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中远集团 2006 年 可持续发展报告发布会 暨相关方沟通会

中远集团 2006 年 可持续发展报告发布会 暨相关方沟通会. Press Conference for Release of 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group and Communication Meeting of Related Parties. 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位新闻界朋友,女士们、先生们: 下午好! Dear leaders, special guests and friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon! .

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中远集团 2006 年 可持续发展报告发布会 暨相关方沟通会

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  1. 中远集团2006年 可持续发展报告发布会 暨相关方沟通会 Press Conference for Release of 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group and Communication Meeting of Related Parties

  2. 尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位新闻界朋友,女士们、先生们:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位新闻界朋友,女士们、先生们: 下午好! Dear leaders, special guests and friends from the media, ladies and gentlemen: Good afternoon!

  3. 欢迎大家在百忙之中莅临中远集团参加2006年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会。欢迎大家在百忙之中莅临中远集团参加2006年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会。 Welcome you to attend the Press Conference for Release of 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group and Communication Meeting of Related Parties of COSCO Group.

  4. 首先,请允许我介绍参加发布会的各位嘉宾: First of all, let me introduce the special guests that attend the press conference:

  5. 国务院国资委黄淑和副主任 Huang Shuhe, Deputy-director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission; 交通部徐祖远副部长 Xu Zuyuan, Deputy Minister of Communications; 联合国全球契约理事会理事、中企联副理事长陈英女士 Chen Ying, Councilor of the Board of the UN Global Compact and Vice-Councilor of the China Enterprise Confederation; 联合国全球契约办公室高级官员杜比先生 Fred Dubee, Senior Official of the United Nations Global Compact Office; 中国船级社李科浚总裁 Li Kejun, President of the China Classification Society (CSS);

  6. 挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生 Thomas Vogth-Eriksen, Vice President of the Det Norske Veritas (DNV); 中组部干部五局魏向阳副局长 Wei Xiangyang, Deputy Director of Fifth Cadre Bureau of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee 交通部救捞局宋家慧局长 Song Jiahui, Director of the Rescue and Salvage Bureau of the Ministry of Communications 国家安全生产监督管理总局协调司任树奎司长 Ren Shukui, Director of Coordination Department of the State Administration of Work Safety

  7. 出席今天仪式的领导和贵宾还有: 商务部、中国海员建设工会、中国安全生产科学研究院、中国可持续发展工商理事会等部门和协会的领导;还有中海油、中石化、中国人保等公司的大客户代表和供应商代表,以及来自新闻界的朋友们。 Also participated were leaders of the Ministry of Commerce, China Seaman Construction Union, China Research Institute of Safety Product and China Business Council for Sustainable Development, representatives of China National Offshore Oil, Sinopec and PICC, as well as friends from the media.

  8. 让我们用热烈的掌声对各位领导、嘉宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎!让我们用热烈的掌声对各位领导、嘉宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎! Let’s show our warm welcomes to leaders and special guests with warm applauses.

  9. 作为联合国全球契约和世界可持续发展工商理事会成员,2006年12月20日中远集团发布的2005年度可持续发展报告,获得联合国高度评价并荣登联合国全球契约典范榜,中远集团2005年可持续发展报告是第一个中国企业也是世界上第一个航运企业入选全球契约年度报告典范榜。作为联合国全球契约和世界可持续发展工商理事会成员,2006年12月20日中远集团发布的2005年度可持续发展报告,获得联合国高度评价并荣登联合国全球契约典范榜,中远集团2005年可持续发展报告是第一个中国企业也是世界上第一个航运企业入选全球契约年度报告典范榜。 As a member of the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, COSCO Group released the 2006 Sustainable Development Report on Dec. 20, 2006. The report won high praises from the United Nations and became exemplary report of UN Global Compact .

