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Planning together!

Planning together!. www.palmecenter.org. Context and purpose. Start the planning process for the period 2012-2014 Prepare a concrete project proposal. www.palmecenter.org. Agenda. A short introduction to The Palme Center The project cycle Four cross-cutting issues

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Planning together!

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  1. Planning together! www.palmecenter.org

  2. Context and purpose • Start the planning process for the period 2012-2014 • Prepare a concrete project proposal www.palmecenter.org

  3. Agenda • A short introduction to The Palme Center • The project cycle • Four cross-cutting issues • Introduction to LFA (method for project planning) • Concrete project planning- step by step- with a participatory method • The process ahead www.palmecenter.org

  4. The Palme Center Vision: People in the countries with which the Palme Center has co-operation projects live in free, peaceful and democratic societies with the respect to human rights, where the prosperity is distributed equally, and where women and man are equal. Objective for international development cooperation: The Palme Center’s international development cooperation partner organisations and individuals engaged in them have developed the ability to activate and mobilise people in their effort to influence the development of the society they live in and thereby to improve their living conditions. www.palmecenter.org

  5. Financial support and reporting The General Public/taxpayers report Ministry of Foreign Affairs EconomicSupport report Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) report The Olof Palme International Center Reporting/evaluations report Flowchart of Swedish International Development Cooperation Member Organizations report Partner Organizations THE TARGET GROUP www.palmecenter.org

  6. Let´s do it togheter! Operational level/ 4 3 Programme level 2 4 1 3 2 Project level 1 Aggregation of results www.palmecenter.org

  7. Project planning www.palmecenter.org

  8. What is a project? • Limited in time • Has a separate budget • Is guided by an objective = what to achieve • Is managed by a team that plans and implements activities • Is followed up to assess whether the objective was achieved • The LFA method is used by the Palme Centre for planning the projects www.palmecenter.org

  9. The Project Cycle Planning CompletionEvaluation Idea Activities www.palmecenter.org

  10. Who shall participate? • The project organisations • The target group • Other actors: - who may be affected by the project - who may affect the project - decision makers • Non-discrimination is a precondition for a rights based approach and a work for democracy, peace and poverty reduction www.palmecenter.org

  11. Four cross-cutting issues • Gender Equality and Non-discrimination • Hiv and Aids • Sustainable development • Anti-Corruption www.palmecenter.org

  12. Gender equality and non-discrimination All projects must include a gender analysis and an action plan Discuss: - How will the project affect women and men? - What is the role of women and men within your organisation? Action plan: - How will you work with gender equality and non-discrimination in your project? www.palmecenter.org

  13. HIV and AIDS Discuss: • Does HIV and AIDS, directly or indirectly, affect the target group/the objective of the project? • How is the awareness of HIV and AIDS in the organisation? Action plan: • Address the issue of HIV/AIDS in the project • Make sure that people living with HIV can participate equally www.palmecenter.org

  14. Sustainable development Discuss: - Which environmental problems may affect the target group/activities/objective of the project? - Will the project have any negative or positive effects on the environment? Action plan: - How can negative effects be reduced and positive effects strengthened? www.palmecenter.org

  15. Anti-corruption Our definition of corruption: Misuse of money or power to obtain personal, often financial, benefits Discuss: • Describe the corruption level in your project country/area • Discuss the risk that the project will be affected by corruption Action plan: - How will you handle the risk of corruption and ensure that granted funds are not being misused? www.palmecenter.org

  16. LFA – Logical Framework Approach Didn’t I say that the constructiondrawingwasup-side-down? Well, that’s easy to saynow! www.palmecenter.org

  17. The Nine Steps of LFA Context analysis Stakeholder Analysis Problem Analysis Objectives Activities Resource Planning Indicators of objectives Risk Analysis Preconditions for reaching the objectives www.palmecenter.org

  18. Log Frame 2012-2014

  19. Project planning- Four sections First part: Problem, Objective and Indicators Second part: Stakeholder analysis and context analysis Third part: Activities and resource planning Fourth part: Risk analysis and preconditions www.palmecenter.org

  20. First part • Problem • Objective • Indicators www.palmecenter.org

  21. Problem analysis • The problem analysis focuses on problems in the area where the organisation is working • The problem should be realistic for the project to try to solve • Defines the causes and effects of the problem (the problem tree) • The problem analysis must be gender sensitive, how are women and men affected by the problem? www.palmecenter.org

  22. Program objective Program objective for (“your” country name): www.palmecenter.org

  23. Group work- Problem tree • Discuss: • What are the major problems in your area that that the project can try to solve (be realistic)? • How are women and men affected by the problem? • What are the causes and effects of the problem? Effects Problem Cause Cause Cause www.palmecenter.org

  24. The Project Objective is the Reversed Image of the Problem Problem tree Objective Tree Effects Overall objective Problem Project Objective Indicators: Cause Cause Intermediate objective Intermediate objective Intermediate objective Cause Indicators: Indicators: Activities: Activities: Indicators: Activities:

