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  1. Ctet Child Development And Pedagogy Previous Paper7 1. When the students become failed, it can be understoodthat- The system has failed(answer) The teachersfailure The text-booksfailure The individual student’sfailure 2. The current view of childhood assumesthat Children are similar to adults in mostways. Children are best treated as youngadults. Childhood is basically a “waitingperiod.” Childhood is a unique period of growth and change.(answer) 3. A teacher uses audiovisual aids and physical activities in her teaching becausethey provide a diversion tolearners utilize maximum number of senses to enhance learning(answer) provide relief to theteacher facilitate effectiveassessment 4. In preparing a fifth grade class to take a standardized reading test the teacher is best advisedto: (1) Tell the children the test is very important and they should do the best they can (2) Ditto key questions from a previous test and allow the pupils to answerthem Coach the below grade level readers, as the rest of the class will do wellanywayv Give the pupils practice in answering questions similar to the type that will appear on th e test (answer) 5. A normal child of twelve years of age is most likelyto Have difficulty with gross motorcoordination Have feelings of anxiety about pleasingadults Confine his/her interests to here andnow Be eager for peer approval(answer) 6. The purpose of basic education scheme is- universalization of primaryeducation to vocationalise theeduction A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  2. to fulfil basic need of persons through education(answer) to make education compulsory forall 7. When a teacher involves a visually challenged learner in group activities with the other learners of the class, sheis helping all the learners to develop sympathy towards the visually challengedlearner likely to increase the stress on the visually challengedlearner creating barriers to learning for theclass acting according to the spirit of inclusive education(answer) 8. Creative writing should be an activity plannedfor Only those children reading on grade level Only those children who can spell and also, can write cohesivesentences Only those children who want to write for the newspaper of theclass All children(answer) 9. The success of teacheris- high achievement ofstudents good traits of his/herpersonality his/her good teaching(answer) his/her goodcharacter 10. Of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline isto Note specific infractions of class rules in the markingbook Evaluate his/her materials, methods and approaches to children(answer) Consult the class and agree upon a graduated series ofpunishments Call a parent – teacher meeting to discuss thesituation 11. The question “Will the shy child who never speaks turn into a quiet, shy adult or will the child become a sociable, talkative person?” is concerned with which developmentalissue? Maturation Continuity anddiscontinuity Cultural universals versus culturalrelativism Nature and nurture(answer) A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  3. 12. Arrange the following in chronologicalorder. Pre-operationalstage Formal operationalstage Concrete operationalstage Sensorimotorstate (1) 1, 2, 4, 3 (Answer) (2) 2, 3, 4,1 (3) 4, 1, 3,2 (4) 2, 1, 3,4 13. A child from a disorganized home will experience the greatest difficultywith: Well-structuredlessons Independent study(answer) Programmedinstruction Workbooks 14. What is the main purpose of “OperationBlackbord”? Improvement of school facilities(answer) Making education result –oriented Making teachingeffective Making teaching accountable forresults 15. Most psychologists believe that development isdue Largely tonature. Largely tonurture. To nature and nurture actingseparately. To an interaction of nature and nurture.(answer) 16. It is advantage of giving home work thatstudents- remain busy athome study athome may be checked for theirprogress may develop habit of self-study(answer) 17. The normal twelve –year –old child is most likelyto: (1) Have difficulty with gross motorcoordination A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  4. Have anxiety feelings about pleasingadults Confine his/her interests to the here andnow Be eager for peer approval(answer) 18. The reason why students run from school is Lack of interesting class teachingwork Lack of interest in studies on the part ofstudents Not giving punishment tostudents Callous attitude of teachers towards the problem(answer) 19. As a child observes, liquid is transferred from a tall, thin tube into a short, wide jar. The child is asked if there is now less liquid in order to determine if she has mastered: The schema forliquids The concept of objectpermanence The concept of conservation (answer) (4)The ability to reasonabstractly 20. You find a student to be intelligent. Youwill Remain pleased withhim Not give him additionalhomework Motivate him so that he can make more progress(answer) Inform his parents about the fact that he isintelligent 21. Which of the following is important for a teacher todo? Help the students to get foodmarks Build the character of the students(answer) Maintain discipline in theclass Do justice toteaching 22. If some students are not in a mood to study in the class, youwill Force them tostudy Tell those students to leave the class andenjoy Warn them that they must study else you will report the matter to thePrincipal Tell them some interesting things related to their interests or your own subject(answer) A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  5. 23. Child development is defined as a field of studythat Examines change in humanabilities. Seeks to explain behaviour across the life span. Compares children to adults to seniorcitizens. Accounts for the gradual evolution of the child’s cognitive, social, and other capacities.(answer) 24. I am 3 years old, can use language, and have trouble taking another p erson‟s perspective. I am in Piaget‟s stage of cognitivedevelopment. Sensorimotor Preoperational(answer) Concreteoperational Formaloperational 25. The term „identical elements‟ is closely associatedwith: Groupinstruction Transfer of learning(answer) Jealousy betweentwins Similar testquestions 26. The major frustration that children with hearing loss face in the classroomis the inability to read the prescribedtextbook the inability to participate in sports andgames the inability to communicate or share information with others(answer) the inability to take examinations with otherstudents 27. Organismic theories of development holdthat Psychological structures and processes within the child help determine his/her develop ment.(answer) Physical structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. Passively developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/her development. Slowly developed structures and processes within the child help determine his/herdev elopment. 28. In preconventional morality, theperson A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

  6. (1) Obeys out of a sense of social duty (2) Conforms to gain socialapproval Obeys to avoid punishment or to gain rewards(answer) Follows the dictates of his or herconscience 29. Non-formal Education Programme caters to the need of? 1. Drop-outs 2. Working children 3. Out of schoolchildren Only1 Only2 Only3 All of these(answer) 30. A Person believes that nurture strongly influences the development of his child. He would not agree with the importanceof: Genetic factors.(answer) Exposure topeers. The types of toys athome. The warmth displayed by theparents. A-38, 39, 40, Opposite Metro Pillar no:641, Uttam Nagar, Near Uttam Nagar East Metro Station, New Delhi -110059

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