  10. 联合国秘书长潘基文亲笔致信邀请魏家福总裁并邀请在全球契约领导人峰会上发言。充分说明了联合国对中远集团履行全球契约取得的成绩和做出的努力的认可和褒奖。联合国秘书长潘基文亲笔致信邀请魏家福总裁并邀请在全球契约领导人峰会上发言。充分说明了联合国对中远集团履行全球契约取得的成绩和做出的努力的认可和褒奖。 The 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group is the first report of Chinese enterprise and ocean shipping industry that became exemplary report of UN Global Compact of. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations wrote a letter to Capt. Wei Jiafu by himself and invited Capt. Wei to give a speech at the Global Compact Leaders’ Summit. This fully shows the United Nations’ recognition and praises on COSCO Group’s achievements and efforts to perform the Global Compact.

  11. 中远集团成为联合国全球契约领导人峰会的核心之一,代表了全球契约新的推动力量,中远集团已经成为不仅仅是中国的,而且是世界引领全球契约的关键性企业。所以在新一届联合国秘书长强力推动全球契约的大势下,中远集团履行全球契约的行动和进程已经成为全世界全球契约的关注点。中远集团成为联合国全球契约领导人峰会的核心之一,代表了全球契约新的推动力量,中远集团已经成为不仅仅是中国的,而且是世界引领全球契约的关键性企业。所以在新一届联合国秘书长强力推动全球契约的大势下,中远集团履行全球契约的行动和进程已经成为全世界全球契约的关注点。 COSCO Group is a core member of the UN Global Compact Leaders’ Summit and represents new driving force of Global Compact. COSCO Group has become a key enterprise in China and the world to lead the implementation of Global Compact. Under the situation that the new secretary general of the United Nation has exerted great efforts to promote the Global Compact, COSCO Group’s actions and progresses to perform Global Compact have become the focuses of Global Compact of the world .

  12. 值此之际,我们举行中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,宣布中远集团成功地进行了管理创新,建立全球契约社会责任和可持续发展报告管理体系,向全世界发布中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告,值此之际,我们举行中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,宣布中远集团成功地进行了管理创新,建立全球契约社会责任和可持续发展报告管理体系,向全世界发布中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告, At this moment, we hold the Press Conference for Release of 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group and Communication Meeting of Related Parties and announced that COSCO Group has made innovations successfully and established Global Compact Social Responsibilities and sustainable development report management system.

  13. 并与近半个世纪以来,关心中远集团发展和成长的各个相关方聚集一堂,沟通交流中远集团履行社会责任实践活动,共同实现中远集团和世界的可持续发展。并与近半个世纪以来,关心中远集团发展和成长的各个相关方聚集一堂,沟通交流中远集团履行社会责任实践活动,共同实现中远集团和世界的可持续发展。 We released the 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group and gathered together with related parties who care about the development and growth of COSCO Group in recent five decades to exchange COSCO Group’s efforts to perform social responsibilities and realize the sustainable development of COSCO Group and the world.

  14. 下面我宣布发布会开始: Now, I would like to announce the start of press conference.

  15. 首先向相关方代表发布并介绍中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告。首先向相关方代表发布并介绍中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告。 为扩大可持续发展报告的影响,除印发了纸面印刷报告书外,还运用科技手段制作了更为人性化的电子网络报告和影视报告,下面以生动的影视方式发布中远集团2006年可持续发展报告。 Firstly, we will release and introduce the 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group to representatives of related parties. With an aim to expand the influences of sustainable development report, we also compiled more human-oriented electronic report and video report besides printed report. Now, let’s release the 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group in more vivid method.

  16. 中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告是按照全球公开报告倡议组织GRI报告指南2006版换版编写的,为保证报告的可靠性,挪威船级社和中企联全球契约推进办公室联合对中远集团可持续发展报告体系及报告进行了审核,中远集团2006年度可持续发展报告是按照全球公开报告倡议组织GRI报告指南2006版换版编写的,为保证报告的可靠性,挪威船级社和中企联全球契约推进办公室联合对中远集团可持续发展报告体系及报告进行了审核, The 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group was compiled according to the 2006 GRI Guidelines. In order to ensure the reliability of the report, DNV and the China Enterprise Confederation Global Compact Promotion Office jointly audited the COSCO Group sustainable development reporting system and the report.

