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Teaching Programming Concepts with JavaScript:  No Software Package Required

Teaching Programming Concepts with JavaScript:  No Software Package Required. Paul Addison, Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette, Indiana. What scares off beginning programming students?. Software installation problems Confusion about files and directories Complexity of IDE

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Teaching Programming Concepts with JavaScript:  No Software Package Required

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  1. Teaching Programming Conceptswith JavaScript:  No SoftwarePackage Required Paul Addison, Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette, Indiana

  2. What scares off beginning programming students? • Software installation problems • Confusion about files and directories • Complexity of IDE • IF and WHILE statements? Not so much!

  3. C# screen vs. JavaScript screen

  4. C# screen vs. JavaScript screen

  5. Simplicity of JavaScript • No software installation • Any text editor works • No compiler needed • Runs in any browser • No Internet connection required • Instant feedback

  6. Three HTML tags: that’s all <html> <body> <script type=“text/javascript”> (JavaScript statements go here) </script> </body> </html>

  7. JavaScript output goesto the browser <html> <body> <script type=“text/javascript”> // Display statements write to the browser page document.write(“Do I have to say Hello, World?”); </script> </body> </html>

  8. Create and save the file in Notepad with an .html extension <html> <body> <script type=“text/javascript”> // Display statements write to the browser page document.write(“Do I have to say Hello, World?”); </script> </body> </html>

  9. Open the file in any browser

  10. Quickly move toprogramming concepts <html> <body> <script type=“text/javascript”> // Declare variables, add and display numbers var numBoys = 14; var numGirls = 16; var totStudents = numBoys + numGirls; document.write(“Total students: ” + totStudents); </script> </body> </html>

  11. In the browser

  12. The 3 programming structures <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Name of program: structures.html // Purpose of program: presents the three programming structures // Author: Paul Addison // Date: 15-Jan-2010 // Declare constants and variables var SP = " "; // literal space var BR = "<br />;" // line break var number; // number used for selection and loop // This section demonstrates sequence document.write("These first three statements are in sequence." + BR); document.write("They follow one another in order." + BR); document.write("There is no variation or repeating." + BR); // This section demonstrates selection number = 5 if (number < 10) document.write(number + " is less than 10." + BR); else document.write(number + " is greater than or equal to 10." + BR); // This section demonstrates looping while (number <= 20) { document.write(number + SP); number = number + 1 } </script> </body> </html>

  13. In the browser

  14. Arrays <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Name of program: displayArray.html // Purpose of program: set up an array, and display it forwards and backwards // Author: Paul Addison // Date: 15-Jan-2010 // Declare constants var BR = "<br />"; // line break // Declare and initialize array of movie titles var movieTitles = new Array(8); movieTitles[0] = "Gone With the Wind"; movieTitles[1] = "Finian's Rainbow" movieTitles[2] = "Camelot"; movieTitles[3] = "Easy Rider"; movieTitles[4] = "Hatari"; movieTitles[5] = "Goldfinger"; movieTitles[6] = "Swiss Family Robinson"; movieTitles[7] = "Ben Hur"; // Display the array elements in forward order // Subscripts go from 0 up to 7 for (i=0; i<=7; i++) { document.write(movieTitles[i] + BR); } document.write(BR); // Display the array elements in backwards order // Subscripts go down from 7 to 0 for (i=7; i>=0; i--) { document.write(movieTitles[i] + BR); } document.write(BR); </script> </body> </html>

  15. In the browser

  16. <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Name of program: bubbleSort.html // Purpose of program: use bubble sort logic on an array // Author: Paul Addison // Date: 15-Jan-2010 // Declare constants and variables var BR = "<br />"; // line break var ARRAYSIZE = 3; // size of array var maxElement; // last element in current array pass var index; // array index // Declare and initialize the array var presidentName = new Array(ARRAYSIZE); presidentName[0] = "Washington"; presidentName[1] = "Kennedy"; presidentName[2] = "Lincoln"; // Display the array before sorting document.write(BR + "Before sorting:" + BR); for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) { document.write(presidentName[i] + BR); } // Bubble sort logic // Outer loop works from last array element down to the first // Inner loop steps through array, comparing and swapping if necessary for (maxElement = ARRAYSIZE - 1; maxElement >= 0; maxElement--) { for (index = 0; index < maxElement; index++) { if (presidentName[index] > presidentName[index + 1]) { temp = presidentName[index]; presidentName[index] = presidentName[index + 1]; presidentName[index + 1] = temp; } } } // display the array after sorting document.write(BR + "After sorting:" + BR); for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE; i++) { document.write(presidentName[i] + BR); } </script> </body> </html> Sorting algorithms

  17. In the browser

  18. Prompting and calling a function <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Name of program: squareFunction.html // Purpose of program: uses a function to compute and return a square // Author: Paul Addison // Date: 15-Jan-2010 // This function takes an argument and squares it function square(num1) { document.write("The argument sent to the square function was " + num1 + BR); var result = num1 * num1; return (result) } </script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Declare constants and variables var BR = "<br />"; // line break var ES = ""; // empty string var num; // number entered by user var numSquared; // square of number, returned by function // Prompt the user for a value between 15 and 25, convert to an integer num = prompt("Please enter a number from 15 to 25: ",ES); num = parseInt(num); document.write("You entered the number " + num + BR); // Input validation: reprompt the user to enter a number between 15 and 25, as long as necessary while (num < 15 || num > 25) { num = prompt("Error...Please enter a number from 15 to 25: ",ES); num = parseInt(num) } // Call the square function, display the result var numSquared = square(num); document.write("The value returned to the main program was " + numSquared + BR); document.write("End of program." + BR); </script> </body> </html>

  19. In the browser

  20. Even recursion! <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> // Name of program: factorial.html // Purpose of program: use recursion to calculate a factorial // Author: Paul Addison // Date: 15-Jan-2010 // This function implements the definition of a factorial // If the number is 1, the function returns the value 1 // Otherwise, it calls itself with the argument of the number - 1 function factorial(num) { document.write("Processing the factorial of: " + num); if(num==1) return(1); else return(num * factorial(num-1)); } </script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // Declare constants and variables var BR = "<br />"; // line break var ES = ""; // empty string var num; // the number entered by the user var numFactorial; // the factorial calculated by the function // Prompt the user for a number, convert the input to an integer // Call the factorial function, and display the result num = prompt("Enter a number: ",ES); num = parseInt(num); numFactorial = factorial(num); document.write("The factorial of " + num + " is " + numFactorial + BR); </script> </body> </html>

  21. In the browser

  22. Summary • Easy to use • Almost no overhead • Syntax carries easily from pseudocode, to C# and Java • You can teach good programming style and techniques • You can teach programming concepts, not software!

  23. Teaching Programming Conceptswith JavaScript:  No SoftwarePackage Required Paul Addison, Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette, Indiana

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