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TOPIC : ENDOCRINE SYSTEM AIM : How do the organs of the Endocrine System aid in the maintenance of Homeostasis? Do Now : 1. Define the Life Process of REGULATION? Compare the Life Process of Regulation to a Cell Organelle. What is the Purpose/ Function of the Endocrine System?.

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  1. TOPIC: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM • AIM: How do the organs of the Endocrine System aid in the maintenance of Homeostasis? • Do Now: • 1. Define the Life Process of REGULATION? • Compare the Life Process of Regulation to a Cell Organelle.

  2. What is the Purpose/ Function of the Endocrine System? A System of ductless glands located around the body that produce chemicals called Hormones that travel to target organs to regulate a body activity.

  3. VOCABULARY 3. Target Area: Specific area or organ of the body that a Hormone will travel to and regulate a body activity. 1. Ductless: No direct Passageway 2. Hormone: Chemical secreted by an Endocrine Gland that is Specific to a target organ and will regulate some activity associated with that organ. Hormones travel through the BLOOD.

  4. How Were Hormones Discovered? • Video Clips for Biology!

  5. The Endocrine System A. Introduction pituitary gland hypothalamus Main endocrine glands thyroid gland thymus gland adrenal glands pancreas (islets) Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands Adrenal glands Pancreatic islets Gonads ovaries testes

  6. The Endocrine System How does the structure and function of the Pituitary Gland contribute to maintaining Homeostasis? Pituitary gland: Pea shaped gland located at the base of the Brain. 2. Controlled by the Hypothalamus (Part of the Brain- This is what links the Nervous and Endocrine System) 3. Called the “Master Gland” because some of the Hormones it secretes control the secretions of other Endocrine Glands.

  7. Hormones produced by the Pituitary Gland: 1.Growth hormone (GH) 2. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 3. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) 4. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 5. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 6. Prolactin (PRL)

  8. Growth Hormone: Promotes the normal development of Muscles and Bones. FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone Stimulates a follicle in the ovaries to mature an egg cell. Oxytocin: Stimulates contraction of the uterus during labor. TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: Stimulates the Thyroid gland to produce its hormone.

  9. What Happens if too much or too little of a Hormone is secreted? Hypersecretion: Too much Hyposecretion: Too Little YouTube - Endocrine System and Hormones

  10. THYROID GLAND How Does the Thyroid Gland aid in the maintenance of Homeostasis? Location: Neck region Hormone Produced: Thyroxin Thyroxin regulates overall Metabolism. Parathyroid glands: embedded in thyroid. Produce the Hormone Parathormone: regulates metabolism of calcium

  11. How do the Adrenal glands function in the Endocrine System? pituitary gland thyroid gland thymus gland Secrete the Hormone Adrenalin adrenal glands pancreas (islets) Fight or Flight Mechanism Increases heart rate, breathing rate, releases glucose into the blood for a quick burst of energy – super human strength. ovaries testes

  12. PANCREAS How does the Pancreas function as an Endocrine Gland to aid in the maintenance of homeostasis? Contains Special cells in a region called the ISLETS OF LANGHERANS secrete the Hormones Insulin and Glucagon. How do these hormones function? Insulin lowers Blood Sugar and Glucagon Raises Blood Sugar levels

  13. Topic: Endocrine SystemAim: How do the Endocrine glands aid in the maintenance of homeostasis? • Do Now: Acrostic Poem for HORMONE • Homework: Text p. 632-633 Answer Q’s 24-30 & 34

  14. pituitary gland thyroid gland thymus gland pancreas (islets) adrenal glands Ovaries testes

  15. How are the levels of Hormones controlled? • Video Clips for Biology! Feedback Mechanisms

  16. PANCREAS How does the Pancreas function as an Endocrine Gland to aid in the maintenance of homeostasis? Contains Special cells in a region called the ISLETS OF LANGHERANS secrete the Hormones Insulin and Glucagon. How do these hormones function? Insulin lowers Blood Sugar and Glucagon Raises Blood Sugar levels

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