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Negotiation Skills. Conflict Management. And. Negotiation. “Negotiations is about issues as well as about feelings and personal relationships”. The golden rule of negotiation is to avoid criticisms. Negotiating is an art practiced by virtually everyone and a craft practiced by few.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Negotiation Skills Conflict Management And

  2. Negotiation

  3. “Negotiations is about issuesas well as about feelingsand personal relationships”

  4. The golden rule of negotiation is to avoid criticisms.

  5. Negotiating is an art practicedby virtually everyoneand a craft practiced by few.

  6. Bargaining Strategies

  7. Distributive versus Integrative Bargaining

  8. Negotiation Strategies Accommodating : lose/win Competing: win/lose Collaborating: win/win Compromising: win some/lose some Let’s agree to respect each other’s views, no matter how wrong yours may be! Avoiding: no winners/no losers

  9. Ask yourself. Do you feel that someone is continually taking advantage of you? Do you seem to have fight aggressively with other to win the resources you need? Do you struggle to get what you want from people whose help you need but over whom you have little direct authority? If so you need to brush up your win-win negotiation skills. Win – Win Negotiation

  10. The aim of win-win situation is to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties and leaves both parties feeling that they have won. Effective negotiation skills helps you to resolve where what you want conflicts with what someone else wants. Win – Win Negotiation

  11. Staking Out the Bargaining Zone

  12. Third-Party Negotiations

  13. Third-Party Negotiations (cont’d)

  14. One should think the following points before starting the negotiation: Goal for negotiation Trades one has for negotiation: - What do you and the other person have that you can trade? - What are you each comfortable giving away? Alternatives for negotiation if the other person do not reach to the agreement: - Does failure to reach an agreement leave you out of future opportunities? Relationship with the other person: - Will there be any hidden issues that may influence the negotiation? How will you handle these? Inputs for a Successful Negotiation

  15. Expected outcomes from negotiation and action plan for the same: - What has the outcome in the past and what precedents have been set? Expected consequences after winning or loosing the negotiation for both the parties. Who is Powerful negotiator and what powers he has? - Who controls the resources? - Who stands to loose the most if agreement isn’t reached? Possible Solutions: - What possible compromises might there be? Inputs for a Successful Negotiation

  16. Issues in Negotiation • The Role of Personality Traits in Negotiation • Traits do not appear to have a significantly direct effect on the outcomes of either bargaining or negotiating processes. • Gender Differences in Negotiations • Women negotiate no differently from men, although men apparently negotiate slightly better outcomes. • Men and women with similar power bases use the same negotiating styles. • Women’s attitudes toward negotiation and their success as negotiators are less favorable than men’s.

  17. Make sure you do not ignore any issue in order to speed up negotiation.

  18. Active listening can changethe rules of the game andraise the level of politenessin the negotiation

  19. A successful negotiation requires one to invest some time in getting prepared before the negotiation begins.

  20. NEGOTIATION PROCESS Be sure to gather the key information for a Successful Negotiation PREPARATION PROPOSAL DEBATE BARGAINING CLOSING

  21. It is never easy to ask, but it is more difficult to give. Hence, master the art of give and take because everybody wants to benefit from the deal.

  22. Being polite and persistent gives you an edge over the others

  23. Be flexible in Negotiation- it is a sign of strength and not a weakness


  25. Role of Attitude • Attitude towards work and life has a role in the formation of the culture of an organisation. • It is possible to influence the attitudes / value system of people through appropriate modification of the environment. • Interplay of individual’s attitudes and organisation realities give shape to the organisation culture.

  26. Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

  27. “ A young lady was waiting her flight in the boarding room of a big airport.

  28. As she would wait for many hours, she decided to buy a book to spend her time. She also bought a packet of cookies.

  29. She sat down on a airmchair, in the VIP room of the airport, to rest and read in peace.

  30. Beside the airmchair there was the packet of cookies, a man sat down, opened his magazine and started reading.

  31. When she cought the first cookie, the man cought one also. She felt herself infuriate but didn’t say anything. She just thought: “What a nerve! If I was in the mood I would punch his eye not to forget this daring!”

  32. To each cokkie she cought, the man cought one either. That was letting her infuriated but she couldn’t react.

  33. When remained only one cookie, she thought: “ah... What this abused man will do now?” Then, the man, divided the last cookie in the middle, giving her the half.

  34. Ah! That was too much! She was too much angry! Then, she caught her book, caught her things and headed to the boarding place.

  35. When she sat down in an armchair, inside the plane, she looked into her purse to catch her eyeglasses, and, to her surprise, her packet of cookies was there, untouched, closed!

  36. She felt so much ashamed!! She realized that she was the wrong one... She had forgotten that her cookies were kept into her purse.

  37. The man divided his cookies with her, wihtout feeling infuriated, nervous or mad...

  38. ...while she was been very mad, thinking that he was dividing her cookies with him. but there was no more time to explain herself... Nor to apologizes!”

  39. There are 4 things that u can’t recover...

  40. The stone... ...after shot!

  41. The word... ... ...after pronounced!

  42. The occasion... ... after lost!

  43. The time... ...after gone!


  45. Our attitude in our personal life speaks volumes of our performance at work. It is both an attitude and a skill to succeed at any level. Our best evolves from our heart, not from our eyes. An emotional response clouds our judgment and creates guilt. There is no embarrassment in falling down, but problem is with not getting up and moving on is LIFE. POSITIVE ATTITUDE

  46. BUILDING POSITIVE ATTITUDE • Look for goodness in people • Build a positive Self Esteem • Avoid Negative Influences • Work on Continuous Self Development

  47. Max & Max Conflict Management

  48. Meet Max • Max is a dog of the finest breeding. • He was rigorously trained to retrieve game at the slightest nod from his owner. • He is slightly motivate to serve his master’s needs. • Meet Max • Max is talented, amiable, full of energy, and well educated. • He is anxious to enter the arena of customer service and make a contribution, and he’s bursting with innovative ideas.

  49. Meet Mr. Harold • Mr. Harold is an average manager of customer service for New World Imports. • Service is the byword in his department. • He has some untapped ideas about customer service. • Max and Max • Max and Max both have new opportunities – a chance to learn, a chance to show their stuff. • Each comes to learn about limits, though: stay on the lawn; get your own job figured out first, then you can start worrying about mine.

  50. About Conflict • Conflict is a necessary and healthy part of the life of all organizations. • Conflict on the job usually represents the normal competitive urge present in most individuals. • Conflict on the job is always the result of personality clashes.

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