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Exploring New Orleans: History, Food, Music, and More!

Discover the rich history, diverse cuisine, iconic music, and vibrant Mardi Gras celebrations of New Orleans. Join us on a virtual journey through this captivating city.

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Exploring New Orleans: History, Food, Music, and More!

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  1. NEW ORLEANS William McAden Power Point Project William McAden

  2. William McAden Power Point Project REASON FOR GOING • My family and I go down to visit my brother who goes to college at Tulane University. He is a senior this year.

  3. William McAden Power Point Project TOURIST ACTIVITIES

  4. William McAden Power Point Project 2010 Crime Rate Indexes for New Orleans, LA Sometimes it can be a bit scary…

  5. William McAden Power Point Project HISTORY OF NEW ORLEANS • New Orleans was founded in 1718 by the FrenchmanSieur de Bienville. • It was named for Phillipe, Duc d’Orleans. • In 1762, for unknownreasons, Louis XV gave Louisiana to hisSpanish cousin Charles III. • In 1788 and 1794 destroyedmuch of New Orleans, sothereisverylittle French architecture left in the city. Most of the older buildings are of Spanishorigin. • In 1801 New Orleans was retaken by the French, but was sold in 1803 to the United States as part of the LouisianaPurchase. • After the purchase, Amerians, European immigrants, and Haitiansquicklybeganmoving to New Orleansfurtherdiversifying the population and culture. • By the mid 1800’s New Orleanshadbecome one of the richest, mostpopular, and most diverse cities in the U.S. and remainsso to thisday.

  6. TRADITIONAL FOODS William McAden Power Point Project • Gumbo • Crawfish Etouffee • Jambalaya • Red Beans and Rice • Beignets New Orleans food is heavily influenced by the diverse population of the city. The cuisine blends French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Native American, and African foods. It strongly resembles Cajun food but the cooking styles between the two slightly differ. You can find recipes to many popular Creole dishes here.

  7. NEW ORLEANS MUSIC William McAden Power Point Project • New Orleans has a rich history in music and has produced some of the best musicians in the world. • There is a lot of great music in New Orleans, but it is best known for being the birthplace of Jazz music. • No one actually knows who created jazz or when it was created, but it was undisputedly created in the Big Easy. • Just like many other New Orleans traditions, Jazz was created from the incredibly diverse cultures in the city. • Three of the greatest musicians ever to live, Louis Armstrong, Buddy Bolden, and Jelly Roll Morton, all called New Orleans their home.

  8. William McAden Power Point Project POPULATION STATISTICS Population of New Orleans in 2010: 343,829

  9. MARDI GRAS William McAden Power Point Project • In 1699 a French explorer named Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienvillediscovered a port below New Orleans and named itPointe du Mardi Gras after realizing Mardi Gras was to take place the next day. • In 1702, Bienville established the city of Fort Louis de la Louisiane, whichbecame the first city in the U.S. to celebrate Mardi Gras. • In 1718 Bienvilleestablished New Orleans and Mardi Gras began to becelebrated in the city in the 1730’s. • By the mid 1800’s Mardi Gras krewesbegan to form, and theybegan to hold processions in the streets and maskedballsjustliketoday. • In 1872, in honor of the visiting Grand Duke of Russia, hisfamilycolors of purple, green, and gold wereadopted as the official colors of Mardi Gras. The song of Mardi Gras, "If Ever I Cease to Love,” was also adopted due to the Grand Duke’s liking of it. • A year later the extravagant paper mache floats began to be manufactured completely in New Orleans. • In 1875 the governor of Louisianadeclared Mardi Gras a state wideholiday and itstillis to thisday.

  10. William McAden Power Point Project BIBLIOGRAPHY • 1st Slide Background-www.uno.edu/StudentLife/LivinginNewOrleans • 2nd Slide pic of me- Facebook, My mom took the picture this summer • 2nd slide flag-www.collegeshade.com/tulane_university_flag_658_prd1.html • 4thslide info-www.clrsearch.com/New_Orleans_Demographics/LA/Crime-Rate, 2010 • 5th slide info- http://www.neworleanscvb.com/visit/about/history/, New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau • 6th slide info-www.neworleansonline.com/neworleans/cuisine/traditionalfoods/, New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation • 7thslide info-www.neworleansonline.com/neworleans/music/musichistory/ • 7th slide pic- www.hdtracks.com/index.php?file=artistdetail&id=4248 • 7th slide sound- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLjbMBpGDA • 8th slide info- http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/22/2255000.html, 2010, U.S. Census Bureau • 9th slide info- www.mardigrasneworleans.com/history.html

  11. William McAden Power Point Project FEEDBACK • I thought this was a good project to use all of the features of Power Point. • I wasn’t sure where I should cite the sources I used so I decided to make a bibliography slide. • I used Smart Art, the Table, and Speaker Notes for the first time in this project, but they were pretty easy to figure out.

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