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7th EC-GI and GIS Workshop “Managing the Mosaic” Potsdam 13-15 June 2001

PANEL-GI Pan European link for Geographical Information The PANEL-GI Compendium. A Guide to GI and GIS Authors: The PANEL-GI Partnership Presented by: Giorgio Saio - GISIG. 7th EC-GI and GIS Workshop “Managing the Mosaic” Potsdam 13-15 June 2001.

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7th EC-GI and GIS Workshop “Managing the Mosaic” Potsdam 13-15 June 2001

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  1. PANEL-GI Pan European link for Geographical Information The PANEL-GI Compendium. A Guide to GI and GISAuthors: The PANEL-GI Partnership Presented by: Giorgio Saio- GISIG 7th EC-GI and GIS Workshop “Managing the Mosaic” Potsdam 13-15 June 2001 Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  2. Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  3. PANEL-GIPAN European Link for Geographical Information PROGRAMME: INCO – COPERNICUS(project n° 7136, Concerted Action)International Co-operation in Research and Technology development with CEEC Outlines: Establishment of a GI European Network aimed at involving partners from CEEC in the process of creation of a Pan European Geographical Information Forum. Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  4. PANEL-GI Objectives • to establish a Pan European Network in the GI field; • to stimulate the participation of CEEC in the process of creation of a EGII; • to stimulate the creation/development of GI groups in the CEEC; • to give a contribution to the development of GI market in CEEC. Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  5. Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  6. PANEL-GI partnership (1/2) from EU: • GISIG - Geographical Information Systems International Group (I) • EUROGI - European Umbrella Organisation for Geographical Information (NL) • Joint Research Centre of Ispra Space Applications Institute, SAI (EU) • Technical University of Vienna (A) • CNIG - Centro Nacional de Informaçao Geografica (P) Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  7. PANEL-GI partnership (2/2) • from CEEC: • HUNAGI - Hungarian Association for Geo-Information (HU) • GISPOL - Polish Land Information Systems User Association (PL) • Masaryk University (CZ) • ICI - National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (RO) • Technical University of Sofia (BG) • University of Zilina (SK) • The State Land Service of Latvia (LV) • KvarnerCAD/Municipality of Rijeka (HR) Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  8. PANEL-GI Network outcome • Networking: the creation of a EU - CEEC GI framework • A tool for GI/GIS: The PANEL-GI Compendium. A Guide to GI and GIS • Technology Transfer and Exchange of experience (Study visits) • Networking and Technology Transfer at National level in CEEC (by National focal points) • Dissemination and awareness • European level • National level Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  9. PANEL-GI PACKAGE “PANEL-GI Compendium. A Guide for GI and GIS” • A reference book useful for a vision of key issues of GI/GIS field • Readable with a general knowledge/experience, without specific technical backgrounds • Addressed to managers in business and decision makers in the Administrations • Defined in concertation by thePANEL-GI partnership • To be produced by the partners collaboration, according to their specific expertise Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  10. PANEL-GI Compendium. A Guide to GI and GIS • Contributors: the PANEL-GI Partnership • Edited by: Andrew U. Frank, Martin Raubal, Maurits van der Vlugt of the Technical University of Vienna • Publication: EUR 19630 EN ISBN 3-901716-22 • Published on the occasion of the IST Nice 2000 Conference • In distribution at the 7th EC-GI and GIS Workshop Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  11. PANEL-GI PACKAGE ORGANISATION • Core Package A reference book (published and on the Web) Target: Managers in business and decision makers in Administration • Extended Package Organised collection of technical material related to the core contents (available on the Web with cross links) Target: GI/GIS Community including project managers, researchers, students... Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  12. Further contribution? The PANEL-GI Compendium on the Webwww.gisig.it/panel-gi/package/pack.htm Registration to the “PANEL-GI target audience” requested (about 200 registrations from 30 different web domains) Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  13. Extended Package www.gisig.it/panel-gi/package/pack.htm Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  14. PANEL-GI CORE PACKAGE CONTENT 1. The importance of Geographic Information 2. Basic Concepts of GIS 3. Organisation and Business Aspects of GIS 4. Geographic Information Infrastructure 5. National GII Solutions: The Portuguese experience (project SNIG) 6. Standardisation and Interoperability 7. GIS Application Domains 8. Conclusions Annex 1: Links Annex 2: Glossary Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  15. 1. The Importance of Geographical Information • Geographical Information plays an important role in our daily lives (business people, planners, travellers etc.)=> GI and GIS. • GIS: history, product of different sciences, purpose. • GI: 80% of people’s decisions affect space, effects on the economy, rapidly growing business, still many impediments to the use of GI in Europe (lack of awareness and availability, compartmentalisation of markets). Martin Raubal

