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How to Talk

How to Talk. With yore table, reed the redneck form of the wurd and translate it ento regular langwage. Take a look at the following example. EXAMPLE:. Afar. Hint: Usually accompanied by sirens. Example:. Afar. A Fire. Answer:. Sentence :. Call the far department, the house is on far.

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How to Talk

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How to Talk

  2. With yore table, reed the redneck form of the wurd and translate it ento regular langwage. Take a look at the following example...

  3. EXAMPLE: Afar Hint: Usually accompanied by sirens

  4. Example: Afar A Fire Answer: Sentence: Call the far department, the house is on far

  5. 1 Atsit Hint: an expression spoken in anger, many times by parents

  6. 2 Fummer Hint: place other than one’s present location

  7. 3 Bounden Hint: totally committed (2 words)

  8. 4 Lowance Hint: weekly sum of money paid to children in the hope of inducing reasonably good behavior

  9. 5 Quar Hint: organized group that make heavenly sounds

  10. 6 Ahce Hint: solidified liquid

  11. 7 Uhmewzin Hint: comical

  12. 8 Fizu Hint: trying to be someone you’re not (4 words)

  13. 9 Ahdin Hint: used most commanly as a beginning of an excuse (2 words)

  14. 10 Braht Hint: an “A” student


  16. 1 Atsit That’s it Answer: Sentence: Atsit it as far as I’m concerned

  17. 2 Fummer From here Answer: Sentence: Where do we go fummer?

  18. 3 Bounden Bound and Answer: Sentence: She’s bounden determined to marry him.

  19. 4 Lowance allowance Answer: Unless you clean yore room, you wont git your lowance this week. Sentence:

  20. 5 Quar Choir Answer: Sentence: The quar director missed reherasal

  21. 6 Ahce Ice Answer: Sentence: This tea needs more ahce in it.

  22. 7 Uhmewzin Amusing Answer: Few things are more uhmewzin than a Californian trying to talk redneck Sentence:

  23. 8 Fizu If I were you Answer: Sentence: Fizu, I’d get outta here

  24. 9 Ahdin I didn’t Answer: Sentence: Ahdin know the gun was loaded, Judge.

  25. 10 Braht Bright Answer: That boy ain’t real braht. Sentence:

  26. Bonus: Iont Hint: used to express uncertainty (2words)

  27. Bonus: Iont I don’t Answer: Iont know if I can eat another sammich or not. Sentence:

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