  17. 下面由挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审核声明。下面由挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审核声明。 Now, let’s invite Thomas Vogth-Eriksen, Vice President of DNV, to announce the audit report of COSCO Group sustainable development report.

  18. Dear Distinguish Guests: 尊敬的客户: On behalf of DNV, I am honored to present the verification results of COSCO’s 2006 sustainability report to you. 在此, 我很荣幸代表DNV宣布 2006年度中远集团可持续发展报告的验证结果

  19. As you might know COSCO’s 2005 sustainability report was listed by the Global Compact Office of the United Nation as one of the “notable” reports and made a big impact in the industry. The Cosco Group is the first Chinese SOE that compiled sustainable development report according to GRI, and in total achieved a “five first” for this report. 大家应该都知道,由联合国全球契约推进办公室发布的2005年度中远可持续发展报告,成为了业内最值得关注的报告之一,并引起了巨大的反响。中远集团是第一个按照GRI报告编写可持续发展报告的国有企业,且创造了五个第一。

  20. We are glad to observe from the 2006 report that COSCO Head Office has developed an on-line system for data reporting and 15 subsidiaries companies in the group has committed to establish a sustainability management system and actively contributed to the preparation of the 2006 report. 在2006年度报告中我们很高兴的发现, 中远集团已经开发了可持续发展报告数据收集和信息处理系统,另外中远的15家分公司已纳入可持续发展管理体系,并积极参与了2006年度报告准备工作。

  21. In our opinion, the COSCO Sustainability Report 2006 provides a fair representation of the level of implementation of sustainability policies, and DNV has not found any systematic or major errors. 2006年度可持续发展报告公正的阐述了中远集团对可持续发展方针的执行情况, DNV在该报告中没有发现任何系统误差和重大不符合事项。

  22. The quality of the report can be concluded as following: 报告质量总结如下: Accuracy Need Improvement, We have not found any material inaccuracies that may affect significantly the comparability of selected key performance indicators; However the reporting boundaries for some indicators are not clearly defined, also the internal verification mechanism of subsidiaries are in-sufficient. 准确性 有待改进,我方未发现任何实质性的、可能极大影响主要指标准确性的因素。总体的准确度是可以接受的。但是,某些指标边界定义不清楚,下属公司对数据的准确性没有较好的保证机制。

  23. Neutrality Acceptable, We conclude that the information contained in the report is unbiased; 中立性 我们认为报告中所披露的信息是不含偏见的,可接受的。 Timeless Need improvement; 时效性 有待改进 Responsiveness The overall responsiveness toward external parties is acceptable. However, improvement can be made for internal employees. 响应性 对内部员工满意调查未进行。总体上对外部关键利益相关方响应性较高。

  24. Comparability Acceptable, The information in the report is presented in a format that allows users to see positive and negative trends in performance on a year to-year basis, however external bench marking data is not sufficient; 可比较性 该《报告》中提供的信息能够让读者观察到年度业绩的变化趋势,数据收集系统已经在有效运行,可积累历年的可持续发展数据,内部可对比性将逐年加强。但同同行业等外部的数据比较较为缺乏,总体的可比较性比去年有所进步。

  25. We also have the following recommendation as reference for continuous improvement: • The accountability and mechanism for implementing sustainability should • be clearly defined. • The strategy for sustainability should be clearly defined, • 建议 • 在执行审查的过程中,我方提出了如下建议: • 企业可持续发展的决策、实施的职责及机制宜明确规定; • 企业可持续发展的战略应清晰定义并有可执行性;

  26. Based on identified critical indicators, relevant goals and objectives should • be established • The data collection and assurance processes should be deployed to all • levels of the organization • Implement sustainability systems to all the subsidiaries. • 要把关键的企业社会责任指标转化为相应的管理体系目标,以改进企业社 • 会责任绩效; • 对以总部员工为基础的报告数据,宜扩大到包括子公司的社会责任数据; • 应完善子公司的企业可持续发展管理系统及数据准确性保证系统。

