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Middletown. Adult. Education. Presents. TECHNO-tainment. Learning. Exploring. Adventures. CAACE Conference March 18, 2005 Presenters: Linda Johnson & Christine Livingstone. TECHNO-tainment What is it?.

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  1. Middletown Adult Education Presents

  2. TECHNO-tainment Learning Exploring Adventures

  3. CAACE Conference March 18, 2005 Presenters: Linda Johnson & Christine Livingstone

  4. TECHNO-tainmentWhat is it? Some define TECHNO-tainment as “technology activities heavily laced with entertainment but essentially lacking in rigor or value.” (McKenzie, 2000) We take issue with this definition and see a good deal of value in TECHNO-tainment. Activity Jamie McKenzie: From Now On, The Educational Technology Journal 10, No 1, September, 2000

  5. TECHNO-tainment and Multiple Intelligences • Howard Gardner’s monumental research on human thinking identified eight multiple intelligences Perini, M., Silver, H., and Strong, R. (2000), So Each May Learn, Alexandria, VA, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, pp. 6-9

  6. TECHNO-tainment for Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence • Students can create movie scripts at http://www.dfilm.com • Students can play concentration type games at http://www.bradleys-english-school.com/online/concentration/index.html • Students can learn vocabulary and phonetics at http://www.enchantedlearning.com/phonetic/ • Students can take tests on grammar and vocab at http://a4esl.org/q/f/ • Students get guided instruction in writing poetry athttp://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit/poetry/poetry_engine.htm#

  7. TECHNO-tainment for Logical-Mathematical Intelligence • Students can play mind games at http://hive-mind.com/mindgames/index.htm • Students figure out logic puzzles at http://school.discovery.com/brainboosters/ • Students solve crimes http://www.normandcompany.com/STICKMAN/ • Students work with tangram puzzles at http://www.tangram.i-p.com/

  8. TECHNO-tainment for Spatial Intelligence • Students draw their own pictures at this site http://www.moma.org/momalearning/artsafari/ • Students get cartoon drawing instructions at this site http://www.unclefred.com/index.html • Students explore works of art and art techniques http://www.albrightknox.org/artgames/index_launched.html

  9. TECHNO-tainment for Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence • Students practice letters of the alphabet http://www.bradleys-english-school.com/online/alphabet/index.html • Students practice writing letters of the alphabet http://www.meddybemps.com/letterary/guide_and_archives.html • Students can act out reader’s theater scripts http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/RTE.html and http://www.storiestogrowby.com/script.html

  10. TECHNO-tainment for Musical Intelligence • Students can listen to songs or to famous speeches http://evaeaston.com • Students can sing karaoke http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/chrisfry/karaoke.htm • Students can develop vocabulary skills with music http://www.songsforteaching.com/esleflesol.htm

  11. TECHNO-tainment for Intrapersonal Intelligence • Students explore sites all about them http://www.essdack.org/tips/allaboutme.htm • Students take a personality test http://library.thinkquest.org/C004361/interact.html?tqskip1=1 • Students take a “can do” ability survey http://www.ucando.org/surveys.html

  12. TECHNO-tainment for Interpersonal Intelligence • Students create Jeopardy and other games from templates http://teach.fcps.net/trt10/PowerPoint.htm • Students make value decisions about culture http://www.teachtsp2.com/users/temp/cdonline/ • Students make and play Jeopardy Jeopardy.xls

  13. TECHNO-tainment for Naturalist Intelligence • Students identify insectshttp://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/ythfacts/entyouth.htm • Students explore natural settings http://www.onlineadventure.com/

  14. Value of TECHNO-tainment • Does TECHNO-tainment have value for you and your students in your classroom? • E-mail us for more ideas. • ljohnson@maect.org or • clivingstone@maect.org

  15. That’s all folks Image and sound available at www.nonstick.com

  16. Image and sound available at www.nonstick.com

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