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Tooth Extraction in Delhi

Crown & Roots is the premier dental clinic for painless tooth Extraction and Wisdom tooth extraction in Delhi. The charges of wisdom tooth Extraction are Rs. 4500 and tooth extraction are 500 Rs. per tooth at our dental clinic in Delhi

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Tooth Extraction in Delhi

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  2. TOOTH EXTRACTION IN DELHI Tooth extraction is a procedure done in which a rotten or decayed tooth is removed from the mouth. Patients usually fear about removing the teeth and have certain apprehension about it. But don’t worry our experts at Crown and Roots dental clinic in Delhi will clear all your doubts about extraction and make the procedure as painless as possible. 2

  3. WHEN DO I NEED TO EXTRACT MY TOOTH? The teeth is one very important part of human body. Every possible effort should be made to preserve the natural tooth. In few situations, where the tooth has decayed a lot or due to poor periodontal condition, extraction is advised. Also wisdom tooth problems is one scenario where extraction is advised. 3

  4. WILL IT HURT WHEN I GET MY TOOTH EXTRACTED? CAN THE EXTRACTION PROCEDURE COMPLETELY PAINLESS? Tooth extraction in Delhi can be Tooth Extraction in Delhi is one procedure completely painless at Crown and which is done very carefully in a really Roots. Our Surgeon takes proper affectionate manner so that patient detailed medical history of the patient, overall oral health and X-ray becomes really comfortable. A dental extraction is the amputation of tooth from records of the tooth which needs the dental socket inside the alveolar bone to be extracted. Sometimes due to infection beneath the tooth immediate extraction is not done. 5

  5. DO I NEED TO TAKE ANY MEDICINES BEFORE OR AFTER TOOTH EXTRACTION? After detailed history taking, if there is any localised infection beneath the tooth extraction is not immediately done. First antibiotic prophylaxis is given for couple of days followed by extractions. After extraction is done usually our doctors prescribe antibiotics and analgesics to make post-operative healing better. There are two types of extraction techniques: Simple Extraction: that is applied on teeth that can be obviously seen within the mouth. Commonly, a dentist uses a device called elevator to loosen up the teeth from the jawbone and then through an instrument called forceps in an effort to take out the tooth. Surgical Extraction: this is a more advanced technique and relatively complicated than simple extraction. Surgical extraction at Crown and Roots is carried out by highly qualified oral surgeon. Few cases stitches may also be required which are removed seven days after the extraction. WHAT ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF EXTRACTION TREATMENT IN DELHI? 6

  6. Will it hurt after the extraction is done? How will I bear the pain of needle prick? Dentists at our dental clinic in Delhi, Crown and Roots make all the necessary efforts to make the patient comfortable extraction procedure. By applying a local anaesthetic jelly the area where needle needs to be pierced is made numb so that needle prick is not appreciated. Carefully local anaesthesia is administered at the extraction site. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Patient experience pin and slight discomfort during exercitation usually after tooth extraction for few days. However it varies from patient to patient and healthy individuals don’t usually have much post-operative complications. 5

  7. HOW CAN I GET MY WISDOM TOOTH EXTRACTION DONE? The third molar which erupts in the age of 18 to 23 years can really give problems like swollen gums, reduced mouth opening during its eruption stage. After taking proper x-rays, if the clinician finds out less jaw space then he may advise surgical extraction of the wisdom tooth. IS WISDOM TOOTH EXTRACTION TOO PAINFUL? Yes Wisdom tooth extraction can sometimes require a surgical procedure which would require stitches infra orally. But you really don’t need to worry as our experts at Crown and Roots dental clinic in Delhi make the procedure completely painless and as atraumatic as possible. 2

  8. For all purpose THANK YOU

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