  27. We also understand COSCO plans to release the 2007 report in the first half of 2008, and intends to enhance the sustainability management system by integrating it with the existing quality/environmental/safety management systems at all of its subsidiaries. This is a very bold initiative which demonstrates the full commitment to this process by the top management of COSCO. In response to the COSCO initiative, DNV will develop a new auditing methodology to fully integrate management system audits with sustainability report verification to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the 3rd party verification service. 我们还要提到的是,中远集团管理高层已作出大胆的决策,计划在2008年上半年提交的2007年度可持续发展报告中,结合现所有子公司的质量/环境/安全管理体系,以增进中远可持续发展管理体系。应中远集团的要求,为增强第三方验证服务效率及有效性,DNV将开发一种新的审核方法学,来完善管理体系审核和企业可持续发展报告验证的整合。

  28. We look forward to further develop our cooperation in 2008. 期望我们在2008年能有更好的合作! Thank you all and congratulations to Captain Wei and the COSCO Group. 最后,祝贺魏总裁及中远全体员工。谢谢大家!

  29. 现在请挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生和联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士共同向魏家福总裁颁发可持续发展报告审核声明证书。现在请挪威船级社副总裁托马斯先生和联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士共同向魏家福总裁颁发可持续发展报告审核声明证书。 Now, let’s invite Vogth-Eriksen, Vice President of DNV, and Chen Ying, Councilor of the Board of the UN Global Compact, to award the audit certificate of sustainable development report to Vice President Li Jianhong of COSCO Group.

  30. 在对中远集团可持续发展管理体系审核的同时,中国船级社、挪威船级社和中国安全生产科学研究院对中远(集团)总公司质量、环境和职业安全管理体系进行了第三方复评,认为中远(集团)总公司在以质量、环境和职业安全整合管理体系的基础上,已经完成了指标化管理体系的改造,在对中远集团可持续发展管理体系审核的同时,中国船级社、挪威船级社和中国安全生产科学研究院对中远(集团)总公司质量、环境和职业安全管理体系进行了第三方复评,认为中远(集团)总公司在以质量、环境和职业安全整合管理体系的基础上,已经完成了指标化管理体系的改造, Besides auditing the sustainable development management system of COSCO Group, CCS, DNV and China Safety Production Science Research Institute had conducted third-party review on quality, environment and occupational safety management systems of COSCO Group headquarters. They believe that COSCO Group headquarters had completed the reorganization of index-based management system and established qualitative sustainable development management system by integration quality, environment and occupational safety management systems.

  31. 初步建立了量化的可持续发展管理体系,成为中国第一家量化可持续发展管理体系的企业。中远集团可持续发展管理体系与世界级跨国公司同步,充分显示中远集团在管理体系方法应用的领先地位。初步建立了量化的可持续发展管理体系,成为中国第一家量化可持续发展管理体系的企业。中远集团可持续发展管理体系与世界级跨国公司同步,充分显示中远集团在管理体系方法应用的领先地位。 It has become the first Chinese enterprise that realizes qualitative sustainable development management system. COSCO Group sustainable development management system is in synchronization with world-class transnational company, showing COSCO Group’s leading position in application of management systems and methods.

  32. 下面请中国船级社总裁李科浚先生代表三家认证机构向管理者代表李建红副总裁颁发认证证书。下面请中国船级社总裁李科浚先生代表三家认证机构向管理者代表李建红副总裁颁发认证证书。 Now, let’s invite Li Kejun, President of CCS, to award the certificate to Li Jianhong on behalf of aforesaid three institutes.

