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baaLa manaaoiva&aana

baaLa manaaoiva&aana. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY. video. Aa caI~a Jao{nao tamanao SauM AaBaasa qaaya Co?? What do you feel by looking at this picture??. skulamaaM JtaaM baaLakaonaI samasyaaAao naI Aok zlak. IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOL AGE.

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baaLa manaaoiva&aana

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  1. baaLa manaaoiva&aana CHILD PSYCHOLOGY video

  2. Aa caI~a Jao{nao tamanao SauM AaBaasa qaaya Co?? What do you feel by looking at this picture??

  3. skulamaaM JtaaM baaLakaonaI samasyaaAao naI Aok zlak.... IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOL AGE

  4. Jyaaro tamao tamaara baaLaknao la{nao kao{ maa^la ko ima~anao tyaaM Javaao Cao, tyaaro tao kao{ rmakDa Aqavaa vastau maaTo Pd kro. Your child demands every toy that he sees on display in malls or when you visit to your friends/relatives place.

  5. SaaLaanaaM SaIxak tamanao vaarMvaar maahIita Aapao ko tamaa# baaLak SaaLaamaaM rsa daKavataao naqaI Anao kayaao- krvaamaaM paaCLa Co. Your child's teacher frequently informs you that he is unable to cope-up with the school tasks & lacks interest.

  6. tamaa# baaLak skula taqaa Garo SaIYtataa taqaa vyavasqaItataa naqaI JaLavatauM. tao isavaaya vaarMvaar laDa{ kro Co, AapanauM taqaa iSaxakaonauM maanataao naqaI Anao Kauba gaussaavaaLaao Anao Aak`amak qa{ Jaya Co. Your child is not able to maintain the discipline at home as well as in school, also he frequently gets into a fight, disobeys you and teachers and is aggressive in nature.

  7. tamaa# baaLak skulanaI kao{ paNa pa`vaRitamaaM BagyaoJ Baaga lao Co, ima~aao banaavavaanauM TaLao Co Anao Aapanaa paairvaarIk pa`saMgaaomaaM paNa taonaao laaokao saaqao naao maoLaapa AaoCao Co Your child hardly participates in school activities, avoids friends and feels shy in approaching people even in your family gatherings.

  8. AapanauM baaLak dr vaKatao pairxaa drmyaana gaBara{ Jaya ko icaMtaataUr qa{ Jaya. tao Garo taao baQaa savaalanaaM Jvaaba saacaa AapaI Sako paNa pairxaa samayao tao BaulaI Jaya Anao pairxaamaaM paopar Aqaura Aqavaa kaora maukInao Aavao Co. Your child often gets nervous during exams. He forgets and leaves the paper blank but he answers well at home.

  9. vyai>tatvanaaM ~aNa mauKya AaQaar Co… • SaarIirk isqataI • maanasaIk isqataI • saamaaPk isqataI • There are three main basis of personality.. • Physiological basis • Psychological basis • Social basis

  10. SaarIirk isqataI kovaI rItao?? • gaBaa-vasqaa drmyaana JaNao AJaNao qayaolaaM pairvata-naao • Jnma paCI qataaM ivakasa drmyaana qataaM pairvata-naao • SarIrnaI Alaga Alaga AvasqaaAao, Jomako baalyaavasqaa, kISaaoravasqaa, pa`aoZavasqaa Anao vaRQQaavasqaa drmyaana qataaM pairvata-naa • Physiological basis • Changes during pregnancy • Changes after the birth and during the developmental stages • Changes happening during various stages of our body like, infancy, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

  11. maanasaIk isqataI kovaI rItao?? • gaBaa-vasqaa drmyaana maataanaaM mananaI Anao taonaa AasapaasanaI parIisqataIAaoMnaI Asar baaLaknaaM mana par qaaya Co. • Jnma paCI qataaM ivakasa drmyaana baaLak saaqao qataaM vyavaharnaI baaLaknaaM mana par Asar • P&aasaaAao • J#rtaao • baaLaknaaM AnauBavaao pa`maaNao Avalaaokna.. • saamaaPk maulyaao Anao isaQQaaMtaaonaaM qataaM AnauBavaaoqaI baMQaataI mana:isqataI • Psychological Basis • The psychological condition & environment of the mother during pregnancy affects the mind of the child too • The effect of behavior undertaken with the child during his developmental stages. • Curiosities • Needs • Assumptions as per experiences • The formation of mental self through the social ideals and ethics.

  12. saamaaPk isqataI kovaI rItao?? saamaaPk irtaI irvaaJaonauM AnaukrNa krvaaqaI banataao vyavahar Social basis Behavior formation by following and practicing various social norms and behavior patterns

  13. baaLak jyaaro Jnmao Co tyaaro k{ paNa paaotaanauM la{nao naqaI AavatauM.. taonaI SaairrIk, maanasaIk taomaJ saamaaPk isqataI inamaa-La paamao Co Anao tao inamaa-LanaaM AaQaaro taonauM vyai>tatva banao Co.. manamaaM savaala qaaya ko taao paCI baaLa manaaoiva&aananaI J#r SauM?? When a kid is born, it does not bring anything of its own.. Its Physical, psychological and social conditions are created on which Its Personality is formed.. A question arises in my mind that then why is Child Psychology necessary?

  14. baaLa manaaoiva&aana Aa kro Co… Child Psychology does this…

  15. Amauk pa`karnaaM pa`aoblaomasa JomaaMqaI baaLakao pasaar qataaM haoya Co, tao Aa pa`maaNao Co.. Here is a list of some problems a child passes through.. Attention – Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: condition of inattention and distractibility, with or without accompanying hyperactivity Autistic Disorder: substantial delay in social interaction and development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, also characterized as mental retardation Conduct Disorder: a child seriously misbehaves with aggressive or nonaggressive behaviors against people, animals or property that may be characterized as belligerent, destructive, threatening, physically cruel, deceitful, disobedient, or dishonest. This may include stealing, intentional injury, and forced sexual activity. Separation Anxiety Disorder: display of excessive anxiety when away from home or from those to whom they are emotionally attached. Tourette’s Disorder: a childhood neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by motor and phonic (vocal) tics. Learning Disorders: A child with a learning disability cannot try harder, pay closer attention, or improve motivation on their own; they need help to learn how to do those things.

  16. ABaIBaavak Aqavaa vaalaI tarIko Aapanaa baaLaknaaM vyai>tatvanaaM ivakasa maaTo Aapa saaOnauM yaaogadana Kauba Amaulya Co.. Your contribution as parents or guardians is priceless in the development of your child’s personality.. video


  18. Poem

  19. Jai Hind

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