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Local Hazard Mitigation Planning and Grants Program

Local Hazard Mitigation Planning and Grants Program . Hazard Mitigation Planning Branch September 1, 2010 Cal EMA - Mather. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). Before 2000, under the Stafford Act, emphasis was on post-disaster mitigation

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Local Hazard Mitigation Planning and Grants Program

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  1. Local Hazard Mitigation Planning and Grants Program Hazard Mitigation Planning Branch September 1, 2010 Cal EMA - Mather

  2. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) • Before 2000, under the Stafford Act, emphasis was on post-disaster mitigation • DMA 2000 shifted emphasis to pre-disaster mitigation planning • Required Local Hazard Mitigation Plans (LHMPs) to be prepared before local government can receive federal mitigation project grants • Added new Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program to reduce potential losses before disasters • Funded $1.06B of projects in California (Dec 2009)

  3. Hazard Mitigation Defined Hazard Mitigation is “any action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from natural hazards.”

  4. Mitigation Projects • Distinguish from non-mitigation projects Examples

  5. Hazard MitigationWebPortal http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/

  6. Cal EMA Site to the Hazard Mitigation WebPortal http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/

  7. Cal EMA Link to Hazard Mitigation WebPortal http://www.calema.ca.gov/WebPage/oeswebsite.nsf/TopNavPortal?ReadForm&Key=Hazard Mitigation&Main=Mitigation

  8. Hazard Mitigation WebPortal http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/

  9. Hazard Mitigation WebPortal Tabs • Home • Planning • Grants • Resources & Education • Hazards • Calendar • FAQs • Contact Us

  10. WebPortal Hazard Mitigation Link to Planning Page http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/planning

  11. WebPortal Hazard Mitigation Planning Page http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/plan/local_hazard_mitigation_plan_lhmp

  12. LHMP Reference Materials

  13. LHMP Preparation Guidance There are several primary references for understanding how to put together a FEMA- Approvable LHMP: • Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance, July 1, 2008. • 2008 Crosswalk • FEMA “How-To” Guides • FEMA-Approved LHMPs

  14. LHMP Preparation Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Guidance July 1, 2008

  15. FEMA LHMP Review Crosswalk

  16. FEMA LHMP Review CrosswalkContact Information

  17. FEMA LHMP Review CrosswalkPage/Section Reference

  18. FEMA LHMP Crosswalk Plan Review Summary Page

  19. FEMA LHMP Review Crosswalk Prerequisites Planning Process • Documentation of the Planning Process Risk Assessment • Identifying & Profiling Hazards • Assessing Vulnerability Mitigation Strategy • Local Hazard Mitigation Goals • Identification and Analysis of Mitigation Actions • Implementation of Mitigation Actions Plan Maintenance Process California Requirements

  20. Crosswalk: Prerequisites • Submittal of draft plan pending adoption • For multi-jurisdictional plans, evidence that each jurisdiction has participated in the process

  21. Crosswalk:Planning Process • FEMA considers the plan as the written record, or documentation, of the planning process • To emphasize the importance of the process, FEMA has taken, to the extent possible, a “performance standard,” rather than a “prescriptive” approach to the planning requirements

  22. Focus Areas: Public Participation • FEMA will expect more than public hearings • Public involvement should be broad and deep • Include a broad and diverse mix of the public • Include multiple ways to participate that account for different needs and levels of interest • Include opportunities to provide meaningful input into each aspect of the plan

  23. Example: Public Participation • See City of Roseville’s strategies for engaging the public, including: • Steering committee • Survey • Multimedia approach • See City of Berkeley’s “mitigation summit”

  24. Example: Planning Team • See Nevada County’s and Yolo County’s approaches for creating a planning team from multiple cities and agencies. • See City of San Clemente’s “steering committee” made up of city officials and community stakeholders. • See City of Roseville’s approach of using a “steering committee” and a “technical subcommittee”

  25. Crosswalk:Risk Assessment • Identifying Hazards • Profiling Hazards • Assessing Vulnerability • Analyzing Development Trends For LHMP updates, include newly identified hazards, updated hazard/risk data, and updated development data

  26. Updated Hazard Data • Check to see if hazard data for your jurisdiction has been updated since your previous plan • For example, CAL FIRE released new Fire Hazard Severity Maps and FEMA Flood maps

  27. Crosswalk:Mitigation Strategy • Local Hazard Mitigation Goals • Identification and Analysis of Mitigation Actions • Implementation of Mitigation Actions • Implementation of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) For LHMP updates, goals, actions, and implementation must be evaluated

  28. Mitigation Actions • Prevention • Property Protection • Public Education and Awareness • Natural Resource Protection • Emergency Services • Structural Projects

  29. Example: Mitigation StrategyPrioritizing Mitigations • See City of Redding’s approach to linking goals, objectives and mitigation actions to evaluation criteria • See Yolo County’s systematic approach to identifying and prioritizing mitigation actions • See City of Roseville’s hazard ranking and mitigation ranking approach

  30. Example:Analyzing Development Trends • See City of Napa’s approach for describing existing land use and potential growth in hazardous areas • Napa identified specific parcels in hazardous areas that may seek development permits and calculated potential development (units or sq.ft.).

