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    1. CSAP DATA ACTIVITIES: MOVING TOWARDS ACCOUNTABILITY Who, what, where, when, how, how much, how well, cost

    3. Federal Reporting Requirements:PART, GPRA, NOMs GPRA is legislation: Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 PART began in 2002 NOMs were finalized in 2006 PART may not cover all GPRA measures/activities GPRA may not cover all NOMs measures and can include other (e.g. TA)

    5. Here are the NOMs as defined on the SAMHSA website.Here are the NOMs as defined on the SAMHSA website.

    7. NOMs Data Sources, Collection and Reporting(SPFSIG3) The NOMs will be reported on 4 levels: National- (SAMHSA) State- (many pre-populated) - Community Program

    8. State level NOMs that will NOT be pre-populated: Access Domain: Number of persons served by age Number of persons served by gender Number of persons served by race Number of persons served by ethnicity Evidence-Based Practice Domain Total number of evidence-based programs and strategies Cost Effectiveness Domain Services Provided within Cost Bands- (CSAP Prevention Template) *The word “States” refers to the States, District of Columbia, and tribal entities.

    9. What is a Cost Band? What is a Cost-Band? A cost band is the range of participant costs across multiple programs. A program is defined as an activity or set of activities. The range of program costs is distributed in percentiles The Cost-Band NOM will report the percent of programs whose costs per participant fall within the 25th and 75th percentiles of the cost-band distribution. The DCCC provides TA and Training support to CSAP and Grantees – through a continuum of services – on-line to face to face training and technical assistance. We will be working with other TA providers (e.g. the CAPTs) to coordinate TA services and information. The DCCC provides TA and Training support to CSAP and Grantees – through a continuum of services – on-line to face to face training and technical assistance. We will be working with other TA providers (e.g. the CAPTs) to coordinate TA services and information.

    11. SAMHSA will pre-populate all other State level NOMs using NSDUH, FARS, UCR and DoEd state data unless: The State requests and receives approval for a waiver as well as the utilization of a substitute methodology. The State must provide justification, the data and the survey. Note: The substitute survey must be used statewide in order to be an acceptable alternative to NSDUH. SAMHSA will conduct a review and approval process which will involve the State with an ultimate decision within 30 days of receipt of substitution

    13. NOMs Activities – Using the Data SAMHSA/CSAP will use the NOMs to: Report on the status of grant activities, people served, services provided and participant outcomes. Address accountability and performance monitoring Identify need and monitor global effectiveness for the purpose of informing federal resource allocation SAMHSA centers are required to set annual performance targets related to the Strategic Plan… NJK: Font too small. The information in slides should be “No more than 7 lines in height” and “No more than 7 words in width” and the remaining information is part of the notes so that each time, you don’t read “self-explanatory.” Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.NJK: Font too small. The information in slides should be “No more than 7 lines in height” and “No more than 7 words in width” and the remaining information is part of the notes so that each time, you don’t read “self-explanatory.” Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.

    14. NOMs Activities – Using the Data States will use the data to: Analyze trends in outcome measures Foster continuous program and policy improvement Foster the use of data for decision making Know if services are improving Know whether goals are being met Promote evidence based practices Identify gaps and issues in services Demonstrate that prevention is a cost-effective Report results to stakeholders NJK: See previous comment. Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.NJK: See previous comment. Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.

    15. NOMs Activities – Using the Data Communities / Grantees will use the NOMs to: Address accountability and performance Collaborate with states to achieve national goals Document progress in achieving outcomes Use data to inform decisions Demonstrate effective use of resources Foster continuous program and policy improvement Report nationally aggregated data in standard periodic and special reports NJK: See previous comment Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.NJK: See previous comment Objectives for the Presentation – self explanatory.

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