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Italian Fascism

Lecture # 3. Italian Fascism. The Rise of Mussolini. Ch 26 ~ (886-891) Objective~ Understand what fascism is and how Mussolini got into power. “Bands of Combat” Post-WWI Italy. National humiliation at Peace Conference No land/money (vets) Strikes/parliament deadlock. Give us our land!.

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Italian Fascism

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lecture # 3 ItalianFascism The Rise of Mussolini Ch 26 ~ (886-891) Objective~ Understand what fascism is and how Mussolini got into power

  2. “Bands of Combat” Post-WWI Italy • National humiliation at Peace Conference • No land/money (vets) • Strikes/parliament deadlock Give us our land!

  3. Fascism • Dedication to state, one-party rule • No individual rights • Extreme nationalism & military • Hates Communism • Promised to revive economy & restore national pride

  4. Benito Mussolini~ II Duce 1919: Founded Fascist Party Secret Police~ Black Shirts 1922  Mussolini threatened a coup d’etat “March on Rome”  25,000 Black Shirts King Victor Emmanuel III stepped down Mussolini ~ prime minister Legally

  5. Consolidation of Power(1925-1931) Rule by decree outlawed political parties, censorship, black shirts Lateran Accord 1919~ Church & state (peace) Pope ~independent Ruler of Vatican City

  6. Motherhood & Nationalism • Battle for Births • More kids = bigger army • welfare benefits, tax breaks, health care, medals • Aimed to keep women out of workforce • Part time/low skill (25 %)

  7. Fascist Economics • Mussolini’s goal~ make Italy self-sufficient • Protective tariffs • “Battle of wheat” • Public works • Corporations~ Controlled by the gov. • Invasion of Ethiopia (1935) • Economy=war • Raised taxes while wages decreased • Did not bring prosperity, caused more economic problems (late 1930s)

  8. “Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” Benito Mussolini

  9. Character Dolls

  10. Read: Mussolini Heaps Contempt on Political Liberalism • Page 888 • Answer the questions by the blue square • Will take place of your summary for lec 3

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