  31. Crosswalk:Plan Maintenance Process • Monitoring, Evaluating, and Updating the Plan • Incorporation into Existing Planning Mechanisms • Continued Public Involvement

  32. LHMP Preparation FEMA “How-To” Guides

  33. FEMA “How-To” Guides Getting Started (386-1) • Covers building the planning team and engaging the public Understanding Your Risks (386-2) • Covers identifying & profiling hazards, inventorying community assets, and estimating potential disaster losses Developing the Mitigation Plan (386-3) • Covers developing mitigation goals, objectives, actions, and implementation strategies Bringing the Plan to Life (386-4) • Covers implementation and evaluation issues http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/ http://www.fema.gov/plan/mitplanning/resources.shtm/

  34. Key Issues

  35. LHMP Updates • Must be updated and resubmitted to FEMA for approval every five (5) years • Must demonstrate progress • A plan update is NOT an annex to the previously approved plan; it stands on its own as a complete and current plan

  36. LHMP-SHMP Linkage • Establish consistency between state and local goals and objectives State Goals: • Significantly reduce life loss and injuries • Minimize damage to structures and property, as well as disruption of essential services and human activities • Protect the environment • Promote hazard mitigation as an integrated public policy

  37. Climate Change Adaptation • Review the California Climate Adaptation Strategy prepared in direct response to Gov. Schwarzenegger's November 2008 Executive Order S-13-08 • Assess how the climate change impacts will affect hazards in your jurisdiction • Ensure that your LHMP is consistent with the State’s adaptation strategies

  38. Prepared by M. Boswell

  39. Legislative Changes • AB 2140 • 2007 Flood Bills • AB 162 • AB 156 • SB 5

  40. General Plan Link with LHMP General Plan Guidelines 2003 Governor’s Office of Planning & Research

  41. LHMP-Safety Element Integration • AB 2140 provides a financial incentive for local agencies to adopt an LHMP “as part of the safety element of its general plan.” • Cal EMA has developed a model outline for an integrated General Plan Safety Element and Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (On WebPortal Planning page)

  42. Safety Element Establishes policies and programs to reduce the potential risk of death, injuries, property damage, and economic and social dislocation resulting from fires, floods, earthquakes, landslides, and other hazards

  43. Community Rating System • CRS participation can lower flood insurance premiums up to 45% • CRS components are similar to elements or 4-phases of the LHMP crosswalk • Planning Process • Risk Assessment • Mitigation Strategy • Plan Maintenance

  44. LHMP & CRS Similarities (Page 13 LHMP FEMA Guidance)

  45. Review and Approval Process

  46. Submittal of LHMP Draft Submit the following documents to the Hazard Mitigation Planning Branch: • Cover Letter • One hard copy of the LHMP.  • Two disk copies of the LHMP and crosswalk (prefer pdf formatting) • Plan Updates require a copy of old crosswalk w/FEMA comments Mail to: California Emergency Management Agency Hazard Mitigation Planning Branch  3650 Schriever Avenue Mather, CA 95655 Attention: Ken Worman, State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO)

  47. Adoption Process • FEMA requires that plans be formally adopted by the governing body of the local jurisdiction requesting approval of the plan.  • There are procedures if a local jurisdiction has not passed a formal resolution, or uses some other form of documentation of adoption. • The date of plan adoption must be identified.  This is essential to documentation of the planning process and for FEMA to track the plan’s status relative to the 5-year plan update requirement. 

  48. Multi-Jurisdictional Plans • Jurisdictions may share common hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities • Each jurisdiction must identify hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities unique to their community • Each jurisdiction must complete and submit their own crosswalk • Each jurisdiction must complete a Letter of Commitment (LOC) – (Grant awards requirement) • 1 year to complete adoption process after FEMA designates Plan status to be “Approvable Pending Adoption” • Each jurisdiction must complete the adoption process

  49. Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs http://hazardmitigation.calema.ca.gov/grants

  50. FEMA Grant Guidance June/July Annual Solicitation

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