  33. 作为联合国全球契约成员单位,中远集团全面履行全球契约,努力为建设和谐世界做贡献,下面请联合国全球契约办公室高级官员杜比先生致贺词。作为联合国全球契约成员单位,中远集团全面履行全球契约,努力为建设和谐世界做贡献,下面请联合国全球契约办公室高级官员杜比先生致贺词。 As a member unit of UN Global Compact, COSCO Group had performed the Global Compact in a comprehensive way and contributed to construction of harmonious world. Let’s invite Fred Dubee, Senior Official of the Board of the UN Global Compact, to give us a celebrating speech.

  34. To be a world leader by maintaining a trustworthy relationship with all our stakeholders. All who know COSCO know that this mission statement is supported by a strong policy of proper decision-making, scientific management and quality services, to realize the development of, and harmonization between, an enterprise's value, environment and natural resources. 中远集团通过与所有利益相关方保持相互信任的关系而成为全球的领先者。所有熟悉中远的人都清楚,这项使命的背后有强大的决策策略、科学管理和质量服务的支撑,从而实现公司价值、环境和自然资源的发展与和谐。

  35. In our world of today, the worth of a nation is no longer measured by its military and economic might but rather by the overall quality of life of its citizens, the harmony in which they develop and the contribution it is making to the harmony of the world. In our world of today, the value of worth of a company is no longer so much measure in short term profitability but in the complex of environmental, social and economic performance and the relationship between its stakeholders which is often referred to as corporate governance. 当今世界,一个国家的价值不仅仅局限在其军事和经济力量,而更多的体现在这个国家居民的综合生活质量、发展的和谐程度和其对世界和谐的贡献。在我们这个世界,一个公司的价值也不是仅靠利润率衡量,而是根据复杂的环境、社会和经济以及其与利益相关者的关系、即通常所说的“公司治理”。

  36. Today, in releasing its latest Sustainability Report, COSCO is taking another significant step toward greater transparency and enhancing relationships built on trust. 今天,中远集团通过发布最新的可持续发展报告,向更深的透明度和增强信任关系建设方面又迈出了重要一步。

  37. Today, Captain Wei Jiafu and all the COSCO crew are showing how they are implementing the principles of the Global Compact by making a “Communication On Progress” outlining I helpful detail challenges, successes and areas where more efforts are needed. 今天,魏家福船长和所有中远的船员们向世人表明,他们是如何履行全球契约的原则,通过“可持续发展报告进行中的沟通”方式详细勾画出中远面临的挑战、取得的成功和需要更多努力关注的领域。

  38. Today, the women and men of COSCO are clearly demonstrating how they are working together to build a better and more sustainable company and how together they are contributing to the common effort of building a harmonious society in China and a better world for all. 今天,中远集团的全体员工清楚地展示了他们是如何共同努力建设一个更加美好和和谐的中远,如何为建设一个和谐的中国社会和更加美好的世界而共同奉献力量。

  39. Today, is a time for congratulations to COSCO and to all those who have helped make this report so powerful including the SASAC, MOC, CEC and DNV, but above all a time for renewed commitment to the goals of Xiaokang, the ideals of the Global Compact and the mission and philosophy of COSCO. 今天,我要祝贺中远集团,以及所有令此报告如此有力的机构和人,包括国资委、交通部、中国企业联合会和挪威船级社。但更要祝贺我们对建设小康社会、对全球契约理念和中远的使命与信仰的重新承诺。

  40. 感谢杜比先生热情洋溢的致词。 Thank you Mr. Dubee for giving us such an ardent speech.

  41. 中远集团在实施全球契约方面取得的荣誉和地位,是在中企联全球契约推进办公室积极推动下取得的,下面请联合国全球契约理事会理事、中国企业联合会副理事长陈英女士讲话。中远集团在实施全球契约方面取得的荣誉和地位,是在中企联全球契约推进办公室积极推动下取得的,下面请联合国全球契约理事会理事、中国企业联合会副理事长陈英女士讲话。 COSCO Group’s honors and position in UN Global Compact should be attributed to China Enterprise Confederation Global Compact Promotion Office’s efforts to promote the Global Compact. Now, let’s invite Chen Ying, Councilor of the Board of the UN Global Compact Vice-Councilor of the China Enterprise Confederation, to give a speech.

