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MAPP Marcos C. Holanda marcosholanda2@gmail

Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. Management for Development Results at Sub-national Governments. Monitoring and Evaluation of Priority Programs. MAPP Marcos C. Holanda marcosholanda2@gmail.com. RBM - MAPP. RBM – Governance Strategy MAPP – Operational Instrument.

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MAPP Marcos C. Holanda marcosholanda2@gmail

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  1. Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento Management for Development Results at Sub-national Governments Monitoring and Evaluation of Priority Programs MAPPMarcos C. Holandamarcosholanda2@gmail.com

  2. RBM - MAPP RBM – Governance Strategy MAPP – Operational Instrument

  3. It is important to differentiate Planning Projects selection Administration Projects execution Management Systemic coordination of projects based on results

  4. What RBM is About • Do less but do Better. • Outcomes prevail over outputs. • Outcomes put citizens first. Outputs put government first. • Outcomes as driving force to programs integration. • Outcomes to differentiate good from bad programs. • A permanent cycle of learning: Planning-Budgeting-Monitoring-Evaluation. • An instrument for recognition and compensation of good performance of government employees.


  6. Requirements for a successful RBM  To have information – outcome and output indicators  To know how to use the information – information affect budget decisions  To have a budget based on results – RBM defines the budget and not the contrary  To know what it is and how to do RBM – Institutional and operational capacity to implement RBM

  7. Guidelines for RBM • Operational flexibility in searching for results. • Medium term budget. • Increments in the budget are based on increments in the results. • Look for “good or better practices” and not for “best practices”.

  8. MAPP Monitoring MAPP Planning Evaluation

  9. MAPP • PLANNING Selection of Projects Application Card • MONITORING Outputs MAPP Monitoring Macro Evaluation a) Government Outcomes b) Integration Matrix • EVALUATION Outcomes Micro Evaluation a) Design Evaluation b) Impact Evaluation

  10. PLANNING Project Application Card • The problem to be faced. • The government outcomes to be targeted. • The department outcomes to feed the government ones. • The outputs to be delivered. • The outcomes and outputs indicators. • The targeted population or region. • The time frame of expected outcomes. • The sources of financing. • The expected efficiency (benefits-costs analysis). • The expected integration with others projects.

  11. PLANNING Project Application Card

  12. PLANNING Project Application Card

  13. PLANNING Project Application Card

  14. PLANNING Project Application Card

  15. MONITORINGMAPP Monitoring

  16. MONITORINGMAPP Monitoramento

  17. MONITORINGMAPP Monitoramento

  18. MONITORINGMAPP Monitoramento

  19. Social Outcomes Economic Outcomes Governance Outcomes EVALUATIONMacro EvaluationGovernment Outcomes

  20. EVALUATIONMacro EvaluationIntegration Matrix Programs Integration Matrix

  21. Logical Framework Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Impacts Monitoring Outputs delivered X Planned Outcomes EVALUATIONMicro EvaluationDesign Evaluation

  22. EVALUATIONMicro EvaluationDesign Evaluation OUTCOMES OUTPUTS a)  Education: . Primary education schooling rate . Secondary education schooling rate . 4th grade promotion rate. a)  Education: . Proportion of teachers in primary education with bachelor degrees . Proportion of teachers in secondary education with bachelor degrees . Libraries, reading rooms and computer labs per public school; and . Computer equipments per public school. b)  Health: . Infant mortality rate . Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) admittance rate b) Health: . Prop. of women assisted during the first 3 months of pregnancy . Proportion of children (2 years old or younger) assisted . Proportion of the population assisted by the Family Health Program c) Living Conditions: . Proportion of urban domiciles with regular water supply . Proportion of urban domiciles with sewage c) Living conditions: . Urban water supply coverage rate . Urban sewage coverage rate d) Employment and income: .Average residential energy consumption . Formal employment quality index . Average establishments’ size d) Employment and income: . Secondary enrollment – total enrollment ratio . Health professionals per 1,000 inhabitants . Paved roads – municipality area ratio. e) Rural Development: .Gross value of the agricultural production per rural establishment . Proportion of energy consumption in rural areas e) Rural development: . Mean value of rural loans . Assisted producers per rural establishment

  23. EVALUATIONMicro EvaluationImpact Evaluation Program Evaluation: Criança Fora da Rua Dentro da Escola Probability (Recidivism) = F(age, gender, approach period, activity, per capita family income, guardian education, benefit) Source: IPECE

  24. LESSONS • Strategic leadership(Governor, Mayor) and operational leadership(line secretary) are crucial. • It is very Important a clear understanding of RBM concepts . • It is important to show that RBM is about opportunity and not a threat. • The selection of output and outcome indicators can be very tricky.

  25. LESSONS 5. It is important to explain the difference between Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring  Good Accounting Evaluation  Good Economics 6. Before impact evaluation, ask for design evaluation (quick evaluation) for the main Program/Project. 7. Keep the RBM policy as simple as possible. 8. RBM requires 3 P’s ( a different kind of PPP): Patience + Persistence + Passion

  26. Thanks! marcosholanda2@gmail.com

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