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Body in Action(c) Coordination

Body in Action(c) Coordination . SQA QUESTIONS. Eye and Ear WYSK. Judgement of d_______ is more accurate using ____eyes rather than one

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Body in Action(c) Coordination

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Body in Action(c) Coordination SQA QUESTIONS

  2. Eye and Ear WYSK • Judgement of d_______ is more accurate using ____eyes rather than one • With binocular vision the i_____ formed on the retina of each eye is d__________and the brain is able to use the difference to work out how f___ a_____ something is istance two mage ifferent ar way

  3. 5 Retina 1 Iris 2 Pupil Optic Nerve 6 3 Cornea 4 Lens

  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6

  5. 1 3 cornea retina 2 lens

  6. D 1 E 4 C 2 B 5 A 3

  7. contracting pupil retina

  8. The ear WYSK irection • The judgement of the d______ of sound is more accurate using _____ ears rather than one • The s_____ c_______ c_____ are at right a______ to each other so that ___________of the head can be d_________ in ____ directions two ircular anals emi ngles movement etected all

  9. Structure The outer + middle ear are air-filled, the inner ear is liquid-filled Semi-circular canals Middle ear bones BONE ♫ Outer ear Middle ear Outer ear canal Ear drum Cochlea Auditory nerve Inner ear Eustachian tube (to back of throat)

  10. Part Function Vibrates when sound waves reach it Ear drum 1 Carry the vibrations from the ear drum to the liquid-filled inner ear Middle ear bones 2 Converts sound vibrations in the liquid to nerve impulses Cochlea 3 Carries nerve impulses from the cochlea to the brain Auditory nerve 4 Balance Semi-circular canals 5

  11. 1 semi circular canals 2 auditory nerve 3 cochlea

  12. semi circular canals Middle ear bones 3 2 Auditory nerve 4 1 Ear drum cochlea 5

  13. A ear drum B cochlea carries nerve impulses to brain balance

  14. At right angles to each other detects movement of head in all directions

  15. cornea 2 retina 1 lens 3 4 Semi circular canals 5 Auditory nerve 6 cochlea

  16. Nervous system WYSK rain pinal erves ord • The nervous system is composed of the b______, s_______ c_____ and n______ • The central nervous system (_ _ _)is composed of the b________ and s______ c______ • Nerves carry i____________ from the s______ __ the CNS and _____ the CNS to the m________ • The CNS s_____ out i___________ from the s_______ and sends m_________ to those m______ which make the a_________ r_________ CNS rain pinal ord nformation enses to from uscles nformation orts enses essages uscles ppropriate esponse

  17. Direction of sound

  18. A B

  19. motor nerve CNS sensory nerve Muscle (effector) sense organ (receptor)

  20. relay nerve sensory nerve CNS motor nerve sense organ (receptor) Muscle (effector)

  21. B C E A D E

  22. B E D F A C

  23. cerebrum pituitary gland cerebellum medulla spinal cord

  24. Memory, reasoning, imagination, control of muscles/senses etc cerebrum cerebellum Balance and muscle coordination

  25. cerebrum medulla B medulla Memory, reasoning, imagination, control of muscles/senses etc A

  26. L M K

  27. D cerebrum controls balance and muscle coordination cerebellum controls HR and breathing

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