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Marketing, Selling and Deploying the Customer Service SkillMap

Marketing, Selling and Deploying the Customer Service SkillMap. Customer Service Training. Does the world really need another customer service training program?. Customer Service Training. Really? You think I need to be “ trained?”. Customer Service Training.

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Marketing, Selling and Deploying the Customer Service SkillMap

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  1. Marketing, Selling and Deploying the Customer Service SkillMap

  2. Customer Service Training Does the world really need another customer service training program?

  3. Customer Service Training Really? You think I need to be “trained?”

  4. Customer Service Training I love training. Its better than working And I still get paid.

  5. Customer Service Training Yeah, yeah. Appreciate the customer. Listen. Smile. Blah, blah…

  6. Customer Service Training Do we get lunch?

  7. Customer Service Training I know we need to do a better job with our customers. We need to create a more positive experience with every customer interaction. How do I make that happen?

  8. The CSS Learning Model Targeted to individual needs. Sets expectations for workshop. Drives Learning Engagement Drives Supervisor Engagement Experiential. Practical. Focused. Clarifies performance standards. Assess business impact. Drives permanent change. * All for less than $170 per participant

  9. Customer Service SkillMap

  10. Interpreting SkillMapTM Results • Not every skill category is equally important for every organization. • But the assessment of all skill categories (even lower priority skills) provides valuable information. • Upon assessment completion, the report and development guidebook provides immediate feedback.

  11. CSS Training Resources • Individual Guidebook • Audio CD programs • E-learning courses • Workshops

  12. Blended Learning Solutions • Webcast • Participant Survey • Workshop • Workshop • Workshop Individual report and development guide and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or and/or • E-learning • Metrics tracked • E-learning • Manager certifies competency • Webcast • E-learning • Aggregate group report and/or and/or and/or and/or • E-learning courses complete • Audio CD • E-learning • Audio CD

  13. CSS Client Organizations • +120 Organizations • +4500 Individuals • +120 Training Events

  14. Examples from: Service-OrientedAttitude • Audio CD Program • Series of 10 daily lessons • E-learning Course • Series 0f 10 daily lessons • Experiential Workshop • 2 hours to 2 days

  15. Where does it come from? Why do some customer service representatives maintain a positive, customer-friendly attitude no matter what obstacles are thrown in their path, while others turn negative?Why do some customer service representatives overcome negative circumstances and maintain, or even ENHANCE, their positive attitude toward customers, while others give up?

  16. What triggers a negative attitude? Rude customers. Too many customers. Not enough customers. Not knowing proper procedures. Not being informed about changes. Making ERRORS because you weren’t given current information. Lack of control. Ungrateful customers. Unfriendly or negative co-workers. Personal issues. Computer and other technology-related problems. Work environment.

  17. Service Oriented Attitude What’s in it for YOU? It will be good for your physical and emotional health. It will be VERY good for your career. It makes the job a whole lot more FUN!

  18. What would your life be like if you could manage to turn EVERY minor annoyance in your life into a gift, a learning experience, another step toward your ultimate goal? Examples: Spirit of Service

  19. Spirit of Service

  20. Spirit of Service

  21. You WILL Have Challenges How Top CSRs Handle Adversity 1 When something negative occurs, they first ask themselves “Is there anything I can do about the actual event?” If they determine that they CAN effect the actual negative event, they QUICKLY TAKE ACTION. With a positive attitude and a specific goal in mind, they take action to effect the event. If that action doesn’t work, they try another action. And if that doesn’t work, they try another. 2

  22. How Top CSRs Handle Adversity 1 When something negative occurs, they first ask themselves “Is there anything I can do about the actual event?” 2 If they determine that they CAN effect the actual negative event, they QUICKLY TAKE ACTION. With a positive attitude and a specific goal in mind, they take action to effect the event. If that action doesn’t work, they try another action. And if that doesn’t work, they try another. 3 If they determine that they CANNOT control or effect the actual negative event, they know that they CAN control THEIR REACTION to the event. They’re EMOTIONALLY PROACTIVE, not reactive.

  23. For situations you CAN control, ask better questions • “What could I do to get more control over the situation?” • “What could I do to minimize the adverse effects of this situation?” • “What’s good about this? What will I learn from this situation?” • “How would some of the CSR’s I respect the most handle this situation?” • “What other options have I not considered yet?”

  24. For situations you CANNOT control, be emotionally proactive • You are completely in control of your reactions to EVERYTHING that happens in your life, and you can CHOOSE emotional reactions that serve you. • Don’t blame people or circumstances for what happens to you. • Accept total responsibility for who you are, what you have, and what you do.

  25. Emotionally Reactive Phrases He makes me so angry ! Well, how would you feel? Why does this always happen to me? Why are people such jerks? He makes me SO angry! When is it going to be MY turn for a break? Am I really cut out for this business? I HATE it when you do that! You know, you don’t have to be so MEAN!” Just get out. I don’t even want to LOOK at you right now! Boy that ticks me off! Why do you do that when you know it frustrates me so much?! Do I really need all these hassles in my life? What am I going to tell my manager? You’ve got the communication skills of wood! Why do you always embarrass me like that?!

  26. Emotionally Proactive Phrases • What did I learn from this? • What good might come of this? • How will this make me a better customer service rep? • In the grand scheme of things, how important is this? • What additional insight could my manager give me about this? • How would an average CSR react to this? Since I’m not average, how am I going to react to this • What’s the best thing about this? • How can I help OTHERS in this same situation?

  27. Questions for Our Service Team • What do we want our Spirit of Service to LOOK like and FEEL like for all the customers we serve? • What do we want our customers to think, to say, to feel about doing business with us? • What do we want employees to think, say and feel about us as an employer? • And what do we want the community we work within to say about us and the way we do business and participate in the community? • If this Spirit of Service existed within our company, what would we be doing differently? • If this Spirit of Service currently exists, how can we turn up the volume?

  28. Leveraging Preview Assessments

  29. E-learning Previews

  30. Our Marketing “Secret Sauce” + = “I get it.”

  31. www.SkillMap.com • Unbranded – easy to link to content from your own website • Proven marketing language, client quotes and case studies • Images you can download and use in your own marketing

  32. Next Steps • Patricia Danielson • Director of Affiliate Services • 763-390-2430 • Patricia.Danielson@FrontlineLearning.com

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