  16. 2. Basic Concepts of GIS • Difference between the real world and a GIS model of the real world.How to get from one to the other (spatial concepts, data model => implementation, database design). • Basic IT knowledge required for understanding GIS (hard-ware, operating systems, net-works & communication). • Spatial analysis, visualisation, accuracy, temporal aspects of spatial data. Martin Raubal

  17. 3. Organisation and Business Aspects of GIS • Strategies to introduce GIS in an organisation. • Economic and feasibility assessment of GIS projects. • Impact of GIS on people and organisations. • How to evaluate and select a GIS. • GI and GIS from a market perspective: how to price geographic data and the relation to E-commerce. • Common misperceptions and pitfalls. Martin Raubal

  18. 4. Geographical Information Infrastructures • GI of various types must be widely available in an effective economy => Geographical Information Infrastructures (GII). • Definition and goals of a GII. • Processes to reach these goals (political, organisational and technical). • Examples of GII at the local, regional, national, multi-country and global level. Martin Raubal

  19. 5. National GII Solutions: The Portuguese Experience (Project SNIG) • In-depth description of a successful, fully operational national GII solution=> Portuguese National Infrastructure for Geographical Information (SNIG). • Analysis of key GII elements: institutional and legal framework, network characteristics, system structure and users. • Particular factors playing a role in the success of SNIG => What others can learn! Martin Raubal

  20. 6. Standardisation and Interoperability From a European Perspective • Current process of development of GI standards and specifications (CEN, ISO and OGC). • Types of standards and standardisation processes (national, European and international). • Experiences in implementing standards. • Difference between standardisation and interoperability. • Benefits of standardisation and interoperability. Martin Raubal

  21. 7. GIS Application Domains • Domains in which GIS can be successfully applied. • Presentation of 16 thematic areas including selected projects, others for Extended Package. • Projects that give a wide spectrum of possible applications, such as land cover, forestry, soil, integrated assessment, urban zones and agriculture. • References Martin Raubal

  22. 8. Trends and Conclusions Show in which direction GIS technology and spatial information applications are developing. • Transportation and mobile technologies. • GIS business (E-commerce) is becoming more user-oriented and market-driven. • Integration of GIS into mainstream IT. • Conclusions for non-GIS decisions makers based on the presented material. Martin Raubal

  23. The PANEL-GI Compendium National versions • Bulgaria (by TU Sofia), published (ISBN 954-9748-26-X) and on the web at: http://mulmedp.vmei.acad.bg/panelgi-book-bg • Czech Republic (by Masaryk University) available on the web at: http://www.geogr.muni.cz/gisig/projekty/kompend_letak.html • Hungary (by HUNAGI), available on the web at: http://www.fomi.hu/hunagi/activities/projects/panelgi/konyv.htm • Latvia (by the State Land Service of the Republic of Latvia), the Compendium will be available on the web at: http://www.vzd.gov.lv • Poland (by GISPOL), published and available on the web at: http://www.gispol.org.pl/4/panel-gi.htm • Romania (by ICI), published (ISBN-973-98407-5-2) and available on the web at: http://td1.ici.ro/panel-gi/contentA12eng.htm • Slovak Republic (by Zilina University) available on the web at: http://tempus1.fri.utc.sk/panelgi/skpanelge6.htm Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  24. Network exploitation strategy (1/2) PANEL-GI intends to operate as a network also after the completion of the project with the the following objectives: • to favour exchange of experiences among the PANEL-GI Members; • to promote new actions and initiatives as follow-up and exploitation of the PANEL-GI results; • to maintain and update the Extended Package of the PANEL-GI Compendium; Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  25. Network exploitation strategies (2/2) • to establish mutual technical co-operation among the Members for the realisation of initiatives at European, National and Regional level • to enlarge the country scope in particular towards CEEC, NIS and MED, also with the promotion of new National Geographical Information Associations (NGIAs); • to create links with other groups or initiatives complementary to Panel-GI Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

  26. All of you interested in the other GISIG initiatives are invited to attend our AssemblyThank you for your attention! Giorgio Saio - GISIG - gisig@gisig.it

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