • Number of dependents at a post-secondary institution • Course load (# of units you are registered in) • 2010-11 maximum OSAP entitlement for a single student is $360/week of study ($11,520 for a 32 week fall/winter session) • Students may view their OSAP entitlement online at http://osap.gov.on.ca approximately 2 weeks after submitting their application

  9. IN PERSON with ALL REQUIRED IDENTIFICATION (LISTED BELOW) 1. SIN CARD(a legible photocopy is acceptable)or proof of Social Insurance Number (e.g. an official Government of Canada document that indicates your Social Insurance Number such as a Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment, a Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions, or a Confirmation of Social Insurance Number from Service Canada) AND 2. One piece of valid photo ID issued in Canada by the federal, a provincial or a territorial government(a legible photocopy is acceptable). (e.g. valid driver's licence, Canadian passport, Canadian Citizenship card, Permanent Resident card, provincial health card with photo) AND 3. MCMASTER STUDENT ID CARD with a valid sticker AND 4. VOID CHEQUE encoded with your direct-deposit information (bank #, bank transit # & bank account #) ***Check website http://sfas.mcmaster.cafor release dates, times and location*** OSAP PICK-UP

  10. OSAP Other items to bring to the OSAP pick-up… • You will be required to verify your income and course load information when picking up your first loan certificate and signing your OSAP ‘Confirmation of Enrolment’. Know your income amounts that you have received for the year • Students on ODSP must be very careful to report ODSP income correctly • Surname and given name on the student’s proof of SIN must be the same surname and given name provided on the OSAP application. All identification presented MUST be in these same names

  11. OSAP Accessibility Issues Related to OSAP Pick-up? • The McMaster University Student Centre (MUSC 314/315) is accessible by elevator • If there are accessibility issues relating to your disability, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships prior to the OSAP release to discuss an alternate arrangement for picking up your OSAP

  12. OSAP OSAP Appeals • There are a limited number of OSAP appeals available • If you are not entitled to OSAP or have a low entitlement, you may meet with a counselor in the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships to discuss your options for appeal • To access funding through BSWD, you must qualify for at least $1 of OSAP

  13. Canada Study Grants for Students with Disabilities What is the Canada Access Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities (CAG-PD)? • A federal up-front grant with a maximum value of $2,000 per academic year • Grant displaces the first $2000 of federal loan funding with non-repayable grant funding for eligible students How do students access Canada Access Grant for Students with Disabilities (CAG-PD) funding? • Apply for OSAP (or part-time CSL) and self identify as a student with a permanent disability • Provide the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships with acceptable ‘proof of disability’

  14. Bursary for Students with Disabilities What is BSWD? • A government bursary program intended to help students with permanent disabilities meet the exceptional education costs that are related to their disability and their attendance at post-secondary studies • Cannot be used for tuition, books, living costs or other costs that are already included in the OSAP assessment • Must be used specifically for disability-related educational needs How do students access BSWD funding? • Students must FIRST apply and qualify for funding through one of the government programs (e.g. OSAP or Part-time Canada Student Loan/Canada Study Grant program, depending on course load) • Applications must be reviewed and submitted by the Centre for Student Development (CSD) • CSD coordinator will identify the student’s exceptional education-related needs and recommend items or services that may assist the student with their studies

  15. Bursary for Students with Disabilities Accountability • The Ministry requires that every dollar of BSWD is accounted for with receipts verifying the purchase of the item or service that was approved by the student’s disability coordinator • Students MUST submit receipts to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships or the Centre for Student Development

  16. McMaster Bursary Program • Bursaries are non-repayable • Apply online bursary through MUGSI beginning September 15, 2010 • Application process & deadline dates posted at http://sfas.mcmaster.ca • Must FIRST apply for OSAP (or out-of-province student aid) • Bursaries will be paid to the student account of eligible students by February • Bursary is NOT a valid payment option on the Payment Agreement (PA)

  17. Other Sources of Funding • Work Programs • Scholarships & Bursaries (Internal & External) • Personal Bank Loan or Line of Credit

  18. Preparing a Budget • Know & understand the resources you have and the expenses you will have to pay • Plan ahead and develop a REALISTIC budget before school starts • Stick to your budget carefully so that you can make it through the year • Avoid purchasing on credit • Keep track of bills and pay ALL bills on time! • If expenses are greater than resources, you must figure out how you are going make up the difference (ie. work more or spend less!)

  19. Cost Saving Tips • Comparison shop to get the best deal for your dollar • Clip coupons • Take advantage of student discounts • Make coffee or tea at home • Find clubs and engage in activities that are fun without cost (e.g. organize a walk/run/hiking group and simply enjoy the outdoors)


  21. Know the difference between ‘WANTS’ & ‘NEEDS’! • DON’T use CREDIT (this includes OSAP) for things you ‘WANT’ • CREDIT should only be used for necessary ‘NEEDS’

  22. The Cost of Paying with CREDIT

  23. Thanks For Your Participation! Questions & Answers…

  24. Contact Us McMaster University Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships 1280 Main Street West Gilmour Hall, Room 120 Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L8 (905) 525-9140 ext. 24319 QUESTIONS… Web:http://sfas.mcmaster.ca

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