  25. What is an Objective? • A status or a change that has been achieved • Not the same as an activity • LFA projects have three levels of objectives: • Overall objective (a vision we strive towards) • Project objective (a state that shall be achieved by the project) • Intermediate objective www.palmecenter.org

  26. Frequent problems www.palmecenter.org Too ambitious An activity instead of a objective Not within the area of development cooperation Not possible to verify

  27. The Project shall be SMART : • Specific • Measurable • Acceptable • Realistic • Time bound www.palmecenter.org

  28. Group work- Objective tree Overall objective • Discuss: • How do we want the situation to look like once we are finished (project objective)? • Which are the intermediate objectives we need to reach in order to achieve the project goal (results)? • The objectives should be SMART Project Objective Intermediate objective Intermediate objective Intermediate objective www.palmecenter.org

  29. Indicators • Assert whether the project purpose is achieved • Function as a reality check of the project purpose • Compare with the situation prior to project (a baseline study) • Can be quantitative and/or qualitative • The indicators should be gender sensitive • The indicators should be SMART www.palmecenter.org

  30. Example of indicators We want to achieve that … (i.e. objective) Women have increased their influence in the local politics, with an increased income and a stronger position within the local community and within the family …to the extent that: (indicators): • A system for dialogue between women's organisations and local decision-makers have been introduced • Women's organisations have influenced the local politics • At least 60 percentage of the participants state that their economical and social status within the family has increased, compare to before the project www.palmecenter.org

  31. Group work- indicators • Go back to the objective for your project • Formulate indicators that are relevant to be able to reach the objective • Make sure that the indicators are gender sensitive • Use the SMART method www.palmecenter.org

  32. Baseline • Defines the situation before the start of the project • Is useful when assessing if the objective has been achieved or not • Should analyse the situation for both men, women and marginalised groups • Only gather information that is relevant for your project www.palmecenter.org

  33. Measurement methods Different methods are relevant for different projects, some examples: • Statistics • Interviews • Surveys Do not forget the gender perspective! www.palmecenter.org

  34. Second part Stakeholder analysis Context analysis www.palmecenter.org

  35. Stakeholder analysis Who will affect/be affected by your project? • Beneficiaries/ target group • Project group (implementers) • Decision-makers • Financers Make sure that the project empowers marginalised people The project should challenge existing gender structures www.palmecenter.org

  36. Group work- Stakeholder analysis • Which agencies, organisations, groups and people will influence/be influenced by the project? • How will the project affect poor and marginalised people, men and women ? • How will the target group participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation? • How can we make sure that the target group , through the project, can claim their rights towards the duty-bearers? www.palmecenter.org

  37. Context analysis • All projects are part of a wider context • The project is influenced by economic, social and political processes • Which channels can be used by the citizens to claim their rights? • The project group needs a clear picture of the context when planning the project www.palmecenter.org

  38. Group work- Context analysis • What are the project area´s basic development problems? • How does it affect women, men, youths, people living with disabilities, people living with hiv etc? • How can we make sure that marginalised people can claim their rights? • Is our project relevant for the context? www.palmecenter.org

  39. Third part Activities Resource planning www.palmecenter.org

  40. Plan of activities • Our method for achieving the goals • To eliminate the causes of the focal problem • The activities should always be relevant in relation to the objective and indicators • Often, several activities are needed in order to eliminate the problem • The activities should empower marginalised people and challenge existing gender structures www.palmecenter.org

  41. Group work- activities • Go back to the causes of your problem (the problem tree) and the objective and indicators (the objective tree) • How will we be able to eliminate the causes of the problem and to reach the objective and results? • Discuss what activities that are relevant www.palmecenter.org

  42. Swedish project organisations • Many projects are planned, implemented and evaluated in co-operation with a Swedish project organisation • The role of Swedish project organisations • Added values of the Swedish project organisation? www.palmecenter.org

  43. Group work- Swedish organisations • What are the added values of the partnership? • How can the Swedish project organisation contribute to the achievements of the objectives? www.palmecenter.org

  44. Resource planning • All projects need resources: - Human recourses - Financial recourses - Material recourses - Time • Resources are closely connected to the activities • The Palme Centre has a budget template www.palmecenter.org

  45. Group work- resource planning • Go back to your activity plan • What resources do you need to be able to carry out the planned activities? - Human recourses - Financial recourses - Material recourses - Time • How will the target group be trained in operation and management of project activities? www.palmecenter.org

  46. Fourth part Risk analysis Preconditions www.palmecenter.org

  47. Risk analysis • Analyse risks affecting the project • There are both internal and external risks • Risk management plan- handling and avoiding the risks www.palmecenter.org

  48. Risk management plan

  49. Group work- risk analysis www.palmecenter.org

  50. Preconditions • Preconditions for reaching the objectives • Optimise the activities, in order to reach the objectives • Question to discuss might be: • Limitation of time • Limitation of resources • Language barriers • Cultural differences www.palmecenter.org

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