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6 tips for choosing artworks for your home

Decorate your home into an oasis of creativity with art! Learn 6 Tips for Choosing Artwork for Your Home shared by the experts of Connect Contemporary. Buy art from Atlanta Fine Art gallery as it has artworks of world-famous artists like Craig Alan, J.P. Goncalvez, etc.

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6 tips for choosing artworks for your home

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  2. INTRODUCTION Whenitcomestodecoratingyour home,artworkcanbeagreatwayto add personality and style. There are so many options out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. If you’relookingforartthatstandsout from the rest, you may want to consider pieces from J.P. Goncalvez Art,Pezhmanart,orParishKohanim. These galleries feature some of the bestworksfromcontemporaryartists aroundtheworld.

  3. Ifyouareanartloverlookingforawaytoassess your space and make it more aesthetically pleasing,thenlooknofurtherthanJ.P.Goncalves and Pezhman art collections. Both collections offer unique interpretations of the traditional art genre that will surely excite and inspire any viewer. With J.P. Goncalves, viewers can explore their relationships with nature through vibrant abstract paintings that capture the beauty of naturallandscapesinincredibledetail. Meanwhile,Pezhmanartallowsviewerstoexplore the idea of color theory through a series of striking sculptures made out of recycled materials such as wood, concrete, and metal to create complex shapes and forms that engage with light in fascinating ways. No matter what your aesthetic tastes may be, you’ll find somethingspecialwithinbothcollectionsthatwill takeyourinteriordesignstyletothenextlevel! TIP1:ASSESSYOURSPACE

  4. TIP2:REFLECTYOURSTYLE The trend of blending Palm Beach Modern and Contemporary styles is quickly becoming the hottestdesignconceptinhomedécor.Thisnew style offers homeowners an opportunity to express their unique personality and style through the use of different textures, colors, furniturepieces,andaccessories. Whetheryou’relookingforasleekmodernlookor a more traditional vibe, this trend allows people to combine elements from both design theories to create a space that reflects their tastes. By carefullyselectingeachiteminyourlivingspace including art pieces, rugs, furniture, lighting fixtures,andwindowtreatmentsyoucantruly maketheroomyourown. It’simportanttoconsidertheoverallfeelofyour spacewhenincorporatingPalmBeachModern andContemporaryinfluencesintoyourdécor.

  5. TIP3:GETCREATIVEWITHCOLOR Color has the power to shape our perception of the world. McKay Otto and Henrik Abedian, renownedinteriordesigners,offertheirinsighton howtocreateaninvitinghomeenvironmentwith color. Otto and Abedian both agree that each room should have at least one consistent color for a cohesivelook.Theysuggestpickingaprimary color and adding accents as needed. For example, in a living room, you could choose a neutralshadelikebeigeforthewalls,thenbring inpopsofvibrantcolorsthroughartworkorthrow pillows.Thiswillprovideinterestwithout overwhelmingthespace. The two experts also suggest using light strategicallytomaximizeimpactfulcolorslike redsandblueswhiletoningdownorangeand yellowhues.

  6. TIP4:CONSIDERDIMENSIONS Craig Alan is an artist whose work is always pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplishedinthevisualarts.Hisunique approachtohiscraftisrootedinaconsideration of multiple dimensions, resulting in visually stunningartworkandthought-provoking. Focusing on both three-dimensional and two- dimensional art forms, Craig Alan’s works often takeonasculpturalquality.Heskillfullycombines differentmaterialstocreatepiecesthatarehighly texturedandvivid,butalsohaveintricatedetail. Whether he’s creating abstract sculptures or detailed drawings, his pieces never fail to inspire awe and draw viewers into the world of his artistry.Fromoutdoorinstallationstomurals,Craig Alan’s work has been exhibited around the globe, from galleries in Europe to universities in South America.

  7. Whenitcomestobuyingfineart,qualityshould be your number one priority. At the Atlanta Fine Art Gallery, we believe that you should choose pieceswithlongevity,soyourinvestmentwilllast for years to come. Each piece of artwork is handpicked based on its craftsmanship and quality materials by our team of experienced curators. We ensure that every piece in our gallery is craftedfromthefinestmaterialsanddesignedto last a lifetime. Our collection features exemplary works from both established and emerging artists, ensuring there’s something for everyone’s tasteandbudget.Weareproudtoprovideawide range of options to meet all of our customer’s individualneedsandpreferences. Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to guide you through our extensive selection and answeranyquestionsyoumayhaveaboutthe piecesavailableattheAtlantaFineArtGallery. TIP5:CHOOSEQUALITYPIECES

  8. Whenitcomestomakingastatementwithyour artwork,theAffordableArtFairistheplacetobe. Located in major cities all around the world, it offers an extensive selection of art from independent artists and galleries at accessible prices.Butwhenitcomestodecoratingaroom withart,manypeopletendtomakemistakesby overfillingaspace. It’s important that you carefully consider every artwork you purchase and how it will look in its designated spot before taking it home. For example,ifyouhaveasmalllivingroomthat already has furniture pieces occupying most of thewalls,don’tbuytoomanylargeworksofartas theymayoverpowerthelimitedareaanddetract from any existing décor. Instead, focus on smaller itemslikeprintsorframedphotographswhichcan easily fill up tight spaces without overwhelming them. TIP6:DON’TOVERFILLTHEROOM

  9. CONTACTUS Address:1616HuberStNW, Atlanta,GA30318 Phone:+1404-350-7193 Email: info@connectcontemporary.com Website: www.connectcontemporary.com

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