  42. 各位领导、出席今天会议的所有同事们: Dear leaders and colleagues who present at the meeting: 今天我们再一次聚集到一起参加中国远洋集团2006年可持续发展报告发布会。 Today, we gather together to attend the Press Conference for Release of 2006 Sustainable Development Report of COSCO Group.

  43. 魏总裁再一次请大家来,因为他重视这份报告。他和他的同事们用800多艘船,把中国和世界160多个国家连接起来,从1500多个港口传递着中国的改革发展信息,中国人的精神和中国企业在全球化中的作用。这份报告就是中远起这样的作用和融入全球体系的一个小小的工具。事情虽小,但它代表着一种变革的远见和速度。魏总裁再一次请大家来,因为他重视这份报告。他和他的同事们用800多艘船,把中国和世界160多个国家连接起来,从1500多个港口传递着中国的改革发展信息,中国人的精神和中国企业在全球化中的作用。这份报告就是中远起这样的作用和融入全球体系的一个小小的工具。事情虽小,但它代表着一种变革的远见和速度。 Capt. Wei Jiafu invites you to participate the meeting for he has attached great importance to the report. Capt. Wei and his colleagues connect China with 160 countries worldwide with more than 800 vessels and convey information on reform and development of China, spirits of Chinese and functions of Chinese enterprises in globalization via more than 1,500 ports. The report plays such a role. It is a small tool for COSCO Group to be integrated into global system. It represents the farsightedness and speed for a reform.

  44. 我们再一次来,因为我们也重视这份报告。它让我们看到发自企业内心的对全世界的责任的驱动力。我们希望有一天这种世界公民的责任感成为每个中国人的动力。在与中远报告起草小组,挪威船级社,中国船级社同事共同工作的过程中,我们学到很多新的知识。中远的步伐在督促我们调整,让我们思考全球契约的发展方向是什么?它未来能够带给企业什么价值?我们再一次来,因为我们也重视这份报告。它让我们看到发自企业内心的对全世界的责任的驱动力。我们希望有一天这种世界公民的责任感成为每个中国人的动力。在与中远报告起草小组,挪威船级社,中国船级社同事共同工作的过程中,我们学到很多新的知识。中远的步伐在督促我们调整,让我们思考全球契约的发展方向是什么?它未来能够带给企业什么价值? We come again for we also attach great importance to the report. It enables us to see enterprises’ sense of responsibilities to the world. We hope that such citizen sense of responsibilities can become the driving force of every Chinese. When working with report compilation team of COSCO Group, DNV and CCS, we learnt much new knowledge. Development step of COSCO Group urged us to make adjustments and think about the development direction of Global Compact and value to enterprises.

  45. 我听说中远集团有计划建立可持续发展委员会,同时建立预算,把这项工作列入企业正规职能体系中。如果中远集团能够这样做,就在新的一年中又迈进了一大步,它代表着一种趋势。我认为到现在为止,具体做这项工作的同志把报告编出来,指标定出来,体系建起来。未来如果专门机构和预算建立起来,那么从那一天开始,你们的工作性质变了。我听说中远集团有计划建立可持续发展委员会,同时建立预算,把这项工作列入企业正规职能体系中。如果中远集团能够这样做,就在新的一年中又迈进了一大步,它代表着一种趋势。我认为到现在为止,具体做这项工作的同志把报告编出来,指标定出来,体系建起来。未来如果专门机构和预算建立起来,那么从那一天开始,你们的工作性质变了。 I have got to know that COSCO Group plans to set up a Sustainable Development Committee and allocated expenditures to list the implementation of sustainable development into formal functional system of the enterprise. COSCO Group can make an important step-forward in the new year if it can do so. It represents a trend. So far, comrades engaged in this work had compiled the report, set up the indexes and established the system. If special institute and expenditure are established, your working nature will change.

