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Business Model Team

Business Model Team Members. . CO Larry Ferguson, Team LeaderD1 John Barker D2 Dave Sheffield D3 Steve Corbitt D4 James Wolfe D5 Gary Bass D6 Margaret Callahan D7 Gloria Harmony CO Ken Leuderalbert Supporting members:D1

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Business Model Team

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Business Model Team Executive Board October 16, 2003

    2. Business Model Team Members

    3. Goal Implement the FDOT Business Model Statewide

    4. Possible Approaches Training Sterling What We Value Strategic Planning Cascading Business Plans Define Structure Linkages

    5. Business Model Deployment Structure Organizational Deployment Deploy business plans through organizations, follow chain of command. Functional Deployment Deploy business plans through functions.

    6. Business Model Deployment Structure Organizational: Deploy business plans through organizations, follow chain-of command. Advantages: - Good management control. Disadvantages: - No linkage across entities. - Difficult to expand functional goals. - Not business result based.

    7. Business Model Deployment Structure Functional: Deploy business plans through functions. Advantages: -Strong linkages. -Follows business results. -Involves District in State plans. Disadvantages: 26 Functions -Senior managers not I.E. Materials, Design directly involved.

    8. FDOT Functions Core Processes Plan Produce Maintain and Operate Planning Design PTO OMB Surveying Maintenance Right-of-Way Traffic Operations Deliver Consultant Mgmt. Safety Construction EMO MCC Materials PD+PM Tolls

    9. FDOT Functions Support Functions EOO Support Services Human Resources Inspector General General Counsel Contract/Prof. Services Information Systems Public Information Financial Services Performance Management

    10. Functional Deployment in Materials Tier 1. FDOT Plan Strategic Objectives FTP Short Range Component Tier 2. Materials (Function) Plan Organization Plans Tier 3. Materials Units District Materials State Materials Office

    11. Development of Materials Plan

    12. Statewide Materials Plan Initial face-to-face meeting: September 2002 12-person team formed consisting of each District Materials Engineer, the State Materials Engineer, and State Materials Office key staff. The plan format was adopted at this meeting. (See Attachment 4.)

    13. First Month Weekly teleconferences. Most of the Objectives were defined. Some of the Activities were defined.

    14. By December 2002 Draft Business Plan completed. Objectives and activities were developed. Many work plans, time lines, and additional teams were formed.

    15. Keys to Success Commitment from all team members Team composed of District and Central Office staff. Business Plan is a living document and a working plan. Linkage to other Plans

    17. Business Plan Format Plans should: Use a standard format. Show application of the seven Business Model criteria. Include linkages to higher level or related plans. Be more detailed and specific at lower levels.

    18. Proposed Deployment Schedule Complete Business Plans for: Core Process Function Tier 2 Function Plans by 07/01/04 Tier 3 Functional Unit Plans by 07/01/05 Support Function Tier 2 Function Plans by 07/01/05 Tier 3 Functional Unit Plans by 07/01/06

    19. Deployment Support Issues Training Materials Technical assistance to Functional Teams Central location to submit plans Office to review the plans. The Business Model Team will be active in planning and carrying out implementation. Principal staff support will be from the District and Central Performance Management Offices.

    20. Future Developments Business Plans should be posted and accessible on the FDOT Intranet. Linkages between plans should be coded. A standard numbering system for goals should be applied throughout the plans The deployment structure lends itself to future improvements.

    21. Business Model Team Recommendation Deploy the Business Model by developing functionally based business plans on the proposed schedule. Business plans should use the standard form emphasizing the Business Model criteria.

    22. Business Model Deployment

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