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NHS Harrow Performance Board Report Month 9 January 2012

NHS Harrow Performance Board Report Month 9 January 2012. Jonathan Wise Director of Finance and Performance. Contents. Slides 3 - 6 Performance Delivery – overall summary Slides 7 - 12 2011/12 Performance Delivery Slides 13 – 17 Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps Appendices

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NHS Harrow Performance Board Report Month 9 January 2012

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  1. NHS Harrow Performance Board Report Month 9 January 2012 Jonathan Wise Director of Finance and Performance

  2. Contents Slides 3 - 6 Performance Delivery – overall summary Slides 7 - 12 2011/12 Performance Delivery Slides 13 – 17 Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps Appendices Appendix 1: Performance dashboards Appendix 2: Performance dashboards – by Peer Group

  3. Performance Delivery – overall summary (1/4) The achievement is based on the current months performance (although this may relate to a previous month due to the availability of data) Where a table indicates progress, the progress relates to the most recent published data where available or monthly or weekly leading measures for each indicator. Headline Measures Supporting Measures Additional Public Health Measures 3 3 3 • Public health measures- change in indicator- breast screening uptake for 50-70 yrs is now being measured instead of coverage. 2010-11 and 2011-12 performance has been amended to reflect this. CVD Mortality and Cancer Mortality- no longer using a 3 year rolling average as actual but instead using the annual rate. • Note: Cluster have re-issued RAG thresholds which may impact on how some of the targets are reflected in Cluster documentation. The new thresholds will be used in the Board reports for 12/13 reporting.

  4. Performance Delivery – overall summary (2/4) Headline Measures * Performance level based on 2010-11 data Note: The performance levels indicated have been assessed using a mix of national submissions and leading indicators dependant on data availability.

  5. Performance Delivery – overall summary (3/4) Supporting Measures * Performance level based on 2010-11 data Note: The performance levels indicated have been assessed using a mix of national submissions and leading indicators dependant on data availability.

  6. Performance Delivery – overall summary (4/4) Public Health Measures * Performance level based on 2010-11 data 6 Note: The performance levels indicated have been assessed using a mix of national submissions and leading indicators dependant on data availability.

  7. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (1)Headline Measures (all) Patient experience 1= Access and waiting , 2= Safe, high quality, coordinated care, 3= Better information, more choice, 4= Building relationships, 5 = Clean, comfortable, friendly place to be. 7

  8. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (2)Supporting Measures (underachieve & failing) Health Checks 1 = number invited of eligible population 2 = received 8

  9. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (3)Supporting Measures (underachieve & failing) *11/12 target below 10/11 performance due to target being based on 09/10 outturn as determined by NHSL 9

  10. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (4)Public Health Measures (underachieve & failing) Cervical screening 1 = 25-49 years 2 = 50-64years 10

  11. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (6)GP Consortia A summary of performance by Peer group is noted below however please refer to appendix 2 for the more detailed performance dashboards by Peer groups Breast Screening: Group 1 was the only one who did not meet the 70% coverage target for women aged 53-70 yrs screened for breast cancer in the last 3 years (based on provisional 2010-11 KC63 data). Cervical Screening in Q2 2011-12 Groups 2 and 3 achieved above the overall PCT % for coverage for both the 25-49 yr and 60-64 yr age groups Groups 4 and 6 achieved above the overall PCT % for coverage of 60-64 yr age group. Group 5 achieved above the overall PCT % for coverage of the 25-49 yr age group. Group 1 did not achieve above the overall PCT % for coverage of the 25-49 yr and 60-64 yr age groups. Immunisations: Groups 2, 4 and 6 achieved 2 out of 6 indicators. Group 3 achieved 3 out of the 6 indicators. Groups 1 and 5 only achieved 1 out of the 6 indicators. Breastfeeding 6-8 weeks Q2 2011-12 Groups 2 and 4 did not achieve the 95% coverage target.. Group 6 did not achieve the 68% prevalence target. 11

  12. 2011/12 Performance Delivery - Summary (7)Social Marketing/Health Promotion General Regular pages in Harrow People – “Ask the Doctor” page and advert Tobacco – helping people quit Rebranding of pharmacies providing stop smoking services Free NRT vouchers to end of March (adverts in local newspaper each week) New Year campaign – quit and save Tobacco – stopping young people starting Education campaign in Harrow high schools Link with ‘Cut Films’ to develop local two minute advertising aimed at young people Cancer Screening Programmes Joined the ‘Screening for Life’ pan-London programme - awaiting marketing materials Cervical screening in younger women- investigating joint working with Brent project worker Breast Feeding and Access to Maternity Interim staff being appointed and training sessions planned Immunisations Local information being developed 12

  13. Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps for Underachieving and Failing indicators 13

  14. Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps for Underachieving and Failing indicators 14

  15. Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps for Underachieving and Failing indicators 15

  16. Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps for Underachieving and Failing indicators 16

  17. Performance Review – Actions/Next Steps for Underachieving and Failing indicators 17

  18. APPENDIX 1 Performance Dashboards

  19. 4 week smoking quitters 19

  20. Access to Maternity Services 20

  21. Breastfeeding 6-8 weeks • In Q1, 95.36% of infants due for a 6-8 wk check had a feeding status recorded against them and 74.64% were being breastfed at 6-8 wks. • In Q2, 96.5% of infants due for a 6-8 wk check had a feeding status recorded against them and 72.32% were being breastfed at 6-8 wks 21

  22. Childhood Immunisations

  23. Access to Dental Services 23

  24. APPENDIX 2 Performance Dashboards by GP Peer Group

  25. 4 week smoking quitters

  26. Breastfeeding 6-8 wks

  27. Cervical screening- Coverage 29

  28. Breast screening- Coverage 30

  29. Childhood Immunisations (1/6)

  30. Childhood Immunisations (2/6)

  31. Childhood Immunisations (3/6)

  32. Childhood Immunisations (4/6)

  33. Childhood Immunisations (5/6)

  34. Childhood Immunisations (6/6)

  35. Harrow GP Peer Groups

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