  46. 魏总裁、二级公司和全体员工对你们工作的衡量标准就提高了。你们要把指标变为目标,要把经济投入变成经济产出。你们的工作要能与所有中远人一起诠释可持续发展的意义。胡锦涛主席最近再次强调的求真务实的精神是做好这项工作的保证。让我们期待着你们在新的起点上取得更大的成就。魏总裁、二级公司和全体员工对你们工作的衡量标准就提高了。你们要把指标变为目标,要把经济投入变成经济产出。你们的工作要能与所有中远人一起诠释可持续发展的意义。胡锦涛主席最近再次强调的求真务实的精神是做好这项工作的保证。让我们期待着你们在新的起点上取得更大的成就。 The standards taken by Capt. Wei, subsidiaries of COSCO Group and all employees to measure you work will be elevated. You shall change indexes into targets and transform economical inputs into outputs. You shall elaborate the meaning of sustaianble development with all employees of COSCO Group. President Hu Jintao recently re-emphasized that truth-seeking spirits are guarantees to the work. Finally, wish you to make greater achievements at a new starting point. 谢谢! Thank you!

  47. 感谢陈英女士的鼓励和鞭策。 Thank you Ms. Chen Ying for your encouragement and urges.

  48. 中远集团本着以人为本,善待员工,为中远集团的员工提供了实现价值的舞台,中远集团将全球契约十项原则融入日常管理运作程序,履行全球契约已经成为中远集团所有员工的自觉行为,下面请模范船长徐伯民代表船岸员工讲话。中远集团本着以人为本,善待员工,为中远集团的员工提供了实现价值的舞台,中远集团将全球契约十项原则融入日常管理运作程序,履行全球契约已经成为中远集团所有员工的自觉行为,下面请模范船长徐伯民代表船岸员工讲话。 COSCO Group has insisted on the principles of people-orientation and treating employees kindly and provided a stage for employees of COSCO Group to fulfill their value. COSCO Group has brought ten principles of Global Compact into its daily management and operation. Performance of Global Compact has become the voluntary behaviors of COSCO Group. Now, let’s invite Xu Bomin, exemplary captain, to give a speech on behalf of crewmembers.

  49. 尊敬的各位领导、各位嘉宾: 今天,我作为长期服务于中远集团的一名船长,在这里参加中远集团“可持续发展报告”发布和沟通会,自己感到无比荣幸和自豪。服务于中远集团的广大船员,作为中远8万多员工的一部分,正在亲身经历和深切感受着中远集团致力于经济发展、环境保护和承担社会责任,实现可持续发展的崇高实践。 Ladies and gentlemen, dear leaders and guests, It’s my great honor to attend this seminar for “Sustainability Report” as a veteran captain of COSCO. As a member of the eighty-thousand staff, I have been involved and witnessed the sublime practice of COSCO’s commitment to economic development, environmental protection, social responsibilities, and sustainable development.

  50. 中远集团以保护环境和节约资源为已任,从船舶节约燃油做起,加强技术投入和日常监督。随着远洋运输业的快速发展,船舶正向着大型化和高速化的方向发展,燃油耗量也在不断增加。为了尽最大可能减少燃油消耗,中远集团推行技术节能和管理节能两条腿走路的方针,最大限度节约资源。中远集团以保护环境和节约资源为已任,从船舶节约燃油做起,加强技术投入和日常监督。随着远洋运输业的快速发展,船舶正向着大型化和高速化的方向发展,燃油耗量也在不断增加。为了尽最大可能减少燃油消耗,中远集团推行技术节能和管理节能两条腿走路的方针,最大限度节约资源。 Starting from saving the vessel-applied fuel oil, COSCO has taken environmental protection and energy conservation as his responsibility and enhanced its technology input and routine supervision. With the rapid development of ocean shipping, vessels are becoming larger and faster, which leads to the continual increase of oil consumption. In order to reduce the oil consumption to the least, COSCO holds onto the dual guideline of conserving energy by the means of both technology and management.

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