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The 6 Best Practices of Email Marketing

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The 6 Best Practices of Email Marketing

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  1. The 6 Best Practices of Email Marketing PERSONALIZE Personalize it! Fill in the recipient's name in the email they receive using the tools provided by your email software. CALL TO ACTION Use a call to action (CTA) button to encourage your recipient to take the action you want them to take most, ideally above the fold. SEGMENT Create segmentation so that you can really target the same content. This could include new patients and target demographics. SOCIAL Invite your email recipients to follow you on social media to bring the components of your digital strategy together. Include social buttons in the footer and CATs throughout the email. SUBJECT LINE When it comes to email marketing, pay attention to the details, like the subject line. Be concise and catchy! Encourage your audience to click. BE DIRECT Nobody wants to read through a long, dense email. Make sure your emails are concise and to the point. Say what you need to say and give them the CTA. 124 slade rd bardwell park sydney nsw 2207, Australia contact@cosmocratsoftwares.com (+61) 8-8121-4100

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